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Календарно- тематическое планирование 10 класс

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Урок по основной дидактической цели.Урок комплексного применения изученного по основным этапам учебного процесса-урок повторения и обобщения.

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«Календарно- тематическое планирование 10 класс»

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Урок английского языка в 10 классе. Учебник Английский язык. Базовый уровень. 10 класс. Учебник Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В., Баранова К.М.

Тема урока: “Happiness is….”

Тип урока: по основной дидактической цели – урок комплексного применения изученного;

по основным этапам учебного процесса – урок повторения и обобщения.

Цели урока:


  • формирование лексико-грамматических навыков говорения;

  • формирование умений употребления лексических единиц по теме в речи;

  • формирование навыков соуправления учебным процессом посредством включения учащихся в процесс подготовки дидактического материала к уроку (видеоролики);


  • развитие аудитивной памяти учащихся с помощью видеозаписи диалогов;

  • развитие навыков монологического высказывания и коммуникативно-речевых способностей;


  • формирование ценностного самоопределения учащихся посредством включения их в различные виды деятельности и использования технологий ценностного самоопределения;

  • воспитание уважительного отношения друг к другу в процессе ответа товарища, в процессе групповой и парной работы.

Средства обучения:

  • компьютерная и мультимедийная техника;

  • проекционный материал;

  • раздаточный материал;

  • ноутбуки.

Структура урока

Обучающиеся разделены на две группы, на столе ноутбуки и раздаточный материал.

На доске: 

There are no friends for enamoured.


To check up who is your real friend you should know how much money he can lend to you.

                                                                                        Winston Churchill

I этап: Организация начала урока.

Задача: Мотивация учебной деятельности, постановка цели.


Good morning, my dear friends. How are you today? It`s a nice day today, isn`t it? We are all together and it`s great.

Look at the screen, please. How do you think what these people have in common? Right, they are happy. Why are they happy? So, what are we going to speak about today? What are your ideas?  What are the lesson aims? (What happiness is….. How to be happy…..) Right. Today we are going to talk about happiness and the topic of our lesson is happiness. At the lesson we’ll create the Pyramid of happiness.

2. Фонетическая зарядка

I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish, but if you wish the wish the witch wishes, I won’t wish the wish you wish to wish.

 3. Речевая зарядка

You know that happiness can be understood and interpreted in various ways. There is no magic formula for happiness but some of the aspects are universal. They are freedom, the sense of belonging, an interesting occupation and so on.

We often hear “He is happy” or “She is unhappy (sad)”. But nobody can say what happiness is.  Let’s try to answer this question today. From the very beginning let’s try to find out what makes people happy.

To answer this question, let`s find out when you feel happy, what makes you happy, who makes you happy.

Use the structure “I feel happy when I …” or “I am happy when I…

As for me, I feel happy when I travel.

Look and say your ideas.


P1 - I feel happy when I meet my friends.

P2 - I am happy when I watch TV.

P3 - I feel happy when I have a birthday party.

P4 - I feel happy when I eat tasty things.

P5 - I am happy when I read an interesting book.

P6 - I feel happy when I do sports.

P7 - I am happy when I go hiking.


T – I am glad you are happy. There are many people who can make us happy. Let’s talk about them. Use the structure “… make (makes) me happy”.

As for me, my daughter makes me happy.

Look and say your ideas. (слайд 5)

P1 – My friend makes me happy.

P2 – my teachers make me happy.

P3 – My brother makes me happy.

P4 – My sister makes me happy.

P5 – My parents make me happy.

P6 – My school makes me happy.

P7 – My classmates make me happy.

P8 – My family makes me happy.


– OK, now let’s dream. When will you be happy?

Use the structure “I will be happy if I have…

As for me, I will be if I have my own school.


P1 - I will be happy if I have a car.

P2 - I will be happy if I have a house.

P3 - I will be happy if I have a friend.

P4 - I will be happy if I have money.

P5 - I will be happy if I have a family.

P6 - I will be happy if I have a beautiful dress.

P7- I will be happy if I have a computer.

Look and say your ideas. (слайд 6)


T – Thank you for your ideas.

Do you agree or disagree with these opinions on happiness? Use the construction: I think so. I don`t think so.

