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«"полиглот" интеллектуалдық ойыны»
Welcome to our
intellectual game
Form 9 “A,Ә”
Teacher: S.Zhasuzak
The form of the lesson: untraditional lesson
The type of the lesson: competition
The aim of the lesson: By the end of the extracurricular lesson pupils should use three languages (Kazakh, English, Russian) in their life.
The objectives of the lesson:
To develop pupils` intellect, speech, habits through speaking , listening, and writing in three languages.
Methods of teaching: exercises, instruction, demonstration, practice, interaction, presentation.
Visual aids: slides.
Technical means: board, interactive – board.
CommandsKazakhstanandgreat britain
- Қазақстан бүкіл әлемде халқы үш тілді пайдаланатын мәдениетті ел ретінде танылуға тиіс. Бұлар: қазақ тілі – мемлекеттік тіл, орыс тілі - ұлтаралық тіл және ағылшын тілі – жаһандық экономикаға ойдағыдай кірігу тілі.
- Казахстан должен восприниматься во всем мире как высокообразованная страна, население которой пользуется тремя языками. Это: казахский язык – государственный язык, русский язык – как язык межнационального общения и английский язык – язык успешной интеграций в глобальную экономику.
-Kazakhstan should be famous as cultural country which uses three languages: Kazakh – official language; Russian – language of interethnic communication; English – language of global economics.
Introducing of teams
Captains competition
Answer the question
Your game
The first round“Introducing of teams”
Each team calls their names, , sings their songs and introduce with their emblems.
The second round “Captains competition”
Letter A
1. The name of the fruit
2. The river in the USA
3. The name of the month
4. A part of the body
5. The name of school subject
6. The capital of Kazakhstan
7. One of the oceans
8. The famous Kazakh writer
9. A funny story
10. The first letter of the alphabet
The second round “Captains `competition”
Letter B
1. The name of the fruit
2. The antonym of the word good
3. An object in the classroom
4. A kind of the dance
5. The name of the school subject
6. The room where we sleep
7. A clever friend of the person
8. A color
9. A member of the family
10 A part of the body
The third round “Proverbs ” .
Your home task is learn proverbs and you will say in three languages.