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Название конфет на английском языке

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Everyone knows that each candy has its own individual name. But not everyone knows its origin. The names create an idea of the candy itself, which is remembered by us. When we hear, for example, “Snickers” or "Alpen Gold", the first thing we remember is the logo depicted on the wrapper, and then the taste. This work has been of great benefit to me. I discovered that the names of sweets are not just a set of letters, but their own separate story. Now I can share this knowledge with my peers. In the course of work, I learned that the name is a unique story of each candy, its author or the whole dig, their hard, but so pleasant to every person business.

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«Название конфет на английском языке»

« The names of the chocolates in English »

« The names of the chocolates in English »



  • I have always been attracted to sweets with bright wrappers and various names. Who of the children does not like sweets and chocolate? And who did not collect the wrappers from sweets and did not play with them? Candy is always associated with childhood, with joy and positive emotions. But I've always wanted to know what the names of sweets and chocolate mean in English, and I've also had other questions.
  • Why do candies have names?
  • Where did the names of the candies in English come from?
These questions did not give me rest. But, since my favorite sweets are mostly sweets with English-language names,I decided to thoroughly learn all about the names of sweets in English. Is the essay of my work relevant? Nowadays, many consumers complain that they do not know the translation of the name of the candy. I turned to my classmates with the question:
  • These questions did not give me rest. But, since my favorite sweets are mostly sweets with English-language names,I decided to thoroughly learn all about the names of sweets in English.
  • Is the essay of my work relevant? Nowadays, many consumers complain that they do not know the translation of the name of the candy. I turned to my classmates with the question: "Do they pay attention to the name of sweets when buying?" Half of the survey participants said that they carefully study the names of sweets and try to remember them. I was very surprised when the guys wrote that they pay attention mainly only to the names, and not to the composition, and appearance. Just like me, many people were interested in the names of sweets in English in our stores.
If there were no specific names, then when buying sweets, we would have to explain the desired type of confectionery to the seller for a long time. This would require huge skills from each of us, so this work is devoted to the study of the origin of the names of sweets in English. I chose this topic because the relevance of the topic is obvious and requires research.
  • If there were no specific names, then when buying sweets, we would have to explain the desired type of confectionery to the seller for a long time. This would require huge skills from each of us, so this work is devoted to the study of the origin of the names of sweets in English. I chose this topic because the relevance of the topic is obvious and requires research.
Object of research: English-language names of sweets and their origin.  Subject of research: the variety of English-language names of sweets. The purpose of the study: to reveal the meaning of the names of sweets. Hypothesis: the English-language names of sweets come from the name of their inventor or from the name of the manufacturer. To achieve this goal and prove this hypothesis, it is necessary to solve the following tasks: to identify the origin of the English-language names of sweets. classify candy names by origin.
  • Object of research: English-language names of sweets and their origin.
  • Subject of research: the variety of English-language names of sweets.
  • The purpose of the study: to reveal the meaning of the names of sweets.
  • Hypothesis: the English-language names of sweets come from the name of their inventor or from the name of the manufacturer.
  • To achieve this goal and prove this hypothesis, it is necessary to solve the following tasks: to identify the origin of the English-language names of sweets. classify candy names by origin.


Candy "comes from the Indian word "khanta", meaning "part" or "part of sugar" from the Persian "kand" - "sugar", the Arabic "kandah" - "candy". Sweets have been known since ancient times. The very first samples of this delicacy were made from sweet nectars and fruit juices, generously seasoned with sugar and flour for density. Chocolate candies appeared much later, when Europeans discovered the beneficial properties of the cocoa plant growing in the New World. But until the XIX century, sweets were sold without wrappers and often represented a single clumped mass.

The first chocolates were made in Brussels by apothecary John Neuhaus in 1857. While inventing a cough remedy, he accidentally obtained a product that we today call chocolate candies. In 1912, his son introduced chocolate candies to the market.
  • The first chocolates were made in Brussels by apothecary John Neuhaus in 1857. While inventing a cough remedy, he accidentally obtained a product that we today call chocolate candies. In 1912, his son introduced chocolate candies to the market.


