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Презентация к уроку"Паровозик из Ромашкова"

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План открытого урока в 3 классе по английскому языку по теме «Animals» Цель урока: совершенствование коммуникативных умений в говорении, аудировании, чтении и письме на английском языке с учетом речевых возможностей, потребностей и интересов учащихся. Задачи урока: 1.Формировать навыки употребления в речи модального глагола "can" в утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложениях. 2. Развивать навыки говорения (вести диалог – расспрос; строить монологическое высказывание); развивать речемыслительные и познавательные способности; 3. Воспитывать любовь к животным, воспитывать культуру общения. Оборудование урока: Паровозик, карточки с буквами и со звуками, игрушки мягкие, компьютер, проектор, ромашки- буквы, следы медведя. Ход урока: 1. Орг. момент. Слайд 1 Good morning, children, quests. I am glad to see you. How are you? Good morning, Good morning Good morning to you. Good morning, dear teacher! I am glad to see you. T: Today we have an unusual lesson. Welcome to the magic trip! First of all I would like you to look at the screen. What can you see? Who are they? What is it? P: a fox, a bear, a cat, a frog, a train T: Try to guess what topic of our lesson is. Ps: Animals. T: Yes, you are right. Today we are going to speak about animals. Слайд 2 Do you remember the Russian animated cartoon «Train from Romashkovo»? If you not, look at the screen and watch this animation, please. He will help us. We are going to travel by train. At our lesson we will sing the songs, meet our friends- animals, play many interesting games, and learn some new words, count and read. T: Our train is very funny and curious. Сегодня мы отправляемся в путешествие. А путешествовать мы будем с волшебным паровозиком из Ромашкова! (Показываю на доске рисунок паровозика). Мы все помним замечательный мультфильм «Паровозик из Ромашкова», в котором рассказывается о паровозике, который возил детей на станцию Ромашкова. Ему очень нравилось любоваться красотой природы и поэтому он часто делал остановки, из-за чего всегда опаздывал. Вспомнили? Наш паровозик очень любит путешествовать, а во время путешествия он любит веселиться, играть, петь песенки. Давайте поздороваемся с нашим паровозиком (Good morning!) T: Let’s travel and enjoy it. Our train is ready. Are you ready? Let’s start.I wish you to be brave and active during our lesson. II. Речевая зарядка. STATION 1 Cлайд 3 So the first station is «Meeting station» My name is Irina Ivanovna and I will be your teacher today. И паровозик хотел бы познакомиться с вами поближе. T: What do you think what kind of questions will he ask? Какие бы вопросы он задал? 1. What is your name? 2. What is your surname? 3. How are you? 4. How old are you? 5. Where are you from? 6. Have you got a cat? 7. What color is it? 8. How many cats have you got? 9. Have you got a friend? 10. What is he like? (nice, big, fat,slim,clever, strong, brave, funny,sad, cunning, kind, boring,happy, old, shy, witty, cool, angry, bad) 11. Can you swim?( sing, draw, read, write,count) 12. What can you do? ( run, jump, swim,sing, dance,read,write, count play, eat, climb, skip,skate, ski) 13. Do you like animals? Чтобы было интереснее ехать, разучим песню на английском языке. Слайд 4 «The more we are together» The more we are together Together, together The more we are together The happier we are For my friend is your friend And your friend is my friend The more we are together The happier we are. III. Фонетическая зарядка. STATION 2. Слайд 5 T: The next station is «Lugovaya». What do you see on the screen? P: a field-поле, a flower-цветок, daisy [deizi]-ромашка T: What can you see on the flower? P: sounds T: Let’s do our phonetic exercise with our little train. Паровозик поёт песенку и боится опоздать. The sound [t] and poem to this sound, please. Tick- tock, tick-tock Says my clock. Tock-tick, tock-tick Be quick! Колёса паровозика тоже поют песню The sound [?] Together, together Every day. Together, together We work and play. Паровозик видит, что собирается дождь The sound [r] Rain, rain, go away Come again another day Little Johnny wants to play. А теперь паровозик задумался о родных Mother, father Sister, brother Hand in hand with one another. И вот паровозик выпускает дым из трубы The sound [w] Why do you cry Willy? Why do you cry? Why Willy, why Willy, Why Willy, why? T: What another poems do you know, children? T: There are a lot of flowers on the floor. What colour is the flower? (дети повторяют цвета) What colour is the sky? What colour is the grass? Who goes to the blackboard? Please take the flower with the letter and show me the sound on the screen. ( Дети с пола поднимают цветочки со звуками и записывают буквы на доске) Station 3. The next station is ABC. Слайд 6 Let’s remember our English Alphabet. Слайд 7. Please look at our train. What does he do? ( Он боится) Дети выполняют задания. 