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Конспект урока английского язык

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Вариант конспект урока «eating in Britain» на английском языке предназначен для учащихся 6х-9х классов.

урок  можно провести во время недели английского языка в школе или обобщающий урок по изученным темам. цель To enrich students’ knowledge about foods in Britain.To evoke their interest in eating in two countries  .To enrich the topical vocabulary.To develop logical and critical thinking and creation.

Teaching results

Students  can speak   about typical British food and compare it with our eating habits and act out some dialogues. and the traditionall food  in Britain.They can compare” Eating  in Britain” and”Eating  in Kazakhstan.” They can use new words in their speech.

Greeting .Make up a dialogue.  Strategy  Traffic light

 Teachers activity Divide the class into three


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«конспект урока английского язык »

Mukur secondary school

Talasbayeva Nurgul Anatolievna

English teacher

Date : December 3 ,2014 Level: 7

The theme of the lesson

Eating in Britain.


To enrich students’ knowledge about foods in Britain.To evoke their interest in eating in two countries .To enrich the topical vocabulary.To develop logical and critical thinking and creation.


Reading,speaking,writing and listening in English Language Teaching.

Teaching results

Students can speak about typical British food and compare it with our eating habits and act out some dialogues. and the traditionall food in Britain.They can compare” Eating in Britain” and”Eating in Kazakhstan.” They can use new words in their speech.

Main ideas

So tastes differ, and so many countries, so many cuisines. Every country has its own traditional dishes.


Teacher’s activity

Student’s activity


2 minutes

Greeting .Make up a dialogue. Strategy Traffic light

Divide the class into three


Students will divide into three groups by making “pictures ”

Cards with the pictures of eating.

5 minutes

Review of the past lexicology.

Repeating with names of foods by presentation. To remember grammar.

Vocabulary: fruits & vegetables

Grammar: countable & uncountable nouns; much, many, a lot of

- nouns which we can count is countable nouns, and the nouns that we can’t count is uncountable nouns

- ‘much’ we use with uncountable nouns

- ‘many’ we use with uncountable nouns

- ‘a lot of’ we use in both form of nouns

Students repeat all the vocabulary and divide them into two groups .





3 minutes


Phonetic drill exercises.

Students will prounounce all the new words after the teacher and .then read the dialogue



Ex 1

3 minutes

Presentation of Active Vocabulary.

Look at the board please; you can see the names of different food & drinks. Let’s pronounce them. Repeat them. Repeat the words after me. And now the task for you is to write them into two columns: countable & uncountable nouns

Countable & uncountable nouns Countable Uncountable

Bread, apple, water, cheese, sugar, egg, orange, carrot, meat, fish, tomato, porridge, hamburger, sweet, chocolate, milk, potato, sandwich, coffee, lemon, butter.

ICT(Information Communication Technologies)

Interwrite”Dual Board”


2 minutes.

Match the words with the pictures.

Ex. 6 p. 68 Read grammar reference on page 183 and read and translate the sentences.

Ex. 7 p. 68 Complete the sentences with much or many.

Example: I don’t drink much milk – one liter a day.

ICT(Information Communication Technologies)

Interwrite”Dual Board”


2 minutes

Answer the questions.

Do you like …?

Find out about the likes and dislikes of the people in your class

Students will ask the questions.They will answer the qwestions, ex 10

ICT(Information Communication Technologies)

Interwrite”Dual Board”


2 minutes

Look at the picture and compose the sentence.

Students will make up sentences on the topic.”Sport in Britain”.

ICT(Information Communication Technologies)

Interwrite”Dual Board” Slides.

5 minutes

Work in groups.Read and continue.Compare your information as a class.

Students will write some information about traditionall food in Great Britain that they know.

Draw a table.

Complete the table.Complete the chart.

I know.I want to know.I have learnt.

In the first column you shoud write what you know about Food in Britain”.In the second column you may write questions,what you want to know.And in the third column at the end of the lesson you will write what information you have known today.

Student’s book.

Exercise 9 on page155.

5 minutes


Look and listen to the video about “Food in Great Britain.”


Listen to the text “Food in Great Britain.”

Read the text.

Students will read the text for three times.


Video .

2 minutes

Comprehension check:

  1. What do milkmen do?

  2. Do British people often eat bacon and egg for breakfast?

  3. When do British people usually have lunch?

  4. When do they usually have their evening meal?

  5. Does London have a lot of foreign restaurants? From how many different countries?

  6. Do British people really eat a lot of fish and chips?

They will answer the qwestions,


Interactive board.


5 minutes

Reading .British food

1. What kind of reputation does British food have in Europe?

2. What do they usually eat on Sundays?

3. What kinds of drinks do they like?

4. Which meal is the chief meal of the day?

5. What do they eat for supper?

What can you say about our traditional food?

1st group will read the text and translated

Is the sentence true or false?

They will read the sentences one by one and say “True” or “False”.

1. British food has a bad reputation in Europe.

2. British Sunday lunch consists of roast-beef, roast potatoes & Yorkshire pudding.

3. Tea with milk.

the chief one of the day.

5. An omelet, or sausages, sometimes bacon & eggs.

The kind of our traditional food is variety. We enjoy eating meat. Our favorite drinks are tea with milk, kimiz, katyk etc.

Reading about Kazakh nationall food

2 nd group will read the text and translated.

Student’s book.

Exercise 13 on page 156.

2 minutes

. INDIVIDUAL WORK . Put the sentences in the right order.

"Yes, of course."

"Нere you are. Is that all?"

"Yes, please. I'd like a loaf of bread and one liter of milk."

"Good morning. Can I help you?"

"OK. That will be 10 pounds"

"Anything else, sir?"

"I'd also like 250 grams of butter and a kilo of sugar."

"No, one bottle of olive oil, please. Nowthat'sall."

3 minutes

Compare foods in two countries.

Venn’s diagramme.

Students will compare food in Britain” and “Food in Kazakh stan”.

Students will find semilarities and differences in dishes in two countries.



Venn’s diagramme

2 minutes

Presentation of the Venn’s diagramme of the three groups.

Each group will show their ideas.

Students will present their work.

They will present their schemes.



2 minutes.

Assignment. The teacher will give marks to the students for their activity at the lesson.

My achievement .

.Evaluation of students by their activities at the lesson.

Yes or no

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

конспект урока английского язык

Автор: Таласбаева Нургул Анатольевна

Дата: 04.02.2015

Номер свидетельства: 166965

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