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Food \presentation\

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This demonstrative lesson is about "Food". The aims of the lesson are to enlarge the pupils' vocabulary and grammar knowledge, to develop their speaking and thinking abilities, to teach them to be honest and polite, to respect the other people, to have thei breakfast, dinner, supper regularly in order to have healthy life. 

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«Food \presentation\ »

School-gymnasium №17 by Ataturk D e m o n s t r a t i v e l e s s o n   Theme: “Food” Worked-out by: Mannapova A

School-gymnasium №17 by Ataturk

D e m o n s t r a t i v e l e s s o n

Theme: “Food”

Worked-out by: Mannapova A

Aims of the lesson: to enlarge the pupils’ vocabulary and grammar knowledge; to develop their speaking, thinking and writing abilities; to teach them to be well-mannered and well-educated person. Visual aids: worksheets, colourful pictures of foods Technical aids: an interactive board The type of the lesson: combined lesson

Aims of the lesson:

  • to enlarge the pupils’ vocabulary and grammar knowledge;
  • to develop their speaking, thinking and writing abilities;
  • to teach them to be well-mannered and well-educated person.

Visual aids:

worksheets, colourful pictures of foods

Technical aids:

an interactive board

The type of the lesson:

combined lesson

An outline of the lesson plan: I. Organization moment Greetings Marking absentees Warming-up Checking-up the home task II. Main stage Presenting the new theme Working on the new theme III. Concluding stage

An outline of the lesson plan:

I. Organization moment

  • Greetings
  • Marking absentees
  • Warming-up
  • Checking-up the home task

II. Main stage

  • Presenting the new theme
  • Working on the new theme

III. Concluding stage

  • Evaluating the pupils’ knowledge
  • Giving the home task
  • Saying good-bye!
The procedure of the lesson plan   I. Organization moment Greetings Good morning, pupils! How are you? Marking absentees What date is it today? Who is absent today? Warming-up What season is it now? What month is it now? What is the weather like today? Do you like this kind of weather?

The procedure of the lesson plan

I. Organization moment

  • Greetings

Good morning, pupils!

How are you?

  • Marking absentees

What date is it today?

Who is absent today?

  • Warming-up

What season is it now?

What month is it now?

What is the weather like today?

Do you like this kind of weather?

Checking-up the home task
  • Checking-up the home task

Your home task was to read the dialogue in ex-8, p104 and let’s read it.

Mother: Would you like to have another cup of tea?

Susan: Yes, please.

Fred: No, thanks.

Father: I would love one.

Presenting the new theme  Now, pupils today we will speak and do exercises only about foods. We know that without eating any food we can’t live. That is why we must choose healthy foods for everyday use because of ‘Health is wealth’. If we are unhealthy person so we are nothing. We must take care of our health by using fresh, healthy foods.

Presenting the new theme

Now, pupils today we will speak and do exercises only about foods. We know that without eating any food we can’t live. That is why we must choose healthy foods for everyday use because of ‘Health is wealth’. If we are unhealthy person so we are nothing. We must take care of our health by using fresh, healthy foods.

Working on the new theme Let’s read the poem “What do I like?”, ex-6, p106 I like ice-cream. She likes sweets. I like cookies. He likes cheese. I like coffee. She likes tea. I love you. Do you love me?

Working on the new theme

Let’s read the poem “What do I like?”, ex-6, p106

I like ice-cream.

She likes sweets.

I like cookies.

He likes cheese.

I like coffee.

She likes tea.

I love you.

Do you love me?

Working on the new theme PUZZLE TIME, p104 How many words can you find in this word-snake? What are they? Write them into your copybooks. SWEETEAPPLEATOOKNOWASHANDINNERUNOTHINK

Working on the new theme


How many words can you find in this word-snake? What are they? Write them into your copybooks.


Working on the new theme Divide into 2 columns \countable, uncountable\  strawberry cherries lemons  salt egg carrot  milk apple sandwiches  ham cheese coffee

Working on the new theme

Divide into 2 columns \countable, uncountable\

strawberry cherries lemons

salt egg carrot

milk apple sandwiches

ham cheese coffee

Working on the new theme Make a spider gram of food and drink Word box lemonade coca-cola milk apple Pepsi water pizza oranges cake sandwiches bananas coffee salad tea chocolate hamburgers

Working on the new theme

Make a spider gram of food and drink

Word box

lemonade coca-cola milk apple

Pepsi water pizza oranges

cake sandwiches bananas coffee

salad tea chocolate hamburgers

Working on the new theme Arrange the nouns into fruits and vegetables  onion tomatoes lemon apples carrots oranges potatoes bananas strawberry grapes cucumbers    Fruits: …………………………………………………………………………….……  Vegetables: ………………………….…………………………….…..……..…………

Working on the new theme

Arrange the nouns into fruits and vegetables

onion tomatoes lemon apples

carrots oranges potatoes

bananas strawberry grapes cucumbers

Fruits: …………………………………………………………………………….……

Vegetables: ………………………….…………………………….…..……..…………

Working on the new theme PUZZLE TIME, p118 Solve the puzzle “FOOD”.

Working on the new theme


Solve the puzzle “FOOD”.

Concluding stage Evaluating the pupils’ knowledge Today you are very active. Thank you for your participations. I will mark you with these sweets. Giving the home task Your home task will be to paint the pictures of fruits and describe them. Saying good-bye! Good-bye, pupils! Have a nice day!

Concluding stage

  • Evaluating the pupils’ knowledge

Today you are very active. Thank you for your participations. I will mark you with these sweets.

  • Giving the home task

Your home task will be to paint the pictures of fruits and describe them.

  • Saying good-bye!

Good-bye, pupils!

Have a nice day!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

Food \presentation\

Автор: Маннапова Аида Азимхановна

Дата: 13.11.2014

Номер свидетельства: 130204

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