  1. Money makes you happy.

  2. The older you become, the happier you are.

  3. Men are happier than women.

  4. Married people are happier than single people.

  5. People in warmer climates are happier than people in colder climates.

  6. It’s hard to be happy in today’s world.

  7. Every country should have a Minister of Happiness.

4. Подготовка к основному этапу

Задача: актуализация опорных знаний учащихся; развитие навыков монологического высказывания

Look at the screen. What makes people happy? Who makes people happy? Look at this lady. Why is this lady happy? (She is happy because she has a friend). She needs friendship to be happy, doesn’t she?

What do you need to be happy? During 2 minutes I’d like you to remember as many things as you can that will help you to be happy and fill in this list of values.

Remind as many things as you can that can help you to be happy:











Now read your list of values.

Учащиеся читают лист ценностей, которые помогают им быть счастливыми.

5. You are going to watch a short video film. Be attentive and try to remember what happiness for different people is. Add some ideas into your list. Просмотр видеофрагмента. What do people need to be happy?

I also have a list of different things which can help you to be happy. Put them from the most important to the least important. You can add your own ideas.

Лист ценностей: Friendship, love, family, money, Motherland, kindness, freedom, health, wisdom, life, nature, beauty, honesty, people.

Учащиеся на листе распределяют ценности от наиболее значимых к наименее значимым.

6. Работа с текстом. Учебник с.39-40(3).  During the reading the text you can add the values and fill in your list of values.

7.         Задача: развитие аналитического мышления, развитие грамматических навыков, навыков чтения;

Task 3

I’ve prepared a very interesting story about one man. The first group has the first part of this story and the second group has the second one. Fill in the gaps with the correct forms of the words given. Then read your part of story to each other and try to understand what helped Samuel to become happy.

Group 1.

Samuel has changed several jobs. His first job was a clerk job in a bank. Though the job was not difficult, it ____rather ________________. Sam worked very long hours and ________________ got very tired.

Once when he _____  ___________ for a bus to go home, he saw a very _______________ girl. They began talking and soon understood that they both enjoyed the _____________very much.

They didn’t even notice that they ______ ________their stop.








Group 2.

A year later they got married and ________into a little cottage in the suburbs.

The house _____ ________ in the 19th century and Sam was very proud of it and of the garden around it, too.

He enjoyed _____________ and hated working with papers.

He thought that one day he _______ __________ his job in the bank and would become a ___________ and a very good husband. Once he did so. Now Sam has five _____________ and ____________ wife. He is happy.








T: What helped Samuel to become happy? (учащиеся отвечают на вопрос).

8.  Now your task will be to read a text and learn when people are happy.

Учитель раздает ученикам текст “We can be happy” для просмотрового чтения. Дети читают его 5 минут, затем дополняют лист ценностей новыми примерами. Fill in your list of values.

We can be happy

Everybody can really be happy. I give you some easy advices that help me to feel happy. The first advice is to always smile to everybody. Do your favourite jobLove your parents and friends, enjoy everything you do. But you should learn to feel your happiness. Some people don’t want or don’t know how to feel it. They can’t understand that happiness is everywhere. You can feel happy when you sleep, eat or study.

Unfortunately, there are many beggars in the world. They feel happy when they find a building with a roof, when they eat, when somebody offers them some help.

For rich people happiness is a bit different. They feel happy when they buy a second or a third flat, when they open their own shop.

For my sister, happiness is another thing. She is 12. She can feel happy when she reads an interesting book, when she plays her favorite game.

My mother thinks that happiness is to have children. Some people say that happiness is money.

Many people think that happiness is to sit at home, to watch TV and to have no problems.

I think happiness is to have a family and friends; to love people whom we know; and, to help each other to solve little and big problems.

I have my own home, a family, I study in a good school, and my classmates are my best friends. I like all people on the Earth. I think I am the happiest person. I always smile, and believe that all will be OK even something bad happens.

Try to be optimistic and you will understand that life is not a bad thing. It is important to remember that we can really to be happy.


– Now you can tell me about other people. Tell me when people are happy? Use the structure “Some people are happy when they …”

For example, some people are happy when the have a house with a roof to sleep in and enough food to eat.

P1 - Some people are happy when they help friends.

P2 - Some people are happy when they have a house with a roof.

P3 - Some people are happy when they love somebody.

P4 - Some people are happy when they study.