  • Chocolate has long been synonymous with pleasure and delicious taste. Eating it, people often close their eyes with pleasure. After all, in this product, cream, milk and cocoa are mixed in an ideal proportion. And many varieties of chocolate allow confectioners to interest anyone in their products, without leaving them indifferent.
  • Today, many brands of chocolate bars, bars, candies and other products are produced in the world. At the same time, 9 of the largest brands stand out, largely thanks to which we love chocolate. A brand is a product or group of products that have their own name and are produced by a separate company
KitKat (сокращенное имя владельца клуба)

KitKat (сокращенное имя владельца клуба)

  • In 1935, the production of Rowntre'schocolate crunchy bars was launched in York, England. In one tile, 4 small chocolate products were combined at once. In 1937, the new product was named KitKat. From the name, abbreviated Kit-cat {fr. Kit — Christopher, Cat — Catling} . KitKat is taken with them to the exam as a mascot by the Japanese. This is due to the consonance of the name of the chocolate bar and the Japanese expression " kittokatsu "("certainly win").
Mars (по фамилии изобретателя).

Mars (по фамилии изобретателя).

  • This brand is famous for its high sales around the world, Mars bars are eaten by the most people. The history of the brand and the entire company began in an ordinary American kitchen. There, Frank Mars and his wife began making inexpensive candy. In 1911, the company was born. When the developed company opened its branch in England, the Mars bar appeared on the market.


  • The difference between this bar-commercials are filmed exclusively against the background of a tropical island, often it is the Thai island of Koh Samui. Advertising slogan: "Bounty" - "paradise pleasure", literally from English: "Taste of paradise" ("TheTasteofParadise"). "Bounty "means" bounty " in English.
Milky Way

Milky Way

  • - milk chocolate, translated from the English "Milky Way". The American version of the MilkyWay chocolate bar is the equivalent of the Mars chocolate bar.
Twix The name comes from two English words:


The name comes from two English words: "twin" (double, making a pair) and" biscuits " (cookies). In many European countries, the bar is still sold under the Raider brand name for historical reasons.



  • It is the best-selling candy bar in the United States. Until 1990, the product was sold in the UK and Ireland under the name Marathon. Later, this bar was sold worldwide under the name Snickers. The Snickers bar was first made in 1923 in the United States by pastry chef Frank Mars. But its mass production began only in 1930. In November 1929, a chocolate factory was built in Chicago (USA), where the first Snickers chocolate bars were made. The name of the bar was chosen after the favorite horse of the Mars family, the founders of the company MarsIncorporated.
Kinder Surprise» 

Kinder Surprise» 

  • a surprise chocolate egg containing a plastic container with a toy or souvenir inside. The brand belongs to the Italian company Ferrero. The production of chocolate eggs by this company began in 1972. But the idea of creating a variety of toys that can fit in a small plastic egg belongs to the industrial designer, Swiss, Henry Roth. He is behind many of the Kinder Surprise toys, especially the early ones.


  •   candy began to be produced in 1941 (they are called, by the way, by the first letters of the names of the founders of the company Mars Forrest Mars and Bruce Murry). M&M's are available in different colors, but most often you can find yellow, red, blue, green and orange, and brown is more than all the others.


  • Candy began to be produced in 1982. The name of the delicate delicacy was given in honor of the greatest genius of all time, the Italian artist Raffaele de Santi.


  • After studying a sufficient number of English-language names of sweets, I came to the conclusion that the main source of the names of sweets is the name of the manufacturer or the name of the factory


  • After working through the material about the English-language names of sweets, I learned a lot of interesting things for myself, expanded my horizons, and expanded my knowledge.
  • In the process of working on the project, I learned how to work with dictionaries, learned a lot of interesting things about the etymology of some words, learned how to design research papers and search for information on the Internet, conduct surveys among my classmates. Some of them helped me find a lot of interesting material about sweets. While researching this topic, I came to the following conclusions.
  • The names of the candies are diverse, and they have their own history of origin. The names of sweets are not simple words, but a unique world, which is a kind of system among proper names.
  • My hypothesis was confirmed. The most numerous group of English-language names are the names of sweets formed from proper names. I think that in the future I will be interested in studying sweets and their names from a linguistic point of view.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 3 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Название конфет на английском языке

Автор: Богданова Лилия Фанилевна

Дата: 12.04.2021

Номер свидетельства: 578005

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