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Урок по английскому языку на тему "Shopping in Britain"

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Цель урока: систематизировать знания учащихся по устной теме «Shopping In Britain»
Образовательная - научить монологической и диалогической речи учащихся; формировать навыки чтения с извлечением необходимой информации; расширить словарный запас учащихся по теме урока.
Коммуникативная: способствовать общению учащихся на иностранном языке, практическому применению языка на уроке.
Развивающая: развитие языковых навыков; развитие познавательной и мыслительной деятельности; развитие зрительной памяти учащихся. 
Воспитательная: воспитывать умение работать в парах и коллективе; поощрять умение творчески относиться к делу; аккуратность, усидчивость и ответственность. 
Тип урока: систематизация и обобщение лексического и грамматического материала.  
Методы и методические приемы: 
Беседа с учащимися, игровые моменты, аудирование, чтение, монологические высказывания учащихся, парная работа учащихся. 
Учебник, тетрадь, наглядные пособия и раздаточный материал.

Ход урока.

I. Организационный момент. 
Good morning, children. Sit down, please. I am glad to see you. What about you? 
Pupil: I am glad to see you too. 
T. – How are you? – P. – Fine, thanks. And you? 
T. – I’m very well, thank you. Let’s begin our lesson. Now we’ll speak about food and shopping. First of all, we’ll read poems and rhymes about food. 
II. Фонетическая разминка. 
Listen to me and fill in a word. Repeat after me.
– I like coffee, 
I like … (tea) 
I like apples 
On that tree.
Listen and read a modern English rhyme. 
– I like coffee, 
I like tea, 
I like radio 
And TV!
III. Активизация знаний учащихся. 
–And now listen to the text about shopping in Britain. 
Do you like to go shopping? Of course, you do. 
What kind of shops do people like to go to? 
Open your books. Ex.1. p. 89.
 Listen to the text about shopping in Britain looking at the memory map.
Text: «Shopping In Britain»
  In some countries shops close for lunch but in Britain shops stay open all day.
You can buy stamps only in a post office. You can buy a film for you camera at the chemist’s. There are some best known shops in Britain. Marks and Spenser is large clothes and food supermarket. 
Boots is another shop that sells records, radios.
In Britain there another are special shops like butchers, baker’s, greengrocer’s but many people prefer supermarkets.

- Now, look at the memory map and try to answer some questions.
1. What can you buy at the post office? (We buy stamps there.)
2. Where can you buy films for you camera? (We can buy films at the chemist’s.)
3. What can you buy at the butcher? (We can buy meat.)
4. Where can you buy vegetables? (We can buy vegetables at the greengrocer’s.)
5. What do they sell at the Marks and Spenser? (They sell clothes and food.)
6. Where can you buy bread? (We can buy bread at the baker’s.)
IV. Work in pairs. Talking.  (Ex. 2, p. 90)
- Talk to you partner and answer questions.
V. Reading the text: "Shopping in London”
- Now let’s read the text about shopping in London.
Ex. 4, p.90 ("True” or "False”)
1. True 2. False 3. False 4. True
VI. Work in groups. "Drawing semantic map”
- Now work in small groups and draw a semantic map about Oxford Street and shops in London.
VI. Writing questions. (Ex. 5, p.91)
1. How many departments have Selfridges? (300)
2. How many floors have Selfridges? (6)
3. How many employees work there? (2.500)
4. How many people walk its doors? (100.000)
5. How many restaurants are there at Selfridges? (5)
6. How many lifts does Selfridges have? (4)
VII. Role-playing
- Now let’s rest a little and watch  dialogue "At the Baker’s”
The cast:
Mandy (the baker)
Roney (his sister)
1st customer
2nd customer
"At the Baker’s”
I’m the baker
I’m the bred-maker.
My name is Mandy,
I sell bread, buns and candy.
And this is my sister Roney,
She sells biscuits, cheese and macaroni.
(Enters 1st Customer)
1st Customer
Good morning, Mr. Mandy!
Could I have a pound of candy?
How do you do?
I’m glad to see you! (Weights the candy)
here you are,
Would you like a chocolate bar?
1st Customer
Not this time, Mr. Mandy,
Thank you for the candy.
(Enters 2nd  Customer)
2nd  Customer:
Good-afternoon, Miss Roney,
Have you got macaroni?
Oh, yes, and animal crackers too
How much shall I weigh you?
2nd  Customer:
A pound of crackers and a pound of macaroni, please,
A loaf of bread and wedge of cheese.
(Roney weighs the products)
Here toy are!
Would you have some toffees?
 2nd  Customer:
Oh, yes, I’ll take a pound of toffees,
As tea and coffee.
Anything else, please?
2nd  Customer:
Oh, no I’m off to the grocer’s
To buy some peas.
Good-buy then, again, please.
2nd  Customer:
VIII. Homework.
- Now open your diaries and write down your homework.
- Ex. 6, p. 91 (Retelling the text "Shopping in London” answering the questions)
In the conclusion: 
• Что нового узнали на уроке? 
• Чему научились? 
• Какие виды работ вызвали затруднения? 
• В каких знаниях уверены? 
• Помог ли этот урок продвинуться в знаниях, умениях и навыках по английскому языку? 
• На сколько результативным был урок? 
• Кто, по-вашему мнению, внес наибольший вклад в его результат? 
• Кому и над чем надо еще поработать? 
You are so good and clever. You get only good and excellent marks. Good luck. The lesson is over. Good byе!

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«урок по английскому языку на тему "Shopping in Britain"»

Викторовская средняя школа

Открытый урок по английскому языку

на тему:

«Shopping in Britain»

(7 «б» класс)

Провела учитель английского языка Оспанова Л.А.

