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The theme of competition: How is your English?

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The theme of competition: How is your English?
The bringing up aim: to teach the students to work in the team, to help each other.
The training aim: to improve their speaking, understanding and translating.
Visual aids: pictures, puzzles, emblems, costumes, map of Great Britain, slogans

  Organization moment.
 Teacher: Good afternoon dear teachers, our guests and students! 
We have the English competition “How is your English?” Welcome to our party.
Now let me introduce you our teams. They are “Thistle”, “Rose”, “Daffodil” and “Shamrock”. Each team represents your emblems and telling about your country.
The knowledge of the teams will be checked up by jury. Let me introduce the members of the jury.

The announcement of the program.
1.The presentation of the teams. 5 points
The 1st team (7b form): Our team is “Thistle”. It is the symbol of Scotland.
The 2nd team (7d form): Our team is “Rose”. It is the symbol of England.
The 3rd team ( 7v form): Our team is “Daffodil”. It is the symbol of Wales.
The 4th team ( 7g form): Our team is “Shamrock”. It is the symbol of  the Northern Ireland. 
Each team represents your emblems and telling about your country.

2. Reading the poems. 5 points.
2 students of each team will read the poems they have learned by heart. The members of the jury will check up their pronunciation and intonation.

3. Sketch. 5 points.
Each team will act its sketch.
1st team: a tale “A dog and wolf”.
2nd team : “A grasshopper and ant”.
3rd team : “ Who discovered America?”
4th team: “ The turnip”

4. Irregular verbs. 1 point each right answer. 
Each team will write 3 forms of these irregular verbs on the shit of paper.
1.    be
2.    come
3.    do
4.    go
5.    have
6.    hear
7.    read
8.    see
9.    speak
10.    write

5. Association. 10 points.
The students will describe the pictures they have chosen before.
1.    picture “A classroom”
2.    picture “At the market”
3.    picture “ A family”
4.    picture “ Travelling”

6. Riddles. 1 point for each right answer (who earn more points)
Each team will guess the riddles which the teacher will be reading.
1.    My uncle has brother.
He is not my uncle.
Who is he? (father)
2.    A little old woman with twelve children:
Some short, some long, some cold, some hot.
What is it? (a year)
3.    Which month of the year is shortest? (May)
4.    It is running night and day,
But it never runs away.    (a watch)
5.    It runs and runs, 
6.    But it’ll never run out.
It flows.
Who knows 
What I’m talking about? (river)
7.  Capitan’s task. 10 points.
The captain of each team will guess what proverbs it says in the puzzles
(Two heads better than one)
8. Finally, competition is awarded the team

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«The theme of competition: How is your English?»

The theme of competition: How is your English?

The bringing up aim: to teach the students to work in the team, to help each other.

The training aim: to improve their speaking, understanding and translating.

Visual aids: pictures, puzzles, emblems, costumes, map of Great Britain, slogans


Organization moment.

Teacher: Good afternoon dear teachers, our guests and students!

We have the English competition “How is your English?” Welcome to our party.

Now let me introduce you our teams. They are “Thistle”, “Rose”, “Daffodil” and “Shamrock”. Each team represents your emblems and telling about your country.

The knowledge of the teams will be checked up by jury. Let me introduce the members of the jury.

The announcement of the program.

1.The presentation of the teams. 5 points

The 1st team (7b form): Our team is “Thistle”. It is the symbol of Scotland.

The 2nd team (7d form): Our team is “Rose”. It is the symbol of England.

The 3rd team ( 7v form): Our team is “Daffodil”. It is the symbol of Wales.

The 4th team ( 7g form): Our team is “Shamrock”. It is the symbol of the Northern Ireland.

Each team represents your emblems and telling about your country.

2. Reading the poems. 5 points.

2 students of each team will read the poems they have learned by heart. The members of the jury will check up their pronunciation and intonation.

3. Sketch. 5 points.

Each team will act its sketch.

1st team: a tale “A dog and wolf”.

2nd team : “A grasshopper and ant”.

3rd team : “ Who discovered America?”

4th team: “ The turnip”

4. Irregular verbs. 1 point each right answer.

Each team will write 3 forms of these irregular verbs on the shit of paper.

  1. be

  2. come

  3. do

  4. go

  5. have

  6. hear

  7. read

  8. see

  9. speak

  10. write

5. Association. 10 points.

The students will describe the pictures they have chosen before.

  1. picture “A classroom”

  2. picture “At the market”

  3. picture “ A family”

  4. picture “ Travelling”

6. Riddles. 1 point for each right answer (who earn more points)

Each team will guess the riddles which the teacher will be reading.

  1. My uncle has brother.

He is not my uncle.

Who is he? (father)

  1. A little old woman with twelve children:

Some short, some long, some cold, some hot.

What is it? (a year)

  1. Which month of the year is shortest? (May)

  2. It is running night and day,

But it never runs away. (a watch)

  1. It runs and runs,

  2. But it’ll never run out.

It flows.

Who knows

What I’m talking about? (river)

7. Capitan’s task. 10 points.

The captain of each team will guess what proverbs it says in the puzzles

(Two heads better than one)

8. Finally, competition is awarded the team

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

The theme of competition: How is your English?

Автор: Мирзаева Мадина Максадбаевна

Дата: 25.03.2016

Номер свидетельства: 310068

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