1. На доске вы видите человечка. Что вы заметили? Let’s find the letters! 2. Тут рассыпались звуки.Write letters to this sounds! 3. Вдруг исчезли буквы. Let’s find the letters! 4. Кто назовёт больше слов на буквы D C F K M I would like you to sing the ABC song. Слайд 8 Слайд 9 Let` s go on. T: What does he see? Что он видит? Следы зверя.(footsteps, footprints,tracks) What kind of animal is it? It is a bear. How many steps do you see? ( Счёт) Don’t be afraid of him. Let’s find him somewhere in the forest! Слайд 10. Wow. He is here. Please look at the screen. What do you see? (Подсказки) He can’t read. Let’s help him and learn to read! Слайд 11. The next station is Reading Station. It’s time to read! Help me to make a rule! (Повторение правил чтения) I see you are tired. Let’s have a rest! Слайд 12 Слайд 13 Let’s play a «Mix-Up» game. ( Путаница).On the screen you can see some sentences, but their words are mixed. Make the right sentences and put them down. IV.Практика устной речи. Слайд 14. Please look at the screen. What can you see? Listen to the text and guess who is it? (загадка) Cлайд 15. The next station is Lesnaya. What do you see? Let’s be friends with them. Try to describe them. V. Заключительный этап урока. The time is up. We must be on time. Our trip is over. Посмотрите, какая большая ромашка выросла. Ну вот, наше путешествие подошло к концу. Паровозику очень понравилось наше путешествие. А вам? Что вам запомнилось? The train liked our tip, and you. If you liked, raise your flowers! Your marks …. The home task for you will be to draw the animals and describe them. План открытого урока в 3 классе по английскому языку по теме «Animals» Цель урока: совершенствование коммуникативных умений в говорении, аудировании, чтении и письме на английском языке с учетом речевых возможностей, потребностей и интересов учащихся. Задачи урока: 1.Формировать навыки употребления в речи модального глагола "can" в утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложениях. 2. Развивать навыки говорения (вести диалог – расспрос; строить монологическое высказывание); развивать речемыслительные и познавательные способности; 3. Воспитывать любовь к животным, воспитывать культуру общения. Оборудование урока: Паровозик, карточки с буквами и со звуками, игрушки мягкие, компьютер, проектор, ромашки- буквы, следы медведя. Ход урока: 1. Орг. момент. Слайд 1 Good morning, children, quests. I am glad to see you. How are you? Good morning, Good morning Good morning to you. Good morning, dear teacher! I am glad to see you. T: Today we have an unusual lesson. Welcome to the magic trip! First of all I would like you to look at the screen. What can you see? Who are they? What is it? P: a fox, a bear, a cat, a frog, a train T: Try to guess what topic of our lesson is. Ps: Animals. T: Yes, you are right. Today we are going to speak about animals. Слайд 2 Do you remember the Russian animated cartoon «Train from Romashkovo»? If you not, look at the screen and watch this animation, please. He will help us. We are going to travel by train. At our lesson we will sing the songs, meet our friends- animals, play many interesting games, and learn some new words, count and read. T: Our train is very funny and curious. Сегодня мы отправляемся в путешествие. А путешествовать мы будем с волшебным паровозиком из Ромашкова! (Показываю на доске рисунок паровозика). Мы все помним замечательный мультфильм «Паровозик из Ромашкова», в котором рассказывается о паровозике, который возил детей на станцию Ромашкова. Ему очень нравилось любоваться красотой природы и поэтому он часто делал остановки, из-за чего всегда опаздывал. Вспомнили? Наш паровозик очень любит путешествовать, а во время путешествия он любит веселиться, играть, петь песенки. Давайте поздороваемся с нашим паровозиком (Good morning!) T: Let’s travel and enjoy it. Our train is ready. Are you ready? Let’s start.I wish you to be brave and active during our lesson. II. Речевая зарядка. STATION 1 Cлайд 3 So the first station is «Meeting station» My name is Irina Ivanovna and I will be your teacher today. И паровозик хотел бы познакомиться с вами поближе. T: What do you think what kind of questions will he ask? Какие бы вопросы он задал? 