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I want to be healthy.Food

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  Lesson: Healthy snacks

School: №247

Date: 10.03.2020ж

Teacher name: Бегимбетова Н


Number present:

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

4.L4  understand a limited range of short supported questions on general and some curricular topics

4.S4  respond to questions on a limited range of general and some curricular topics

4.R4  use with some support a simple picture dictionary

4.W2  write words and phrases of regular size and shape

4.UE9  use common present simple forms [positive, negative, question] and contractions to talk about what you want and like, habits and facts, simple future timetabled events

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

  • know how to read u, ue

Most learners will be able to:

  • know new words

Some learners will be able to:

  • know new words and the structure of Past Simple, to be able to use them in sentences

Previous learning

Past Simple (regular, irregular  verbs)


Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)




Warm up

  • Teacher greets with pupils and begin the lesson
  •  Teacher introduces with the aims of the lesson and golden rules

-Listening to the teacher;

-Helping each other;

-Encourage each other

-Listening to each other

  • Teacher asks the homework by the method “Answer the guestion” At the supermarket


  • Dividing the class into groups.

Now you can divide it into three groups. First group “Health”, second group “Food”third group Fruit









  • Phonetic drill

An apple a day keeps doctor away.

Health is above wealth.

  • Look at the video and think what we are going to speak about.Yes, you are right. Today we will speak on the topic ‘’Health snacks”.
  • New words:

TPA: Pupils will be introduced with the new words

A packet of pears

A pot of  yogurt

A jar of honey

A bottle of cola

A loaf of bread

Ten pence-10p

Twenty pence-20p

1 pound-£1

Learners repeat after the teacher the new words

PAIR WORK Strategy “Stand  up, hand up,  Pair up” 

Let’s shop. Make a dialogue

 -Can I have a packet of  biscuits and a can of cola, please?

-How much is that?

- £10

-Here you are.

Assessment criteria:


comprehend main idea of the speaker with some support

A learner:

  • - make a dialogue

-Answers the questions

AfL:  “Positive Feedback” (Excellent, very good, not bad)

Study spot:

Some cheese, some peas

Any-There isn’t any cola?

An egg, apple


 “Health” - Write about Healthy food

 We need healthy food to stay healthy. Good food has a lot of vitamins, protein and minerals. Vitamins are important for your eyes, your skin, your bones, for hair and for other parts of your body. There are vitamins in many types of food. Protein helps you to grow and give you energy. There is protein in meat, fish and milk. Minerals make your bones and teeth strong. There are different types of minerals in milk, vegetables, eggs and meat. Water is important for your blood. It also cleans your body from the inside. Drink lots of water every day.

             “Food”- what is there in your lunchbox?Choose 4 items.tell the class.

There is  a burger, carot, some crackers and some pizza in my lunchbox.

            ‘’ Fruit’’- Read and choose some and any

There some /any peas

Assessment criteria


Makes a poster about experiences of  food


A leaner:

-write about Healthy food

  •  -makes a poster
  • -protects a poster

 Assessment-FA. Give each other smiles and say their opinions ( Learners evalutes the group)


Read and choose the correct work.

A packet /cartoon of juice

AfL:  “Positive Feedback” (Excellent, very good, not bad)



“Gold star” feedback

Self assessment of students. Teacher asks questions about the lesson, and then gives pupils worksheets of “Gold star”, pupils  tick  a star.



