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«Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку "Рождество" для 2-11 классов»
Внеклассное мероприятие
по английскому языку
(для учащихся 2-11 классов)
Основные задачи данного мероприятия:
обобщить и систематизировать знания учащихся по теме «Рождество в англоязычных странах»;
создать ситуацию успеха у всех участников.
расширить кругозор учащихся по теме «Праздники в англоязычных странах»;
познакомить учащихся с образцами английского фольклора (на материале рождественских песен).
развитие положительной мотивации к изучению английского языка;
выявление и развитие творческих способностей, воображения и фантазии.
развивать умения работать в коллективе;
прививать интерес к изучению иностранного языка.
Проведение внеклассных мероприятий на английском языке повышает мотивацию школьников к изучению языка, а также способствует формированию универсальных учебных умений, обеспечивающих успешность овладения иностранным языком в целом. Организация внеклассных мероприятий также содействует эстетическому воспитанию учащихся, этому способствует подбор песен, стихов, пьес, художественное оформление зала, костюмы.
Стихотворение «Christmas Night”.(музыка)
The treesare heavy
Withgleaming snow.
The drifts are deep
And the world is white,
No breath of wind
Is there to blow,
Hushed beauty reigns…
It’s Christmas night.
Ведущий 1: Good morning, girls and boys and dear guests! Welcome to our Christmas party. As you remember all English people celebrate Christmas on the 25th of December. It’s the greatest holiday of all in England. In Trafalgar Square there is a Christmas Tree, which is over fifty feet high. It is a present from Norway. There are big bright stars, shining balls of different colours all over the tree. A lot of people go to Trafalgar Square to see the Christmas tree. And in every English house you can see a beautiful Christmas tree. Let’s look in….
Ведущий 2: Доброе утро, девочки и мальчики, и дорогие гости! Добро пожаловать на нашу Рождественскую вечеринку! Как вы помните, все англичане отмечают Рождество 25 декабря. Это величайший праздник в Англии. На Трафальгарской площади ставится Рождественская ёлка, высота которой более 50 футов. Это подарок людей из Норвегии. Ёлка украшена большими яркими звездами, сияющими разноцветными шарами. Много людей приходит на Трафальгарскую площадь посмотреть на Рождественскую ёлку. Вы можете увидеть красивую ёлку в каждом английском доме. Давайте заглянем в один их них…
сценка « Украшение елки» 2 класс.
Сценка «Украшение ёлки».
Children: Oh, New Year Tree, New Year Tree,
How green are you?
Oh, New Year Tree, New Year Tree,
We are happy to see you.
Pupil 1: Let’s decorate the Tree! I have a dog.
Pupil 2: I have a puppy and a cat.
Pupil 3: I have no toy.
Pupil 4: I have a mouse and a doll.
Pupil5: I have a cat and a dog.
Pupil6: I have no toy.
Pupil 7: I have a pig.
Pupil 8: I have a hedgehog.
P3 P2: Give me the puppy, please.
(поют на мотив детской песни «В траве сидел кузнечик»)
P2: I have, I have a puppy.
I have, I have a puppy.
I have, I have a puppy,
A puppy and a cat.
Ch: Have you a puppy?
Have you a puppy?
P2: Yes, I have a puppy.
Ch: Have you a cat?
Have you a cat?
P2: Yes, I have a cat.
P3 P2: Give me the puppy, please.
P2: Take the puppy.
P3: Thank you.
P4: You are welcome.
P6 P4: Give me the mouse, please.
P4: I have, I have a mouse.
I have, I have a mouse.
I have, I have a mouse,
A mouse and a cat.
Ch: Have you a mouse?
Have you a mouse?
P2: Yes, I have a mouse.
Ch: Have you a cat?
Have you a cat?
P2: Yes, I have a cat.
P3 P2: Give me the mouse, please.
P2: Take the mouse.
P3: Thank you.
P4: You are welcome.
(Затем дети украшают ёлку, вешая игрушки со словами, например: “My hedgehog” или рассказывая стихотворение.)
A Pig Pussy.
I have a funny pig Not very green I have a little Pussy
Not very little Not very dirty and her coat is grey.
Not very big Not very clean. She lives in my house
Not very pink And she never runs away.
My Dog. My doll. My cat. My dog.
I have a dog. My pretty doll My little cat My little dog
It is Jack. Is very small. Is very fat. Is very strong.