1. What is your name? 2. What is your surname? 3. How are you? 4. How old are you? 5. Where are you from? 6. Have you got a cat? 7. What color is it? 8. How many cats have you got? 9. Have you got a friend? 10. What is he like? (nice, big, fat,slim,clever, strong, brave, funny,sad, cunning, kind, boring,happy, old, shy, witty, cool, angry, bad) 11. Can you swim?( sing, draw, read, write,count) 12. What can you do? ( run, jump, swim,sing, dance,read,write, count play, eat, climb, skip,skate, ski) 13. Do you like animals? Чтобы было интереснее ехать, разучим песню на английском языке. Слайд 4 «The more we are together» The more we are together Together, together The more we are together The happier we are For my friend is your friend And your friend is my friend The more we are together The happier we are. III. Фонетическая зарядка. STATION 2. Слайд 5 T: The next station is «Lugovaya». What do you see on the screen? P: a field-поле, a flower-цветок, daisy [deizi]-ромашка T: What can you see on the flower? P: sounds T: Let’s do our phonetic exercise with our little train. Паровозик поёт песенку и боится опоздать. The sound [t] and poem to this sound, please. Tick- tock, tick-tock Says my clock. Tock-tick, tock-tick Be quick! Колёса паровозика тоже поют песню The sound [?] Together, together Every day. Together, together We work and play. Паровозик видит, что собирается дождь The sound [r] Rain, rain, go away Come again another day Little Johnny wants to play. А теперь паровозик задумался о родных Mother, father Sister, brother Hand in hand with one another. И вот паровозик выпускает дым из трубы The sound [w] Why do you cry Willy? Why do you cry? Why Willy, why Willy, Why Willy, why? T: What another poems do you know, children? T: There are a lot of flowers on the floor. What colour is the flower? (дети повторяют цвета) What colour is the sky? What colour is the grass? Who goes to the blackboard? Please take the flower with the letter and show me the sound on the screen. ( Дети с пола поднимают цветочки со звуками и записывают буквы на доске) Station 3. The next station is ABC. Слайд 6 Let’s remember our English Alphabet. Слайд 7. Please look at our train. What does he do? ( Он боится) Дети выполняют задания. 1. На доске вы видите человечка. Что вы заметили? Let’s find the letters! 2. Тут рассыпались звуки.Write letters to this sounds! 3. Вдруг исчезли буквы. Let’s find the letters! 4. Кто назовёт больше слов на буквы D C F K M I would like you to sing the ABC song. Слайд 8 Слайд 9 Let` s go on. T: What does he see? Что он видит? Следы зверя.(footsteps, footprints,tracks) What kind of animal is it? It is a bear. How many steps do you see? ( Счёт) Don’t be afraid of him. Let’s find him somewhere in the forest! Слайд 10. Wow. He is here. Please look at the screen. What do you see? (Подсказки) He can’t read. Let’s help him and learn to read! Слайд 11. The next station is Reading Station. It’s time to read! Help me to make a rule! (Повторение правил чтения) I see you are tired. Let’s have a rest! Слайд 12 Слайд 13 Let’s play a «Mix-Up» game. ( Путаница).On the screen you can see some sentences, but their words are mixed. Make the right sentences and put them down. IV.Практика устной речи. Слайд 14. Please look at the screen. What can you see? Listen to the text and guess who is it? (загадка) Cлайд 15. The next station is Lesnaya. What do you see? Let’s be friends with them. Try to describe them. V. Заключительный этап урока. The time is up. We must be on time. Our trip is over. Посмотрите, какая большая ромашка выросла. Ну вот, наше путешествие подошло к концу. Паровозику очень понравилось наше путешествие. А вам? Что вам запомнилось? The train liked our tip, and you. If you liked, raise your flowers! Your marks …. The home task for you will be to draw the animals and describe them.
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Просмотр содержимого документа
«Презентация к уроку"Паровозик из Ромашкова" »