  • Homework: Write a blog entry about healthy food.
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«I want to be healthy.Food»

LESSON: Healthy snacks

School: №247

Date: 10.03.2020ж

Teacher name: Бегимбетова Н


Number present:


Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

4.L4 understand a limited range of short supported questions on general and some curricular topics

4.S4 respond to questions on a limited range of general and some curricular topics

4.R4 use with some support a simple picture dictionary

4.W2 write words and phrases of regular size and shape

4.UE9 use common present simple forms [positive, negative, question] and contractions to talk about what you want and like, habits and facts, simple future timetabled events

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

  • know how to read u, ue

Most learners will be able to:

  • know new words

Some learners will be able to:

  • know new words and the structure of Past Simple, to be able to use them in sentences

Previous learning

Past Simple (regular, irregular verbs)


Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)



Warm up

  • Teacher greets with pupils and begin the lesson

  • Teacher introduces with the aims of the lesson and golden rules

-Listening to the teacher;

-Helping each other;

-Encourage each other

-Listening to each other

  • Teacher asks the homework by the method “Answer the guestion” At the supermarket


  • Dividing the class into groups.

Now you can divide it into three groups. First group “Health”, second group “Food”third group Fruit

Books, crossword, stick paper

Past simple grammar table



  • Phonetic drill

An apple a day keeps doctor away.

Health is above wealth.

  • Look at the video and think what we are going to speak about.Yes, you are right. Today we will speak on the topic ‘’Health snacks”.

  • New words:

TPA: Pupils will be introduced with the new words

A packet of pears

A pot of yogurt

A jar of honey

A bottle of cola

A loaf of bread

Ten pence-10p

Twenty pence-20p

1 pound-£1

Learners repeat after the teacher the new words

PAIR WORK Strategy “Stand up , hand up, Pair up”

Let’s shop. Make a dialogue

-Can I have a packet of biscuits and a can of cola, please?

-How much is that?

- £10

-Here you are.

Assessment criteria:


comprehend main idea of the speaker with some support

A learner:

  • - make a dialogue

-Answers the questions

AfL: “Positive Feedback” (Excellent, very good, not bad)

Study spot:

Some cheese, some peas

Any-There isn’t any cola?

An egg, apple


Health” - Write about Healthy food

We need healthy food to stay healthy. Good food has a lot of vitamins, protein and minerals. Vitamins are important for your eyes, your skin, your bones, for hair and for other parts of your body. There are vitamins in many types of food. Protein helps you to grow and give you energy. There is protein in meat, fish and milk. Minerals make your bones and teeth strong. There are different types of minerals in milk, vegetables, eggs and meat. Water is important for your blood. It also cleans your body from the inside. Drink lots of water every day.

Food”- what is there in your lunchbox?Choose 4 items.tell the class.

There is a burger, carot, some crackers and some pizza in my lunchbox.

‘’ Fruit’’- Read and choose some and any

There some /any peas

Assessment criteria


Makes a poster about experiences of food

A leaner:

-write about Healthy food

  • -makes a poster

  • -protects a poster

Assessment-FA. Give each other smiles and say their opinions ( Learners evalutes the group)


Read and choose the correct work.

A packet /cartoon of juice

AfL: “Positive Feedback” (Excellent, very good, not bad)

Papers with words





Gold star” feedback

Self assessment of students. Teacher asks questions about the lesson, and then gives pupils worksheets of “Gold star”, pupils tick a star.


  • Homework: Write a blog entry about healthy food.

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Cross-curricular links
Health and safety check
ICT links
Values links

  • Weaker Ss work with T’s support

  • Stronger Ss work on their own

  • more support can be given during elicitation, instruction and questioning phases of the lesson by nominating learners to answer items relating to more high frequency vocabulary to build confidence through participation.

  • more able learners will be challenged by prompting their groups to develop more elaborate parts of the bodyt to narrate.

  • In making the dialogues and answering the questions do FA and assess by smiles when reading and doing exercises

  • Ss will be safely arranged and seated in front of the monitor away from electrical outlets and cables.

  • Working in groups Ss will become more tolerant to each other and respect each other’s opinions

  • The topic itself teaches Ss to be accurate, disciplined, responsible and punctual towards their actions and people surrounding them

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Предмет: Немецкий язык

Категория: Планирование

Целевая аудитория: 4 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

I want to be healthy.Food

Автор: Бегимбетова Нургул

Дата: 11.03.2020

Номер свидетельства: 542440

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