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How is your English?

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The theme: “How is your English?”

The aims of the lesson:

  1. To teach the pupils to work in the group, to help each other;
  2. To enrich, improve pupils’ habits in speaking, reading, understanding, translating and writing, to make quick decisions and to express themselves in English;
  3. To develop the respect in relationship between pupils.

The type of the lesson: Nontraditional lesson.

The form of the lesson: Competition lesson.

The visual aids: The theme of the lesson, the names of two teams, riddles, proverbs, “Verbs” for a game, cards(tasks), balloons, puzzles.

Methods: Competition between two teams

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«How is your English? »

The theme: “How is your English?”

The aims of the lesson:

  1. To teach the pupils to work in the group, to help each other;

  2. To enrich, improve pupils’ habits in speaking, reading, understanding, translating and writing, to make quick decisions and to express themselves in English;

  3. To develop the respect in relationship between pupils.

The type of the lesson: Nontraditional lesson.

The form of the lesson: Competition lesson.

The visual aids: The theme of the lesson, the names of two teams, riddles, proverbs, “Verbs” for a game, cards(tasks), balloons, puzzles.

Methods: Competition between two teams.

The plan of the lesson.

  1. Introduce yourselves.

  2. Baiga.

  3. Polyglot.

  4. Make new words.

  5. Find the sentence.

  6. Do you know?

  7. Think of words with the letter of the word.

  8. Who is the best?

  9. Conclusion.

Teacher: Good morning, dear pupils and our guests! There are a lot of us and we are glad to see you today. Welcome to our game. Today we have a wonderful lesson. The theme of our lesson is “How is your English?” The motto of our lesson today is “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”

John F. Kennedy.

Now let’s begin our competition.

The lesson will pass as a competition between two teams. Let me invite our teams.

The first team is “Eagle” and the second team is “Tulpar”.

I. The first part of our competition is introduction of teams.

Teams introduce themselves.

The 1st team is Eagle.

Our team: Eagle. Eagle is the fastest, the strongest, the wisest bird and we want to be like an eagle.

The 2nd team is Tulpar.

Our team: Tulpar. Tulpar is the strongest the cleverest, the most generous animal and we want to be like a Tulpar.

II. The second part of our competition is “Baiga”. Here I’ll tell you riddles in English and you must solve them.

Riddles to the 1st team:

  1. What has four legs, but can not walk?

  2. Five cupboards, but only one door.

  3. Every evening we can see our entire the planet…

  4. What goes over the floor and stands in the corner?

  5. What can birds and planes do, but people can’t?

  6. What do monkeys like to eat?

Riddles to the 2nd team:

  1. It lives in winter and dies in spring.

  2. No feet, but jumps.

  3. It runs night and day, but never runs away.

  4. It is a sour yellow fruit.

  5. It moves without legs and flies without wings.

  6. What is that doesn’t ask questions, but must answered?

The 3rd round is Polyglot.

I’ll tell you proverbs in English where last words are missing and your task is to say the missing word in three languages (English, Kazakh, and Russian.

  1. East or West home is … (best, жақсы, лучше)

  2. The books are our … (friends, достар, друзья)

  3. Better late than… (never, ешқашан, никогда)

  4. Time is… (money, ақша, деньги)

  5. Everything is good in its … (season, мезгіл, сезон)

  6. Everyone is a slave of his … (love, махаббат, любовь)

  7. Health is above … (wealth, денсаулық, здоровье)

  8. Habit is the second … (nature, табиғат, природа)

  9. Don’t play with … (fire, от, огонь)

  10. Money won’t make you … (happy, бақытты, счастливый)

  11. Daughter is a guest of … (house, үй, дом)

  12. Honesty is the best … (policy, саясат, политика)

IV. Match the nouns to make new words or write down the word combination.

1st team.

