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Легко ли путешествовать в наши дни?

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«Легко ли путешествовать в наши дни?»

Презентация по английскому языку «Легко ли путешествовать в наши дни» . 9 «А» класс

Презентация по английскому языку «Легко ли путешествовать в наши дни» .

9 «А» класс

Основные задачи:

Основные задачи:

  • 1.Совершенствование навыков устной речи по теме «Что должен знать и уметь путешественник».
  • 2.Развивать умения находить аргументы и контраргументы.
  • 3.Развивать умения в разных видах чтения (просмотровое, ознакомительное, поиск информации)
At the Airport Buy a ticket, go by plane To the Netherlands or Spain Planes are taking off the ground With a very loud sound. They arrive and fly away In a very busy way. Airplanes with landing lights Finish their endless flights. There’s a runway long and wide And the lights which are so bright.

At the Airport

Buy a ticket, go by plane

To the Netherlands or Spain

Planes are taking off the ground

With a very loud sound.

They arrive and fly away

In a very busy way.

Airplanes with landing lights

Finish their endless flights.

There’s a runway long and wide

And the lights which are so bright.

Answer the questions

Answer the questions

  • Do you like to travel?
  • Why do you think people travel?
  • Why do you like to travel?
  • Do you agree that travelling is the best way to learn the world? Why do you think so?
What countries would you like to visit and why?

What countries would you like to visit and why?

What kinds of transport can you name?   Which way of travelling do you prefer and why?

What kinds of transport can you name? Which way of travelling do you prefer and why?

Can travelling be dangerous nowadays? What dangers can a traveler face today?   I’d like to… I think it is important… 3.As for me, it is important to… 4.I can say….because… 5.They say… 6.On the one hand, it is important to …. 7.On the other hand… 8.I can’t agree… 9.I am sure it is…

Can travelling be dangerous nowadays? What dangers can a traveler face today?

  • I’d like to…
  • I think it is important…

3.As for me, it is important to…

4.I can say….because…

5.They say…

6.On the one hand, it is important to ….

7.On the other hand…

8.I can’t agree…

9.I am sure it is…

What knowledge and skills can be useful for a traveler nowadays?

What knowledge and skills can be useful for a traveler nowadays?

  • Ability to speak foreign languages.
  • Ability to drive a car.
  • Ability to operate a helicopter.
  • Ability to operate a motorboat.
  • Ability to cook.
  • Ability to do urgent medical care.
  • Ability to identify wild plants and animals.
  • To be convincing in conversation.
  • To be good at swimming.
  • To be good at shooting.
  • To have a wide knowledge of different cultures and different traditions.
What kind of holidays would you choose and why? I would rather…. I’d prefer to V…. I would choose…

What kind of holidays would you choose and why?

I would rather….

I’d prefer to V….

I would choose…

Imagine that you are going to have a week-long trip to the seaside.  Give your arguments pros and conts a packaged tour. Using words from “Dialogue Vocabulary”: I’m absolutely positive that… It’s obvious that… I may be wrong but I think that… I’m for… because…. There is something in what you say, but… I’m not sure about it. I feel strongly against it. Sorry, but I have got my own idea about it.

Imagine that you are going to have a week-long trip to the seaside. Give your arguments pros and conts a packaged tour.

Using words from “Dialogue Vocabulary”:

I’m absolutely positive that…

It’s obvious that…

I may be wrong but I think that…

I’m for… because….

There is something in what you say, but…

I’m not sure about it.

I feel strongly against it.

Sorry, but I have got my own idea about it.

What do you need for travelling? You should…. You need… you must…

What do you need for travelling?

You should….

You need…

you must…

We are at the airport. Listen to the airport announcements. A.  1. If passengers flying to Washington return their tickets in half an hour, they can get their money back.  2.The boarding for the flight to Washington may be announced in thirty minutes .  B.  1. The time of flight J48 for Paris has been changed. The plane will take off at 8 o’clock.  2. Passengers of flight J48 should go to gate number eight. C.  1. It’s very easy to get from Florence Airport to Florence Railway station by bus. The buses leave every half-hour.  2. It’s not far from Florence Airport to Florence Railway station , but the buses go there only once every six hours. D.  1. If you are not sure where to get off, you can ask the bus driver.  2. Passengers are not allowed to ask the bus driver any questions.

We are at the airport. Listen to the airport announcements.


1. If passengers flying to Washington return their tickets in half an hour, they can get their money back.

2.The boarding for the flight to Washington may be announced in thirty minutes .


1. The time of flight J48 for Paris has been changed. The plane will take off at 8 o’clock.

2. Passengers of flight J48 should go to gate number eight.


1. It’s very easy to get from Florence Airport to Florence Railway station by bus. The buses leave every half-hour.

2. It’s not far from Florence Airport to Florence Railway station , but the buses go there only once every six hours.


1. If you are not sure where to get off, you can ask the bus driver.

2. Passengers are not allowed to ask the bus driver any questions.

Home task : Write a letter to your friend about your travelling.  a)the transport you used  b) the weather  c) sights, places, people that impressed you most.

Home task :

Write a letter to your friend about your travelling.

a)the transport you used

b) the weather

c) sights, places, people that impressed you most.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Легко ли путешествовать в наши дни?

Автор: Дюсембинова Ляззат Алпанбаевна

Дата: 20.12.2015

Номер свидетельства: 268337

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