P4 - Some people are happy when they sleep.

P5 - Some people are happy when they eat.

P6 - Some people are happy when they have no problems.

P7 - Some people are happy when they sit at home.

9. Предъявление ситуации. Ситуация представлена с помощью видеофрагмента, созданного самими учащимися.

 Your home task was to learn the dialogues by heart. The dialogues between two friends. Try to understand them.

Dialogue #1

S1: Hey! Listen. Could you lend me some money?

S2: Oh, I’m so sorry but I have no money.

S1: Can you ask your parents to give it?

S2: I don’t think so! My mother is sick and she is not able to work.

S1: I can see. You don’t want to help me, do you?

S2: Yes, I do. But I can’t!

S1: Don’t give me that! You are not my real friend.

S2: Wait…

Анализ и оценка действий участников событий с ценностных позиций:

Try to answer the following questions:

  • What values are there in this situation;

  • What values has each participant got;

  • Do the main characters behave correctly;

  • What are prospective reasons of the conflict;

  • How could you act in such a situation?

 Look at the screen. You will see a dialogue between the main character and his girlfriend. Try to understand them.

Dialogue #2

S1: Hello, darling!

S3: Hi. Glad to see you.

S1: How are getting on?

S3: Everything is OK, thanks. Have you found money for me?

S1: I’m so sorry! Give me some more time.

S3: I have no time. I’ll ask someone else.

S1: Wait…

S3: Don’t follow me!

Answer the following questions:

  • What values are there in this situation;

  • What values has each participant got;

  • Do the main characters behave correctly;

  • What are prospective reasons of the conflict;

  • Has your attitude to the main character been changed?


Now listen to the song and relax. Учащиеся слушают песню «Be happy», отдыхают, выполняют зрительную гимнастику.

11. Портрет счастливого человека

Now I suggest you to make a portrait of a happy man using your list of values. You have 5 minutes to do this task. After that you should explain the poster’s meaning.

Here you have everything you need: different pictures, glue, pencils. You have a notebook and the Internet. Use them to make a portrait of a happy man. (Ребятам предлагается с помощью картинок, наклеек с мудрыми мыслями и пословицами создать портрет счастливого человека. Ребята работают в группах).

Презентация работ обеих групп. Продукт проекта размещается на доске.

  1. Подведение итогов урока.

Your home task was to read the short story by O`Henry. The Last Leaf. I`ll read the end of this story. Listen to me, please.

Later that day, Sue came to the bed where Johnsy lay, and put one arm around her.

«I have something to tell you, white mouse,» she said. «Mister Behrman died of pneumonia today in the hospital. He was sick only two days. They found him the morning of the first day in his room downstairs helpless with pain. His shoes and clothing were completely wet and icy cold. They could not imagine where he had been on such a terrible night.

And then they found a lantern, still lighted. And they found a ladder that had been moved from its place. And art supplies and a painting board with green and yellow colors mixed on it.

And look out the window, dear, at the last ivy leaf on the wall. Didn’t you wonder why it never moved when the wind blew? Ah, darling, it is Behrman’s masterpiece – he painted it there the night that the last leaf fell.»

What is the main idea, the main value, in your opinion? (Учащиеся определяют главную идею данного произведения и подводят итог урока).

The main value is life and health. To be healthy means to be happy.

13. Домашнее задание.

Home task is to write an essay

«Health is above wealth».

14. Рефлексия.

Задача: подведение итогов урока, самооценка и самоанализ деятельности.

We have built the portrait of a happy man. And it’s very interesting that it is a pyramid of human values. Human values are the main things that should be in each of us. These values pass from father to son. They are transferred by means of family education, literature, school education.

Let’s learn to forgive each other, to be patient.

So, if you are kind, have a lot of friends, live with your family and love them, you’ll be happy.

Thank you for the lesson. You have been great. We need just a smile for happiness. Let`s smile to each other. If you like our lesson, if you feel yourself comfortable, put the happy smile on the blackboard. If not, put the sad smile on the blackboard. You have a choice like a happy man.

Покидая класс, ученики размещают смайлики на доске: веселые или грустные.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Планирование

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Календарно- тематическое планирование 10 класс

Автор: Курасова Александра Александровна

Дата: 20.12.2022

Номер свидетельства: 621006

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