2015-2016 учебный год

Цель урока: систематизировать знания учащихся по устной теме «Shopping In Britain»
Образовательная - научить монологической и диалогической речи учащихся; формировать навыки чтения с извлечением необходимой информации; расширить словарный запас учащихся по теме урока.
Коммуникативная: способствовать общению учащихся на иностранном языке, практическому применению языка на уроке.
Развивающая: развитие языковых навыков; развитие познавательной и мыслительной деятельности; развитие зрительной памяти учащихся. 
Воспитательная: воспитывать умение работать в парах и коллективе; поощрять умение творчески относиться к делу; аккуратность, усидчивость и ответственность. 
Тип урока: систематизация и обобщение лексического и грамматического материала.  
Методы и методические приемы: 
Беседа с учащимися, игровые моменты, аудирование, чтение, монологические высказывания учащихся, парная работа учащихся. 
Учебник, тетрадь, наглядные пособия и раздаточный материал.

Ход урока.

I. Организационный момент. 
Good morning, children. Sit down, please. I am glad to see you. What about you? 
Pupil: I am glad to see you too. 
T. – How are you? – P. – Fine, thanks. And you? 
T. – I’m very well, thank you. Let’s begin our lesson. Now we’ll speak about food and shopping. First of all, we’ll read poems and rhymes about food. 
II. Фонетическая разминка. 
Listen to me and fill in a word. Repeat after me.
– I like coffee, 
I like … (tea) 
I like apples 
On that tree.
Listen and read a modern English rhyme. 
– I like coffee, 
I like tea, 
I like radio 
And TV!
 Активизация знаний учащихся. 
–And now listen to the text about shopping in Britain. 
Do you like to go shopping? Of course, you do. 
What kind of shops do people like to go to? 
Open your books. Ex.1. p. 89.
 Listen to the text about shopping in Britain looking at the memory map.
Text: «Shopping In Britain»
  In some countries shops close for lunch but in Britain shops stay open all day.
You can buy stamps only in a post office. You can buy a film for you camera at the chemist’s. There are some best known shops in Britain. Marks and Spenser is large clothes and food supermarket. 
Boots is another shop that sells records, radios.
In Britain there another are special shops like butchers, baker’s, greengrocer’s but many people prefer supermarkets.

- Now, look at the memory map and try to answer some questions.
1. What can you buy at the post office? (We buy stamps there.)
2. Where can you buy films for you camera? (We can buy films at the chemist’s.)
3. What can you buy at the butcher? (We can buy meat.)
4. Where can you buy vegetables? (We can buy vegetables at the greengrocer’s.)
5. What do they sell at the Marks and Spenser? (They sell clothes and food.)
6. Where can you buy bread? (We can buy bread at the baker’s.)
IV. Work in pairs. Talking.  (Ex. 2, p. 90)
- Talk to you partner and answer questions.
V. Reading the text: "Shopping in London”
- Now let’s read the text about shopping in London.
Ex. 4, p.90 ("True” or "False”)
1. True 2. False 3. False 4. True
VI. Work in groups. "Drawing semantic map”
- Now work in small groups and draw a semantic map about Oxford Street and shops in London.
VI. Writing questions. (Ex. 5, p.91)
1. How many departments have Selfridges? (300)
2. How many floors have Selfridges? (6)
3. How many employees work there? (2.500)
4. How many people walk its doors? (100.000)
5. How many restaurants are there at Selfridges? (5)
6. How many lifts does Selfridges have? (4)
VII. Role-playing
- Now let’s rest a little and watch  dialogue "At the Baker’s”
The cast:
Mandy (the baker)
Roney (his sister)
1st customer
2nd customer
"At the Baker’s”
I’m the baker
I’m the bred-maker.
My name is Mandy,
I sell bread, buns and candy.
And this is my sister Roney,
She sells biscuits, cheese and macaroni.
(Enters 1st Customer)
1st Customer
Good morning, Mr. Mandy!
Could I have a pound of candy?
How do you do?
I’m glad to see you! (Weights the candy)
here you are,
Would you like a chocolate bar?
1st Customer
Not this time, Mr. Mandy,
Thank you for the candy.
(Enters 2nd  Customer)
2nd  Customer:
Good-afternoon, Miss Roney,
Have you got macaroni?
Oh, yes, and animal crackers too
How much shall I weigh you?
2nd  Customer:
A pound of crackers and a pound of macaroni, please,
A loaf of bread and wedge of cheese.
(Roney weighs the products)
Here toy are!
Would you have some toffees?
 2nd  Customer:
Oh, yes, I’ll take a pound of toffees,
As tea and coffee.
Anything else, please?
2nd  Customer:
Oh, no I’m off to the grocer’s
To buy some peas.
Good-buy then, again, please.
2nd  Customer:
VIII. Homework.
- Now open your diaries and write down your homework.
- Ex. 6, p. 91 (Retelling the text "Shopping in London” answering the questions)
In the conclusion: 
• Что нового узнали на уроке? 
• Чему научились? 
• Какие виды работ вызвали затруднения? 
• В каких знаниях уверены? 
• Помог ли этот урок продвинуться в знаниях, умениях и навыках по английскому языку? 
• На сколько результативным был урок? 
• Кто, по-вашему мнению, внес наибольший вклад в его результат? 
• Кому и над чем надо еще поработать? 
You are so good and clever. You get only good and excellent marks. Good luck. The lesson is over. Good byе!

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

урок по английскому языку на тему "Shopping in Britain"

Автор: Оспанова Лайла Абуталиповна

Дата: 26.03.2016

Номер свидетельства: 310224

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