Its coat is white I love my pretty I love my pussy I love my funny
Its nose is black. Little doll. Little cat. Little dog.
Ведущий 1: Oh, New Year day, Oh, New Year day
Let us sing and let us play.
O New Year tree, O New Year Tree
Your gay green dress delights us!
O New Year tree, O New Year Tree
Your gay green dress delights us!
You don’t fade with winter’s snow,
You bloom with lights when cold winds blow.
O New Year Tree, O New Year Tree
Your gay green dress delights us.
O New Year Tree, O New Year Tree
You give us so much pleasure
O New Year Tree, O New Year Tree
You give us so much pleasure
You do not fade with winter’s snow,
You bloom with lights when cold winds blow.
O New Year Tree, O New Year Tree
You give us so much pleasure!-
Ведущий 1:
Let’s light our tree. How did we begin to light the trees? No one really knows, though the custom of having Christmas trees comes from Germany. Some people say that it was Martin Luther, who first brought the lighted Christmas tree indoors. One night, walking through the forest, he looked up to see the stars. It was so beautiful that he went home to tell his children how the lighted tree was like a picture of Jesus who brought light to Earth. Children, let’s light our tree!
Ведущий 2: Давайте зажжем огни на нашей ёлке. Когда мы начали украшать ёлки огнями? Никто точно не знает, хотя традиция ставить рождественские ёлки пришла из Германии. Некоторые люди считают, что впервые украсил ёлку огнями Мартин Лютер. Существует предание о том, что однажды в канун Рождества он шел по заснеженному лесу. И тут он увидел высокую пушистую ель, на ветвях которой иней сверкал, подобно звездам на ночном небе. А самая яркая морозная звезда украшал верхушку, подобно Вифлеемской звезде, которая привела волхвов к младенцу Иисусу. Лютеру понравилась такая аналогия. Елку доставили в дом священника, и он украсил ее свечами, чтобы их огоньки напоминали мерцание звезд. Так и появилась эта традиция.
Ведущий 1: One of the essential elements of Christmas is playing different games. I hear some noise. Who is there? I see children.
Ведущий 2: Let’s play “We will make a snowman”.
(Дети водят хоровод и рассказывают стихотворение. Водящий стоит в центре круга. Как только дети говорят последнюю строчку, тот, кто оказывается за водящим подходит и закрывает ему глаза руками. Задача водящего- отгадать, кто это).
We will make a snowman
Big and round, big and round.
We will put a snowman
On the ground, on the ground.
P1: Are you Kate?
Ch: No.
P1: Are you Tom?
Ch: Yes.
Игра “ Like this”.
Ведущий 2:
–How do you run? – (Children:) Like this!
-How do you sleep? – Like this!
How do you eat? – Like this!
How do you drink? – Like this!
How do you dance? - Like this!
How do you play? – Like this! (надуть щеки и разом стукнуть по ним).
How do you smile? – Like this!
How do you laugh? – Like this!
How do you think? – Like this!
– How do you swim (climb, go, jump)? – Like this! ( Движения водящий показывает неверно, пытаясь сбить с толка, задача – слушать внимательно и повторять движения в соответствии с вопросами).
Ведущий 1: On Christmas Eve there are evening church services and you can hear carols in the streets. В Рождество в церквях проводятся праздничные службы, а на улицах можно увидеть людей, которые поют кэролы - песни религиозного содержания.
Carol “Away in the Manger”.
Away in a manger, no crib for a bed,
The little Lord Jesus laid down
His sweet head,
The stars in the bright sky
Looked down where he lay
The little Lord Jesus asleep on
The hey.
The cattle are lowing,
The baby awakes,
But little Lord Jesus,
No crying He makes,
I love thee, Lord Jesus! Look
Down from the sky,
And stand by my bedside
Till morning is nigh.
Be near me, Lord Jesus,
I ask Thee to stay
Close by me forever, and love me
I pray:
Bless all the dear children
In Thy tender care,
And fit us for Heaven to live
With Thee there.
Ведущий 2: To people all over the world Christmas is a season of giving and receiving presents. Long ago each child hung a stocking or a sock over the fireplace. They believed that Santa entered down the chimney and left presents inside the socks for them. Giving gifts is a Christmas tradition.
