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The theme of the lesson:.

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                                         The  theme  of  the  lesson:<<So many  men,  so many  mind>>.

                                          Aims of the lesson : to develop pupils speech  in speaking, logical thinking  and  oral  speech,  to love and value foreign languages.

                                          Visual  aids: cards,   interactive board,pictures.

                                                        The procedure  of the lesson.

Dear  teachers  and pupils. I am glad to see you.  We shall  show you our out of  class lesson

is named:<< So  many  men,  so  many mind>>

 Our class   divided  two teams.

The  first  teams  name  is  <<Let us  speak English>>

The second teams name is << English  in action >

The  captain of the first team is -.

The captain of  the  second  team  is --.

Two team will show us- their  knowledge and  what they learned at English lessons. I shall introduce  you  with  members of the jury.

They are :

The English  language teachers

The Russian  languages  teachers

1.To introduce, motto,emblem.


3The  proverbs.

4.A game << Catching Fishes>>

1тур. To introduce


<<A little old woman with twelve  children.

Some short,  some long, some  cold, some hot.>>

                                                   ( Year-жыл-год)

<<I know the ABC

But  I am writing as you can see.>>


<<Те?ізден,м?хиттан да ?ткізеді          

А?са?ан алысына жеткізеді.>>


The  second team  listen to me attentively.

<<Without head or body but can open the door>>

                                                ( Wind-жел-ветер)  

<<Та? атып к?н шы?арады,

К?ркіне ?аратады

Ертемен ел аралап,

Жа?алы? таратады.>>


Has no foot,

But just full.

He always,

On the run.


3турYou must continue the proverbs

1’’There is a place (like home)’’

?зге елде с?лтан бол?анша(?з елі?де ?лтан бол)

2Health is better (than wealth)

Денсаулы?-(зор байлы?)

3’’Early  to bed  and early  to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.’’

Ерте т?р?анны? екі ісі  арты?.

4’’A  good  name is better (than riches)”

 Жа?сы с?з- жарым  ырыс.

The second team

1.”Power is in( knowledge)”

К?ш білімде.

2”.East or west,(home is best)”.                                     

?з ?йім ке? сарайым боз ?йім.

3”.Everything  is good (in  it’s season)”.

?р н?рсені?( ?з уа?ыты ).

4.”All is well(that ends well)”

Басы  ?атты болса,(ая?ы т?тті болады).

4тур   Game  “Catching  Fishes’.’

 ( ?р балы?ты?  артында с?ра?тар жазыл?ан)

1.What is the capital of Kazakhstan?

2.What are countries border  Kazakhstan?

3What are countries border Kazakhstan?

4How many countries are there in the UK?

5What is the capital of  the  UK?

6How many regions are there in Kazakhstan?

Let s congratulate the winners.

Thank you for the game.


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«The theme of the lesson:. »

The theme of the lesson:, so many mind.

Aims of the lesson : to develop pupils speech in speaking, logical thinking and oral speech, to love and value foreign languages.

Visual aids: cards, interactive board ,pictures.

The procedure of the lesson.

Dear teachers and pupils. I am glad to see you. We shall show you our out of class lesson

is named:, so many mind

Our class divided two teams.

The first teams name is

The second teams name is

The captain of the first team is ------.

The captain of the second team is -----.

Two team will show us- their knowledge and what they learned at English lessons. I shall introduce you with members of the jury .

They are :

The English language teachers

The Russian languages teachers

1.To introduce, motto,emblem.

2.Riddles .

3The proverbs.

4.A game

1тур. To introduce


Some short, some long, some cold, some hot.

( Year-жыл-год)

But I am writing as you can see.


Аңсаған алысына жеткізеді.


The second team listen to me attentively.

( Wind-жел-ветер)

Таң атып күн шығарады,

Көркіне қаратады

Ертемен ел аралап ,

Жаңалық таратады.


Has no foot,

But just full.

He always,

On the run.


3турYou must continue the proverbs

1’’There is a place (like home)’’

Өзге елде сұлтан болғанша(өз еліңде ұлтан бол)

2Health is better (than wealth)

Денсаулық-(зор байлық)

3’’Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.’’

Ерте тұрғанның екі ісі артық.

4’’A good name is better (than riches)”

Жақсы сөз- жарым ырыс.

The second team

1.”Power is in( knowledge)”

Күш білімде.

2”.East or west,(home is best)”.

Өз үйім кең сарайым боз үйім.

3”.Everything is good (in it’s season)”.

Әр нәрсенің( өз уақыты ).

4.”All is well(that ends well)”

Басы қатты болса,(аяғы тәтті болады).

4тур Game “Catching Fishes’.’

( әр балықтың артында сұрақтар жазылған)

1.What is the capital of Kazakhstan?

2.What are countries border Kazakhstan?

3What are countries border Kazakhstan?

4How many countries are there in the UK?

5What is the capital of the UK?

6How many regions are there in Kazakhstan?

Let s congratulate the winners.

Thank you for the game.


Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

The theme of the lesson:.

Автор: Махметова Куланда Кенесовна

Дата: 02.04.2015

Номер свидетельства: 195638

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