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Phonetics (фонетическая)

Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

•Your friend is his friend.

•   His friend is her friend.

•  Her friend is your friend.

•But who then is my friend?

•Your friends are our friends.

1.There, room, in, is, sofa, nice, a, the
2.There, toys, are, in, box, the.
3.Computer, there, no, is, in, room, the
4.nice you are.
5.you how old are?
6.is she where?
7.good they friends not are.

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«Phonetics (фонетическая)»

Station 1   Phonetics (фонетическая)

Station 1 Phonetics (фонетическая)

5 4 3 2 1






Read as quickly as you can.

Read as quickly as you can.

  • Your friend is his friend.
  • His friend is her friend.
  • Her friend is your friend.
  • But who then is my friend?
  • Your friends are our friends.
Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии англия ШОТЛАНДИЯ УЭЛЬС СЕВЕРНАЯ ИРЛАНДИЯ

Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии





Grammar (грамматическая)

Grammar (грамматическая)

Find the mistakes and present meaning.

Find the mistakes and present meaning.

  • Ann and Mike is friends.
  • My hobby has reading.
  • We English are now.
  • I have a books.
  • I not am in class six.
Расставьте слова в предложениях в правильном порядке.

Расставьте слова в предложениях в правильном порядке.

  • There, room, in, is, sofa, nice, a, the
  • There, toys, are, in, box, the.
  • Computer, there, no, is, in, room, the
  • nice you are.
  • you how old are?
  • is she where?
  • good they friends not are.
Answer the questions.  Ответь на вопросы.    1. How are you? - ….am fine, thanks  2. How is your mum? - ….is fine, thanks  3.  How is your dad? - ….is fine, thanks  4. How are your parents? - … are fine, thanks  5. How are you pets? - ….are fine, thanks  6. How is your cat? - ….is fine, thanks

Answer the questions. Ответь на вопросы.

1. How are you? - ….am fine, thanks

2. How is your mum? - ….is fine, thanks

3. How is your dad? - ….is fine, thanks

4. How are your parents? - … are fine, thanks

5. How are you pets? - ….are fine, thanks

6. How is your cat? - ….is fine, thanks

Match the flags and the countries f a 1.England 2.Northern Ireland 3.Scotland 4.Wales 5.The United Kingdom of Great Britain 6.Canada b e d c

Match the flags and the countries




2.Northern Ireland



5.The United Kingdom of Great Britain






Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: Прочее

Phonetics (фонетическая)

Автор: Кашетова Марина Куандыковна

Дата: 14.12.2015

Номер свидетельства: 266005

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