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Study English

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жалпы орта білім беретін мектепті? 3 сынып о?ушыларына арнал?ан сайыс саба?. сайыс барысында о?ушыларды шапша?ды??а т?рбиелеу, білімін к?рсете білуге да?дыландыру, а?ылшын тілінде еркін с?йлеуге ?йрету. сайыс б?лімдерінде с?здерді? аталуы ж?не жазылуы, т?стерді атау, сандарды? жазылуы мен айтылуы ж?не уа?ытты айта білуге арнал?ан с?ра?тар берідген. 

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Просмотр содержимого документа
«Study English»

Theme: "Who is the best?"

The purpose of the lesson: increase pupils ' interest in the subject of English language, reproduction pupils vocabulary, to develop of lexical and grammatical knowledge


-        Good morning dear guests, teachers, children and my colleges.

-        How are you? I am very glad to see you!! Welcome to our lesson! Today I started holding a lesson which is called "Who is the best?"  We wish you a wonderful time together. Today’s our lesson is going to continue and revise our previous lesson. And also we have groups, who will be competing with each other.

The 1st groups is “Baiterek” and the 2nd group is “Zhorga”.

The 1st part of our competition is introduction (өздерін таныстыру)

My name is …

I’m nine. I’m in class 3b.

Let's begin our first level.

Good luck!!!!

1st level: «Find the words with the help of pictures» Look at the blackboard. There you can see pictures and you must say how it called. Pictures: cat, dog, elephant, bag, car, crab, pen, pencil, book and duck.

This level is over…

2nd level: Choose the correct form.

Дүйсенбі                                           Thursday

Сeйсенбі                                            Friday

Сәрсенбі                                             Monday

Бейсенбі                                            Sunday

Жұма                                                Saturday

Сенбі                                                 Tuesday

Жексенбі                                           Wednesday

This level is over…

3rd level: Paint the objects.

I have a car. It is red. I have two fish. One is green and one is blue.

I have a teddy. It is brown. I have a doll. It has a pink dress and brown hair.

I have a bag. It is orange. I have a ball. It is red.

I have three rabbits. One is brown, one is white and one is grey.

4th level: Drag the words into the gaps. am / is / are

I am happy. She is sad. We are little.

He is big. You are happy.

It is green. They are blue.

They are red.

5th level: Fill in the gaps.

There are fifteen ducks. 15 There are twenty mice. 20

There are eighteen trees. 18 There are seven dogs. 7

There are three horses. 3 There are eleven goats. 11

There are five cats. 5

6th level: What time is it?

It’s 2 o’clock.

It’s 3 o’clock.

It’s 12 o’clock.

It’s 7 o’clock.

It’s 8 o’clock.

Dear children our competition comes to the end I hope you all enjoyed yourselves. The English language is very useful. Today is winner group is     ____________.  Thank you for your attention.  

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 3 класс

Study English

Автор: Имашева Маржан Оралкановна

Дата: 04.02.2016

Номер свидетельства: 288072

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