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Present Continuous Tense

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Презентация "Present Continuous Tense" предназначена для уроков английского языка в 5-8 классах. В презентации представлены правила формирования всех типов предложений в Present Continous Tense. Предложены интерактивные упражнения на закрепление материала по данной теме, тест и ответы к нему.

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«Present Continuous Tense»

Составила учитель английского языка МАОУ «СОШ №119» г.Перми Андреева О.Л.

Составила учитель английского языка МАОУ «СОШ №119» г.Перми Андреева О.Л.



  • at the moment
  • at present
  • now
  • these days
Remember: I am He She It is +(not) V ing We You They are ____________  Am I V ing ? What Is he V ing ?  Are you V ing ?


I am

He She It is +(not) V ing

We You They are ____________

Am I V ing ?

What Is he V ing ?

Are you V ing ?

RULES Some verbs drop the –e + –ing  writ e   writ ing tak e   tak ing but  s ee   s eeing Some verbs double the last letter + ing trave l   trave ll ing sit  si tt ing  swim  swi mm ing but  open   open ing  lie  l y ing  die  d y ing


  • Some verbs drop the –e + –ing

writ e writ ing tak e tak ing

but s ee s eeing

  • Some verbs double the last letter + ing

trave l trave ll ing

sit si tt ing

swim swi mm ing

but open open ing

lie l y ing

die d y ing

  • Verbs ending in –ie , drop the –ie and take –y + ing
What are they doing now? Positive dance have // a shower They are dancing . He is having a shower. eat // ice-cream She is eating an ice-cream

What are they doing now? Positive


have // a shower

They are dancing .

He is having a shower.

eat // ice-cream

She is eating an ice-cream

What are they doing now?  Negative cry Is the man work ing ? No,he isn’t. Is the boy smil ing ? No, he isn’t. The man is not working. The man is playing  the violin. The boy is not smiling . The boy is crying . Is she cooking ? No, she isn’t.  She is not cooking. She is  reading  the newspaper.

What are they doing now?



Is the man work ing ? No,he isn’t.

Is the boy smil ing ? No, he isn’t.

The man is not working.

The man is playing the violin.

The boy is not smiling .

The boy is crying .

Is she cooking ? No, she isn’t.

She is not cooking.

She is reading the newspaper.

Make sentences.

Make sentences.

  • playing / my friend / is / tennis .
  • books / the children / are / reading /not
  • they / are / river / in the / swimming .
  • doing / your homework / are / you ?
  • is / when / she /going to bed?
Choose the right verb for each gap are not dancing are watching is doing am reading am not playing are going Look! The girl _____________ her homework. My parents _________________ TV now.  At the moment I ______________ computer games. The children _______________ to school.  I _______________ an interesting book now.  The man and the woman _______________ .

Choose the right verb for each gap

are not dancing

are watching

is doing

am reading

am not playing

are going

Look! The girl _____________ her homework.

My parents _________________ TV now.

At the moment I ______________ computer games.

The children _______________ to school.

I _______________ an interesting book now.

The man and the woman _______________ .

Look at the pictures and number the activities. 1 ___read a book ___go shopping ___play basketball ___take photos ___go windsurfing ___play the guitar ___water the flowers ___fly a kite ___swim ___listen to the radio ___play tennis 11 2 10 3 9 4 8 7 6 5

Look at the pictures and number the activities.


___read a book

___go shopping

___play basketball

___take photos

___go windsurfing

___play the guitar

___water the flowers

___fly a kite


___listen to the radio

___play tennis











B Find the picture. A It’s four o’clock. Tom isn’t doing his homework .He is in the park at the moment. He is very happy. He doesn’t like football. He has got black hair. He is holding a ball and a racket in his hand. What is he doing? C D E G I H F


Find the picture.


It’s four o’clock. Tom isn’t doing his homework .He is in the park at the moment. He is very happy. He doesn’t like football. He has got black hair. He is holding a ball and a racket in his hand.

What is he doing?








Test 1. 1.to read - read ing  2.to jump - jump ing  3.to give -  giv ing 4.to swim - swim m ing  sit t ing 5.to sit -  6.to play - play ing

Test 1.

1.to read -

read ing

2.to jump -

jump ing

3.to give -

giv ing

4.to swim -

swim m ing

sit t ing

5.to sit -

6.to play -

play ing

Test 2. 1 They (not to draw).  They (to sing).

Test 2.


They (not to draw). They (to sing).

2 She (not to eat breakfast).  She (to sleep).


She (not to eat breakfast). She (to sleep).

3 They (not to read books).  They (to drink tea).


They (not to read books). They (to drink tea).

4 He (not to dance ).  He (to smile).


He (not to dance ). He (to smile).

5 They (not to dive).  They (to run).


They (not to dive). They (to run).

Check your answers. 1.They are not drawing.   They are singing. 2.She is not eating breakfast .  She is sleeping . 3. They are not reading books .  They are drinking tea . 4.He is not dancing . He is smiling . 5.They are not diving . They are running .

Check your answers.

1.They are not drawing.

They are singing.

2.She is not eating breakfast .

She is sleeping .

3. They are not reading books .

They are drinking tea .

4.He is not dancing . He is smiling .

5.They are not diving . They are running .

Look at the pictures. Correct the sentences. Natalie is going to school. Frank is riding a bike. Jake is watching TV. Mandy & Dan are swimming. Eva is playing tennis. Mark is playing baseball.

Look at the pictures. Correct the sentences.

Natalie is going to school.

Frank is riding a bike.

Jake is watching TV.

Mandy & Dan are swimming.

Eva is playing tennis.

Mark is playing baseball.

РЕФЛЕКСИЯ 1) Что такое Present Continuous Tense 2)  Как образуется Present Continuous Tense 3) Как задавать вопросы в Present Continuous Tense 4) Какие слова нужны для описания действий в данный момент



Что такое

Present Continuous Tense


Как образуется

Present Continuous Tense


Как задавать вопросы в

Present Continuous Tense


Какие слова нужны для

описания действий в данный


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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Present Continuous Tense

Автор: Андреева Ольга Леонидовна

Дата: 10.02.2015

Номер свидетельства: 170317

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