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Eating in Britain конспект урока

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The aims of the lesson:
1. to enlarge pupils knowledge concerning the theme
to pay attention to their pronunciation
to teach to work creatively
2. to practice students by using grammar materials “to”
3. The type of the lesson combined
The procedure of the lesson
I Organisation moment
II Reading texts about English and Kazakhs cuisine
III to give information about eating in Britain and Kazakhstan
IV making a dialogue
V to do exercises (revision of grammar countable and uncountable nouns)
VI work in pairs. Ask and answer
VII to speak about Christmas. Sing a song
VIII Conclusion of the lesson. Make a diagram
IX Giving a home task and marks

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«Eating in Britain конспект урока »

The aims of the lesson:
1. to enlarge pupils knowledge concerning the theme
to pay attention to their pronunciation
to teach to work creatively
2. to practice students by using grammar materials “to”
3. The type of the lesson combined
The procedure of the lesson
I Organisation moment
II Reading texts about English and Kazakhs cuisine
III to give information about eating in Britain and Kazakhstan
IV making a dialogue
V to do exercises (revision of grammar countable and uncountable nouns)
VI work in pairs. Ask and answer
VII to speak about Christmas. Sing a song
VIII Conclusion of the lesson. Make a diagram
IX Giving a home task and marks

T. Good morning children!

T. Who is on duty today?
T. I’m glad to see you too
T. What date is it today?
T. What day is it?
T. What month is it?
T. What season is it?

Good morning
Good morning to you
Good morning
We are glad to see you

Today is the 12th of December
Today is Wednesday
It is December
It is winter
Now let’s continue our lesson. At the previous lesson we spoke about eating in Britain. And I gave you task to find some information about eating in Britain. Who wants to speak? We are listen to you.
Have you got any questions?
Have you got anything else?

T. Ask and answer the question
Aiazhan speaks about food of Britain
OK children you spoke about eating in Britain.
And now can you tell me something eating in Kazakhstan.
Now let’s listen to the conversation of foreigener’s who came to our city.
Now children we spoke about eating in Britain and in Kazakhstan.

May I. Please, tell us.
P1 tells us about Eating in Britain.
P1 Do you like to eat fast food?
- No, I don’t.
2. Do you think that eating out Is good?
- I think sometimes it is good, but it’s good to eat at home.
I want to speak about vegetarians?
She tells.
P1 Are you vegetarian?
No, I’m not.
I like to eat meat.
2. How much percent of English people are vegetarian?
- about 10 percent.
What kind of food eat English people?
Pupils began to speak about Kazakh cuisine.
P1 P2 P3 P4
Pupils do it.

Look at the board and fill the diagram about eating in Britain and in Kazakhstan
They do it on their copy books and read it.

Now then let’s revise grammar.
How many types of nouns do you know?

P. They are two

What are they?
Yes, you are right.
Can you give me one example.
Let’s do test. Find out countable and uncountable nouns.
Now pupils what kind of holiday did we had and what kind of holidays we are going to celebrate.
What kind of food do they eat on Christmas?
What else do you know?
OK. Do you like to sing a song about Christmas?
Now at the end of the lesson let’s give conclusion of the lesson.
Ask and answer the questions.
Now children remember it you want to be healthy you must eat only healthy food, never drink alcohol never smoke and always remember these rules.
They are countable and uncountable.
If nouns has plural end – s or – es, they are countable.
P2 Some nouns don’t have plural form. They are uncountable.
Pupils did test.

We had first President’s day on the 1th of December. On the 16th of December we are going to celebrate Independence Day and on the 25th of December we are going to celebrate Christmas.
They prepared Turkey.
Christmas is a holiday. They sent cards to each other. They decorate the Christmas tree.
P1 - P2
P1 - P2
Pair work

How to be healthy
Too little food makes you thin.
Too much food makes you fat.
The wrong food makes you ill.
The right food keeps you well.
Evolution and giving
Home task.
Your home task.
To find any recipes and write it.
The lesson is over.
Good bye, children.
Good bye, teacher.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Планирование

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

Eating in Britain конспект урока

Автор: Demeuova Almagul Khamitovna

Дата: 15.03.2015

Номер свидетельства: 187080

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