Ведущий 2: Для всех людей Рождество- время дарить и получать подарки. Дети вешают носок над камином. Они верят, что Санта Клаус спустится в дом через дымоход и оставит им подарки в носках. Послушаем песню о рождественских подарках.
Песня “ On Christmas day”
. On Christmas Day hey hey hey hey
We’ll have a tree hee hee hee hee
And it will snow ho ho ho ho
For you and me hee hee hee hee
What do you want on Christmas day?
I want a car.
He wants a car,
He wants a car.
And it’ll go brm, brm…
. On Christmas Day hey hey hey hey
We’ll have a tree hee hee hee hee
And it will snow ho ho ho ho
For you and me hee hee hee hee
What do you want on Christmas day?
I want a trumpet.
He wants a trumpet,
He wants a trumpet,
And it’ll go toot, toot, toot, toot.
On Christmas Day hey hey hey hey
We’ll have a tree hee hee hee hee
And it will snow ho ho ho ho
For you and me hee hee hee hee
What do you want on Christmas day?
I want a cat.
She wants a cat,
She wants a cat,
And it’ll go mew, mew, mew, mew.
Ведущий: Before Christmas people clean their flats, houses and sometimes we can see unusual scenes.
Сценка “ The two kittens”.
The two kittens.
Сценка разыгрывается по ролям (ведущий, два котенка, хозяйка).
Two little kittens one stormy night
Began to quarrel and to fight,
One had a mouse? The other had none,
This was the way the fight was begun.
“I’ll have that mouse,” said the bigger cat;
“You will have that mouse? We’ll see about that!”
“I will have that mouse!” said the older one.
“You shan’t have that mouse!” said the little one.
I told you before, it was a stormy night
When these two little kittens began to fight.
The old woman took her sweeping broom
And swept the kittens right out of the room.
The ground was covered with frost and snow,
And the poor little kittens had nowhere to go,
So they both lay down on the mat at the door,
While the old woman finished sweeping the floor.
Then they both crept in, as quiet as mice,
All wet with the snow and cold, as ice,
For they found it was better that stormy night
To lie down and sleep than to quarrel and fight.
10 .Ведущий: Now it’s time to lay the table. The Christmas table looks much like a Thanksgiving feast of turkey or ham, potatoes or pie. Guests bring English fruit cake or plum pudding as presents to their hosts. No one can tell when and how the Christmas pudding appeared in England. But there is a very old legend about its origin. The legend says that long long ago a king got lost in the fog one Christmas Eve. He and his retainers were dying from hunger. So the king and his men put their plums, flour, fruit together. The result was exciting. The new dish was so delicious that the king decreed that such pudding be the special dish for his kingdom.
Ведущий 2: Время накрывать на стол. Рождественский стол во многом похож на угощение, которое люди едят на день Благодарения: индейка или ветчина, картофель, пироги. Гости приносят английский фруктовый пирог или Рождественский пудинг в качестве подарка. Никто не может точно сказать, когда и как появился Рождественский пудинг в Англии. Есть очень древняя легенда о его происхождении. Легенда гласит, что очень- очень давно один король со своими приближенными заблудился из- за тумана в канун Рождества. Он и его приближенные умирали от голода. Поэтому король и его люди смешали всё, что у них было: сливы, мука, фрукты и приготовили блюдо. Результат был восхитительный. Новое блюдо было настолько вкусным, что король распорядился, чтобы этот пудинг стал особым в его королевстве.
Песня про пудинг.
Let’s make a cake
Let’s make a cake
Mix in all the things that we like best,
A little bit of this
A little bit of that
What shall we put in first?
And we shall mix in the eggs
Mix in the eggs
Stir and stir and
Stir and stir and
Let’s make a cake.
And we shall mix in the ice-cream
Mix in the ice-cream
Stir and stir and
Stir and stir and
Let’s make a cake.
11. Ведущий: Christmas is the time of magic. Very incredible things can become true.
Сказка “ Little Red Riding Hood”.
Little Red Riding Hood
Little Red Riding Hood
Santa Claus
Scene 1.
Red Hood: My name is Little Red Riding Hood. Good morning!
Mother: Little Red Hood! Where are you?
Red Hood: I’m here, mother. What’s the matter?
Mother: Do you know which holiday is coming up? Merry Christmas! Take a cake, some apples and a present for your Granny.
Red Hood: All right, mother.
