So, boys and girls today we are going to speak about parties and the theme of our new lesson is “Invitation”. Today we are going to do a lot of tasks and for each right answer you’ll get the token. At the end of the lesson we are going to count these tokes.
Look at the exercise 3.
Ex. 3 p. 106
Read the invitations.
To Carol
From Tom
Please come to my
party on.
15 March at 4 p. m.
Hill Road 20
I invite you to my
at 10 Queen St.
on Friday
15 March
at 5 p. m.
We have got two different invitations. And now let’s learn how to write an invitation card. The first we decide who we are writing to. Then we should say what kind of party we have. It may be connected with some holidays. For example: Christmas, Birthday, New Year, Women’s Day, Nauryz.
Then we decide where the party will take place? For example: in the café, in the restaurants, in the entertainment centers, at home.
And of course when is our party going to be.
For example:
To: the students of the 6 “B” form
From: Your English teacher
Come to my part on 19 January at 12 a.m.
Address: 70”A” Turgenev St.
I prepared this invitation cards to you. But to get them you should do some tasks.
Task I
Ex. 4 p. 107
Read and answer the question: Where were Carol and Dmitry yesterday?
Work with new words
Invite [in’vait] шақыру
Invitation [invi’teiʃn] шақыру қағазы
Boring [‘bɔ:riŋ] көңілсіз, қызықсыз
Delicious [diliʃəs] өте дәмді
Enjoy [in’dʒɔi] рақаттану, ұнату
Wonderful [‘wᴧndəful] тамаша
Now let’s read the text.
Carol: Were you at John’s party yesterday?
Dmitry: Yes, I was.
Carol: Was it good?
Dmitry: No, it was a little boring. The food was not delicious.
Carol: Were there many people?
Dmitry: Yes, there were. And where were you?
Carol: I was at Tom’s party. There were not many people there. But it was lovely. The food was delicious. I enjoyed it.
Answer: Carol was at Tom’s party.
Dmitry was at John’s party.
Task 2
True or False?
Ex.5 p.107
Dmitry was at John’s party yesterday.
The party was a little boring.
The food was delicious.
There were many people.
Carol was at John’s party too.
The food was not delicious.
Carol enjoyed the party.
And our last task is a word game: “Write it, eat it…”
You should make up as many words as you can connecting with our theme “Invitation” and parties.
The end of the lesson
Giving the home task
Your home task will be exercise 9 on page 108. Write your own invitation.
Now, let’s count your tokens. Today you were very active. Your marks are …