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I`d like a hamburger

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The Plan of the lesson

Theme :    “I’d like a hamburger.”

Date :   21/11/2013

School :  16

Form :  5v

Type of the lesson : traditional

The kind of the lesson: combined

The aims : 

  1. Educational:learn new lexis about food, to present new grammar material “Special question in the Present Indefinite Tense (who, why, where, what do/does )”.

     2)  Developing: to develop pupils’ oral speech, their memory, logical thinking, dialogical speech.

     3)  Brining-up: to bring up to know pupils the product of the native land which they eat and to direct pupils to have meals in time. 

     4) Communicative: talking about food and drink, to use new words in their speech, to produce their oral speech.

Visual aids: pictures, flashcards.

The procedure of the lesson.

1 Organazation moment

Good morning girls and boys!

Sit down please!

 2 Communicative drill

 Who is on duty today?

Who is absent today?

What date is it today?

What day of the week is it today?

What’s the weather like today?

3 Check- up  home task

What was your home task for this lesson?


4 Phonetic drill

  1. Children look at the blackboard,

What Do 1 Like?

I like ice cream.

She likes sweets.

I like cookies.

He likes cheese.

  1. Repeat after me.
  2. What unknown words do you see?
  3. Repeat after me.
  4. Translate

5  The Aim of the lesson

Open your copy book and write down, please. Today 21st of November

Our last lesson was about food and drinks. Now, answer some questions?What is the food? –Meat, humburger, cake

What is the drink? – juice, milk, lemonade

The Theme of our lesson is “I’d like a hamburger” open your book at page 142 and I hope that from this lesson we’ll get some information about eating in Kazakhstan.

6 Introduction of  the new lexis and consolation words.

-Now children let’s learn the new words of our today’s lesson. At first I’ll read, then you repeat after me.

  1. Children repeat after me.

tomаto [ t?’ma:t?u ] - ?ызана?
banana [ b?’na:n?] - банан
egg [ eg ] - ж?мырт?а
milk [ m?lk] - с?т
water [ ‘w?:t? ]- су
potato [ p?’te?t?u] - картоп
cabbage [ ‘kæb?d? ]- ?ыры??абат
carrot [ ‘kær?t] - с?біз
bread [ bred ]- нан
meat [ mi:t ]- ет
sugar [ ‘?ug? ]- ?ант

Good for we’ll revise the words.


7. Grammar

СOUNTABLE  NOUNS  are things that we can count.

UNCOUNTABLE  NOUNS   We cannot "count“




a chair

a car

a sofa

a cup

a lamp






8.   Work with text

a)Children, we know  words about food and now let’s speak about where its come from.Look at th Ex 2 on p.142. Now listen to me carefully than you’ll read and do task. You’ll shut books.

b) Now we’ll play the game “True or false”. I’ll give you cards you should raise one of your card. True =T, False =F

If I’ll  say you true information, you had to raise T. If I’ll  say you false information, you had to raise F.  Let’s begin.


  • Cheese  comes from Europe.
  • Coffee comes from  France.
  • Bananas come from America.
  • Oranges comes from Arizona.
  • Apple comes from China.

Now, answer to my questions:

  • - Where do oranges come from?
  • -Where do apples come from?
  •  -Where do bananas come from?
  •  -Where do coffee come from?




9. Introduction kitchen things

10.  Play the game

11. Warming up

10. Work with dialogue.

11. Play the game “Who is faster”

12. Home task

13.  The result of the lesson

14.  Marks

Children, we know words about food but it isn’t enough to go in restaurant. Let’ learn words about kitchen things.

a knife [na?f]-пыша?

a fork [f?:k]-ша?ыш?ы

a spoon [spu:n]- ?асы?

a plate [ple?t]-т?релке

a glass [gla:s]-ста?ан

a napkin [‘ næpk?n]- с?рткі

Let’s speak about where’s they situated on the table.

Explanation about preposition  on, in in this case.

I’ll show to children right, left, middle

Children answer to my questions:

Where’s the …?

Let’s play the game.  You should choose one word and answer my question “It is countable or uncountable?”