Mother: Don’t speak to anybody on the way. Don’t stop in the wood. And don’t pick flowers, mushrooms and berries.
Red Hood: O.K., Mum. Good bye!
Mother: Good bye, darling! See you soon!
Scene 2. In the wood.
Red Hood: How nice it is on the wood! There are many trees, flowers and mushrooms there. I’ll pick some flowers for my Granny.
(Появляется волк).
Wolf: I’m big and grey. I live in the wood. I want to eat you, Little Red Riding Hood!
Good morning, Red Wood Eaten Food …oh… Little Red Riding Hood!
Red Hood: Good morning, Mr. Wolf! Merry Christmas!
Wolf: Where are you going?
Red Hood: I’m going to my granny. Come with me!
Wolf: Where does she live?
Red Hood: She lives in a little house near the river. It’s not far from here. Come with me!
Wolf: But does she live alone?
Red Hood: Yes, but why don’t you want to go with me?
Wolf: I’m busy, I’m preparing for a Christmas party. I want to make a big cake.
Red Hood: What a pity! Good bye!
Wolf: See you!
Scene 3. Near the Granny’s house.
Grandmother: Who is there?
Wolf: It’s me, Little Red Riding Hood.
Grandmother: Come in, darling.
( Врывается волк, пытается схватить бабушку. Она бьет его веником. Бабушка убегает. Волк одевает платье, косынку и ложится в постель.)
Red Hood:
Clap, clap, clap
Rap, rap, rap
I’m knocking at the door,
Tap, tap, tap…
Wolf: Who is here?
Red Hood: It’s me, Little Red Riding Hood.
Wolf: Come in, my dear!
Red Hood: Good morning, Granny!
Wolf: Good morning!
Red Hood: Merry Christmas! Why are you lying in bed? Are you ill?
Wolf: No, I am tired.
Red Hood: Why?
Wolf: I have a lot of tasty dishes but I have no cake.
Red Hood: Don’t worry, my dear! Wolf has a cake! Let’s invite him to the Christmas party!
Wolf: (Снимает одежду бабушки) Oh, yes, yes, yes. I’m happy. I’m glad. You are so kind!
Red Hood: Oh, where is my Granny?
(Входит бабушка и Санта Клаус)
Grandmother: We are here, dear! I met Santa Claus in the wood.
Red Hood: Merry Christmas!
Wolf: Merry Christmas! I am sorry. I will be very good in the New Year.
(хором) Merry Christmas, dear children!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas, happy day,
We all dance and sing and say
Merry Christmas, happy day!
(Поют песню “We wish you a Merry Christmas”)
12. Santa Claus comes.
Good morning, girls and boys, dear guests. How are you? I’m happy to see you. Do you know what my name is? Yes, my name is Santa Clause. I think you have learnt a lot about Christmas. Let’s see. Answer my questions and you will get a letter for the right answer.
When do we celebrate Christmas?
What is the traditional Christmas meal?
What do people put in their rooms?
How do people decorate a Christmas tree?
Where do I put presents?
How do I get into the house?
Why is Christmas a religious holiday?
How do people prepare for Christmas?
When do people go to church?
Who visits children on Christmas Eve?
Where do children hang stockings?
How do we call Christmas religious songs?
What are the traditional Christmas songs?
Where do people celebrate Christmas?
What do people wish each other?
Затем из полученных букв составляется словосочетание «Merry Christmas”.
Заключительное слово.
Santa Clause: Don’t forget that Christmas is a holiday when you may give presents to boys and girls, parents, teachers and all people you want. Do it please. Be happy! Be good and obedient pupils. Help your parents. Be kind! Merry Christmas!
Песня «We wish you a Merry Christmas”.
We wish you a Merry Christmas,
We wish you a Merry Christmas,
We wish you a Merry Christmas,
And a Happy New Year!
Ref: Good tidings we bring
To you and your kin.
We wish you a Merry Christmas
And a happy New Year.
And we’d all like some figgy pudding,
And we’d all like some figgy pudding,
And we’d all like some figgy pudding,
So bring some out here!
And we won’t go untill we get some,
And we won’t go untill we get some,
And we won’t go untill we get some,
So bring some out here!
Harriet Powell. “Game-Songs With Prof Dogg’s Troupe”(Сборник песен и игр для начальной школы к УМК “Enjoy English 1–4. Титул. 2007.