Organization moment. Students go in to music into the classroom , and choose the picture, according to which they are divided into groops. ( Music and English teacher) II. Divided pupils into two groups according to pictures 1st group – dombras 2nd group – zhetygen 3- sybyzgy 4- kobyz Greeting. ( song in 3 languages. Music teacher) III. Explain new theme: “ Guess the new theme” ( according to music) Warm up: “ Brainstorming” strategy (WW) Pupils watch the pictures and say what are they? -What types of musical instruments do you know? -What is it? -How do you think why we use it? Name the words which are associated with this theme. IV . Group work. Before teacher explains and pay attention on rules of work in groups. ( active board) . Two groups are going to work with Kazakh legends and the other two will make poster about Kazakh instruments. One group is answering , the others evaluate them. 1 group- legend about kobyz, 2- legend about zhetigen, 3- poster about history of dombra, 4- poster about sybyzgy .( using pictures, phrases) Descriptor: A learner must do it nice and correctly with a logical meaning.    V. Musical quiz. To introduce musical instruments by mnemonics. Strategy “ Pictionary” (WW) Every learners must show any musical instrument and guess it ( each group have listened an instrument- the task to show , how can we play it) VI. Listen and match the system of sounds in the pictures ( active board) Strategy “Name that tune”(WW) DO RE MI FA SOL LA SI DO  VII. Sing English song” Sounds of Music” by R. Rogers together , according to showing these system of sounds. Doe - a deer, a female deer, Ray - a drop of golden sun, Me - a name I call myself, Far - a long, long way to run. Sew - a needle pulling thread, La - a note to follow sew, Tea - a drink with jam and bread That will bring us back to Do – Assessment-how are you planning to check learners learning? Movement around the room This can be adapted in many contexts: 1) each corner of the room could represent ‘strongly agree’, ‘agree’, ‘disagree’,‘strongly disagree’. 2) stand by the image that best matches your viewpoint. 3) stand by the correct example/definition. Criteria – based assessment. “5” Students were able to ask and answer the questions used vocabulary made sentences and for good reading and translating. “4”The students made more errors in pronounciation , made some mistakes in two tasks. 3” The students made more errors in pronounciation, made more the 6-7 mistakes in each tasks. “2”made more than 8 errors in each tasks. 1.The lesson objectives were realistic for the children 5th form. 2.All the learners achieve the lesson/learning objectives. 3.We did a lot of exercises. The lesson was very interesting because it was model lesson. I sticked to timings. IX. Saying good bye to pupils. ( Sing a short song ) . Evaluation of students. Students leave the room accompanied by the music of musical band “ Ulytau” |