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Презентация для старших курсов СПО по теме "Выражение согласия и несогласия в английском языке" с отработкой грамматической темы "Разделительные вопросы"

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Women should raise children and stay at home

Women should raise children and stay at home

Men are brutal. Sentimentality and needlework aren`t for them, are they?

Men are brutal. Sentimentality and needlework aren`t for them, are they?

Women are better babysitters, aren`t they?

Women are better babysitters, aren`t they?

Women are weak, so they shouldn`t work in manufacturing, construction or agriculture, aren`t they?

Women are weak, so they shouldn`t work in manufacturing, construction or agriculture, aren`t they?

Women are crazy and affective, they shouldn`t drive cars, should they?

Women are crazy and affective, they shouldn`t drive cars, should they?

Women don`t need to get a career. Their career is home and cosiness, isn`t it?

Women don`t need to get a career. Their career is home and cosiness, isn`t it?

Men are getters. So they have to pay the bill, haven`t they?

Men are getters. So they have to pay the bill, haven`t they?

Напишите словами номера телефонов

Напишите словами номера телефонов

  • Men are best cookers than women, aren`t they?
Women are clumsy, they renovate homes or work with their hands, aren`t they?
  • Women are clumsy, they renovate homes or work with their hands, aren`t they?
Love is a great feeling
  • Love is a great feeling
Men should be the first to take a step towards, shouldn`t they?
  • Men should be the first to take a step towards, shouldn`t they?
All blondes are stupid, aren`t they?

All blondes are stupid, aren`t they?

Men don`t cry, do they?

Men don`t cry, do they?

Women should earn less than a men, shouldn`t they?

Women should earn less than a men, shouldn`t they?

There is no friendship between a man and a woman, is it?

There is no friendship between a man and a woman, is it?

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: Прочее

Agree or Disagree?

Автор: Ястребкова Ксения Владимировна

Дата: 07.12.2018

Номер свидетельства: 489403

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