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Poems and rhymes

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«Poems and rhymes »

Some sand, some shells, some sea And a lot of sunshine shining of me .
  • Some sand, some shells, some sea
  • And a lot of sunshine shining of me .
My cat is black, My cat is fat. My cat likes rats That are very fat .
  • My cat is black,
  • My cat is fat.
  • My cat likes rats
  • That are very fat .
I like honey on my bread,   I like salad, I like eggs.   I drink water all day long.   All these things make me strong.

I like honey on my bread,  I like salad, I like eggs.  I drink water all day long.  All these things make me strong.

[ v ] If you e v er e v er e v er meet a grizzly bear, You should ne v er ne v er ne v er ask him where He is going. For if you e v er e v er dare to stop a grizzly bear, You will ne v er meet another grizzly bear.
  • [ v ]
  • If you e v er e v er e v er meet a grizzly bear,
  • You should ne v er ne v er ne v er
  • ask him where
  • He is going.
  • For if you e v er e v er dare
  • to stop a grizzly bear,
  • You will ne v er meet another grizzly bear.
[ oυ ] D o n’t p o ke your n o se into things you d o n’t kn ow .
  • [ ]
  • D o n’t p o ke your n o se into things you d o n’t kn ow .
[ n ] N ed’s n umerous n eighbours are n ice perso n s.
  • [ n ]
  • N ed’s n umerous n eighbours are n ice perso n s.
[ h ] H enry h as a bad h abit of being be h ind time.
  • [ h ]
  • H enry h as a bad h abit of being be h ind time.
[ υ ] D o n’t g o h o me al o ne. N o body kn ow s how l o nely the r oa d is.
  • [ υ ]
  • D o n’t g o h o me al o ne. N o body kn ow s how l o nely the r oa d is.
[ b ] B ar b ara is a b eautiful b lond with b right b lue eyes.
  • [ b ]
  • B ar b ara is a b eautiful b lond with
  • b right b lue eyes.
[ ai ] The k i te went h i gher and h i gher in the br i ght blue sk y .
  • [ ai ]
  • The k i te went h i gher and h i gher in the br i ght blue sk y .
[ w ] Wh ether the w eather be fine Wh ether the w eather be not Wh ether the w eather be cold Wh ether the w eather be hot.
  • [ w ]
  • Wh ether the w eather be fine
  • Wh ether the w eather be not
  • Wh ether the w eather be cold
  • Wh ether the w eather be hot.
[ s ] S ue is s ixteen thi s s ummer and C e c il was seventeen la s t S unday.
  • [ s ]
  • S ue is s ixteen thi s s ummer and C e c il was seventeen la s t S unday.
[ o: ] Y our d au ghter is fond of w a lking on w ar m au tumn m or nings.
  • [ o: ]
  • Y our d au ghter is
  • fond of w a lking
  • on w ar m
  • au tumn m or nings.
[ k ] I ck le-pi ck le, hu ck le-bu ck le, Snu ck le in my shoe. Mi ck le-mu ck le, Ni ck le-nu ck le, Out go you!
  • [ k ]
  • I ck le-pi ck le, hu ck le-bu ck le,
  • Snu ck le in my shoe.
  • Mi ck le-mu ck le,
  • Ni ck le-nu ck le,
  • Out go you!
[ f ] F ine f ellows met at f ive on the f irst F riday of F ebruary.
  • [ f ]
  • F ine f ellows met at f ive on the f irst F riday of
  • F ebruary.
[ ei ] Rain, rain go to Spain! Never come back again!
  • [ ei ]
  • Rain, rain go to Spain!
  • Never come back again!
[ au ] H ow would Br ow n work that problem ou t?
  • [ au ]
  • H ow would Br ow n work that
  • problem ou t?
[ æ ] My c a t is bl a ck. My c a t is f a t. My c a t likes r a ts. R a ts are f a t.
  • [ æ ]
  • My c a t is bl a ck.
  • My c a t is f a t.
  • My c a t likes r a ts.
  • R a ts are f a t.
I am Yura You are Shura. He is Sasha. She is Masha .  Am I Yura? Are you Shura? Is he Sasha? Is she Masha?
  • I am Yura
  • You are Shura.
  • He is Sasha.
  • She is Masha .
  • Am I Yura?
  • Are you Shura?
  • Is he Sasha?
  • Is she Masha?
Bill’s dog is big! Tom’s dog is small. Ann’s cat is black. Jane’s cat is grey. But poor little Jack has no dog at all. They often drink milk and wash every day.
  • Bill’s dog is big!
  • Tom’s dog is small.
  • Ann’s cat is black.
  • Jane’s cat is grey.
  • But poor little Jack has no dog at all.
  • They often drink milk and wash every day.
We are six We are big. We are red. We are fat. We are six, big, red, fat bugs.
  • We are six
  • We are big.
  • We are red.
  • We are fat.
  • We are six, big, red, fat bugs.
This is Jack And that is Jill. This is Ann And that is Bill This is Ted And that is Dot. This is Rex And that is Spot.
  • This is Jack
  • And that is Jill.
  • This is Ann
  • And that is Bill
  • This is Ted
  • And that is Dot.
  • This is Rex
  • And that is Spot.
The sailor went to sea to see what he could see and all he could see was sea, sea, sea.

The sailor went to sea

to see what he could see

and all he could see

was sea, sea, sea.

When the weather is wet  We mustn’t fret, When the weather is cold, We mustn’t scold, When the weather is warm, We mustn’t storm, But be joyful together, Whatever the weather.
  • When the weather is wet We mustn’t fret,
  • When the weather is cold,
  • We mustn’t scold,
  • When the weather is warm,
  • We mustn’t storm,
  • But be joyful together,
  • Whatever the weather.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: Прочее

Poems and rhymes

Автор: Бодрова Марина Сергеевна

Дата: 08.12.2014

Номер свидетельства: 140874

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