INTRODUCING NEW MATERIAL T introduces Ps with today’s criteria of achievement and activities. Today they will learn letters Qq and Rr. They will colour and write them, know new words and do many activities. PRESENTATION Pupils' books closed. T points to the letter Qq on the “My ABC” poster and says “Letter Qq. Sound /kw/”. Pupils repeat after teacher. Point to the letter and ask the pupils to say the sound. T shows in the air how to write the letter Qq and the Ps repeat doing after the teacher. T points to the picture of the Queen and says: Qq – Queen (quilt, quiet). The pupils repeat after teacher chorally then individually. T puts the pictures in random order and asks the Ps to say them. T and Ps repeat the activities with the letter Rr (rabbit, rocket, radio) Ps open their activity books and colour the letter, then trace the letter. T checks the Ps work and gives them smiley faces according to the rule. All are right – green Some mistakes – yellow More mistakes – red PRACTICE T gives Ps sheets of paper. Ps do this activity in pairs. ________________ _______________ ________________   Match to make words.     T gives Ps sheets of paper and explains the activity. T checks them after the lesson. Learning objective: 1.S3 pronounce familiar words and expressions intelligibly, recognize the spoken form of a limited range of basic and everyday words Level of thinking skills: Knowledge and comprehension Application Assessment criteria: Name topic words with clear pronunciation Task 1. Colour in all the squares with q words and help the kitten go to the cat. 
queen | lollipop | egg | house | quiet | door | nest | pen | quilt | Descriptor: A learner * Says the first letter of words; * Finds q words; * Colours the squares with q words. Task 2 Point the words that begin with r. Then write. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Descriptor: A learner * Says the names of objects clearly; * Says the first letter of words; * Finds words with r; * Writes words with r. |