  1. Post a) ball

  2. Traffic b) hall

  3. Concert c) lights

  4. Tooth d) air

  5. Apple e) brush

  6. Fresh f) tree

  7. Living g) mother

  8. Grand h) room

  9. Basket i) ocean

  10. The Atlantic j) card



2nd team.

  1. Air a) ball

  2. Big b) bin

  3. Ice c) cream

  4. Foot d) Ben

  5. Litter e) Britain

  6. Swimming f) father

  7. Grand g) assistant

  8. Great h) pool

  9. Time i) port

  10. Shop j) table



V. The 5th round is “Find the sentence”.

What is the message? This is the key of the code. You must find the puzzled sentence.

1 – A 4 – D 7 - G

2 – B 5 – E 8 - …

3- C 6 – F 26 - Z

. 1st team.

13, 25. 6, 1,22,15,21,18, 9, 20,5. 1, 14, 9, 13, 1, 12. 9, 19. 1. 12, 9, 15, 14. (My favourite animal is a lion.)

2nd team.

13,25. 6, 1, 22, 15, 21, 18, 9, 20, 5 19, 5, 1, 19, 15, 14. 9, 19. 1. 19, 21, 13, 13, 5, 18

(My favourite season is a summer.)

VI. The 6th task is “Do you know …?. On the interactive board you’ll see the questions and if you know the answers you should raise your hand to answer as quickly as you can.

I will read the questions.

  1. Where is Kazakhstan situated? ( in Central Asia)

  2. What’s the population today?

  3. People of how many nationalities live in Kazakhstan?

  4. The most popular sport in England? (football)

  5. “Romeo and Juliet” was written by … (Shakespeare)

  6. Kazakhstan’s Parliament consists of … (Senate and Majilis)

  7. What’s the largest lake of Kazakhstan?

  8. Who wrote the novel “Abai zholy?” (M. Auezov)

  9. What English, Kazakh,Russian proverbs about home and motherland do you known?

  10. What was Abay Kunanbaev’s real name?

  11. How many oceans are there on our planet?

  12. What is the capital of the USA?

  13. Who is the Prime Minister of Great Britain at present?

  14. Who is the Prime Minister of Kazakhstan at present?

You are right. Very good. Good job.

VII. The 7th task is thinking of word with the letters of the word.

Health” “Wealth”

VII. Who is the best? Now we begin our seventh round “Who is the best?” In this round one of you who gathered fewer points will choose one envelope. In this envelopes there are two letters: A and B. I will read 10 questions and all answer all will start with letter A or B. Is everything clear for you? Then lets begin.

Letter A

  1. The name of the fruit. (Apple)

  2. The name of the month? (April)

  3. The capital of Kazakhstan? (Astana)

  4. The name of the school subject? (Algebra)

  5. The first letter of the Alphabet? (A)

  6. What cannot we live without? (Air)

  7. One of the oceans. (Atlantic ocean)

  8. A story in the newspaper. (Article)

  9. The famous Kazakh writer. (Abai)

  10. It is harmful for our health. (Alcohol)

Letter B:

  1. A little child. (Baby)

  2. The name of the fruit. (Banana)

  3. The antonym to the word “Good”. (Bad)

  4. An object in the classroom. (Blackboard)

  5. The capital of Germany. (Berlin)

  6. The name of the school subject. (Biology)

  7. A lake in Kazakhstan. (Balhash)

  8. The room where we sleep. (Bedroom)

  9. An important day for all of us which happens once every year. (Birthday)

  10. A colour. (Black)

VIII. Conclusion.

Now it is time to say results of our competition, while our juries count your scores you may sing a song or show your dance.

The members of jury make a conclusion. Rewarding the best team.

Teacher: Thanks a lot to our participants. Also thanks our juries.

The end of the lesson.

Dear pupils, thank you for your work. The competition lesson is over. Let’s end our lesson with the motto of the British students:


May you never rest

Until your good is better,

And your better is best!”

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

How is your English?

Автор: Валиева Галина Павловна

Дата: 07.01.2015

Номер свидетельства: 151235

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