Milk, juice, sugar, meat, salad, cake, water, egg, potato

a)Children look at the Ex6 on p143

Ex 7, p143

Children complete your own dialogue.

Game. Who is faster?

Juice, apple, milk, cake, shoes, table, orange, humburger, plate

Ex12 p145, learn new words by heart.

It is pleasant to me as you’ ve worked at a lesson today.

Do you like this lesson?

What part of the lesson do you like?

The best pupils are ….

You mark is ….

The Lesson is over, Good bye!

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«I`d like a hamburger»

The 21 st of November I’d like a hamburger

The 21 st of November

I’d like a


What Do 1 Like? I like ice cream. She likes sweets. I like cookies. He likes cheese.                        I’d like a  hamburger

What Do 1 Like?

I like ice cream.

She likes sweets.

I like cookies.

He likes cheese.

I’d like a hamburger

I’d like a  hamburger

I’d like a hamburger

I’d like a  hamburger

I’d like a hamburger

I’d like a  hamburger

I’d like a hamburger

I’d like a  hamburger

I’d like a hamburger

tomаto [ tә’ma:tәu ] - қызанақ  banana [ bә’na:nә] - банан  egg [ eg ] - жұмыртқа  milk [ m ɪ lk] - сүт  water [ ‘wɒ:tә ]- су  potato [ pә’te ɪ tәu] - картоп  cabbage [ ‘kæb ɪ dʒ ]- қырыққабат  carrot [ ‘kærәt] - сәбіз  bread [ bred ]- нан  meat [ m i :t ]- ет  sugar [ ‘ʃugә ]- қант

tomаto [ tә’ma:tәu ] - қызанақ banana [ bә’na:nә] - банан egg [ eg ] - жұмыртқа milk [ m ɪ lk] - сүт water [ ‘wɒ:tә ]- су potato [ pә’te ɪ tәu] - картоп cabbage [ ‘kæb ɪ dʒ ]- қырыққабат carrot [ ‘kærәt] - сәбіз bread [ bred ]- нан meat [ m i :t ]- ет sugar [ ‘ʃugә ]- қант

СOUNTABLE NOUNS СOUNTABLE NOUNS are things that we can count.  Three plates


СOUNTABLE NOUNS are things that we can count.

Three plates

One lemon  Two apples

One lemon

Two apples



We cannot "count“

Flour Meat

NOUN Countable (Саналатын) Uncountable a chair (саналмайтын) a car sugar water a sofa a cup butter a lamp rain milk                        I’d like a  hamburger





a chair


a car



a sofa

a cup


a lamp



I’d like a hamburger

Where do … come  from?

Where do … come


In the United States apples come from Washington.

In the United States apples come from Washington.

Bananas come from America.

Bananas come from America.

Oranges usually come from California and Florida.

Oranges usually come from California and Florida.

Cheese comes from California and sometimes from Europe.

Cheese comes from California and sometimes from Europe.

Coffee comes from Colombia.

Coffee comes from Colombia.

Answer questions.

Answer questions.

  • - Where do oranges come from?
  • -Where do apples come from?
  • -Where do bananas come from?
  • -Where do coffee come from?
True or False?

True or False?

  • Cheese comes from Europe.
  • Coffee comes from France.
  • Bananas come from America.
  • Oranges comes from Arizona.
  • Apple comes from China.
True or False?

True or False?

  • Cheese comes from Europe.
  • Coffee comes from France.
  • Bananas come from America.
  • Oranges comes from Arizona.
  • Apple comes from China.
  • True
  • False
  • True
  • False
  • False
a knife [naɪf]-пышақ a fork [fɔ:k]-шаңышқы a spoon [spu:n]- қасық a plate [pleɪt]-тәрелке a glass [gla:s]-стақан a napkin [‘ næpkɪn]- сүрткі

a knife [naɪf]-пышақ

a fork [fɔ:k]-шаңышқы

a spoon [spu:n]- қасық

a plate [pleɪt]-тәрелке

a glass [gla:s]-стақан

a napkin [‘ næpkɪn]- сүрткі

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

I`d like a hamburger

Автор: Mukayeva Moldir Bauyrzhankyzy

Дата: 14.04.2016

Номер свидетельства: 318746

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