Открытый урок по английскому языку в 3 классе Тема: « Animals » Прокопьева Ирина Ивановна МБОУ «Кугесьская СОШ № 1»

Открытый урок по английскому языку в 3 классе

Тема: « Animals »

Прокопьева Ирина Ивановна

МБОУ «Кугесьская СОШ № 1»

Train from Romashkino. Let's travel by train and enjoy it. Our train is ready. Are you ready? Let's start and take your seats , please.

Train from Romashkino.

Let's travel by train and enjoy it. Our train is ready.

Are you ready? Let's start and take your seats , please.

1.Meeting station. What is your name? What is your surname? How are you? How old are you? Where are you from? Have you got a cat? What colour is it? How many cats have you got? Have you got a friend? What is he like? Can you swim?( sing, draw, read, write ,count ) 12. Do you like animals?

1.Meeting station.

  • What is your name?
  • What is your surname?
  • How are you?
  • How old are you?
  • Where are you from?
  • Have you got a cat?
  • What colour is it?
  • How many cats have you got?
  • Have you got a friend?
  • What is he like?
  • Can you swim?( sing, draw,

read, write ,count )

12. Do you like animals?

The more we are together Together, together The more we are together The happier we are, For my friend is your friend, And your friend is my friend The more we are together The happier we are.

The more we are together

Together, together

The more we are together

The happier we are,

For my friend is your friend,

And your friend is my friend

The more we are together

The happier we are.

2. Lugovaya station. [ɔ] [əu] [ju:] [ʌ] [ei] [i] [ai] [æ] [i:] [e] [f] [m] [b] [r] [t] [k] [ð] [l] [dʒ] [p] [w]

2. Lugovaya station.






















ABC station

ABC station

На доске вы видите человечка. Что вы заметили?
  • На доске вы видите человечка. Что вы заметили?

Let's find the letters!

2. Тут рассыпались звуки. Let's find the letters!

3. Вдруг исчезли буквы. Let's find the letters!

c - t n - me f -x

d - g p – g f -sh

4. Кто назовёт больше слов

на буквы : D C F K M







ABC song

ABC song

2 4 1 6 3 8 5 7









My name is Billy. I am 8. I live in the forest. I can swim, run and jump. I like honey very much. But I can not read and write. 8 Billy forest swim can can't run read

My name is Billy. I am 8. I live in the forest. I can swim, run and jump. I like honey very much. But I can not read and write.









3. Reading station. [æ] [ei] name lake take pale Kate date am and has dad Pam Sam cat

3. Reading station.
















Let's have a rest!

Let's have a rest!

« Mix –up » game.  Make the right sentences and put them down.  1 . Name is Nick my. 2 . Is rabbit big his and fat. 3 . Can he sing well and run.

« Mix –up » game.

Make the right sentences and put them down.

1 . Name is Nick my.

2 . Is rabbit big his and fat.

3 . Can he sing well and run.

  • I a have got cat.
  • Is big his pig?
……… your friend live in London? DO DOESN’T DOES DON’T WRONG Great!

……… your friend live in London?







The boys……… want to skate. DOESN’T DOES DON’T DO WRONG Great!

The boys……… want to skate.







When ……… you usually get up? DOESN’T DOES DON’T DO WRONG Great! 16

When ……… you usually get up?








Listen to the text.

Listen to the text.

4. Lesnaya station. Let's be friends!!! It is a bear. It is brown. It is big. It lives in the forest. It can run, jump, swim .

4. Lesnaya station.

Let's be friends!!!

It is a bear.

It is brown.

It is big.

It lives in the forest.

It can run, jump, swim .

Tell me something…. The train liked our tip, and you  ? What station did you like best of all?

Tell me something….

The train liked our tip, and you ?

What station did you like best of all?

Thank you for your work! Good-bye!!!

Thank you for your work!


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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 3 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Презентация к уроку"Паровозик из Ромашкова"

Автор: Прокопьева Ирина Ивановна

Дата: 26.04.2015

Номер свидетельства: 205793

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