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5 Easy Ways To Study English

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Творча знахідка «5 Easy Ways to Study English»  адресована учням, які прагнуть покращити володіння англійською мовою, але не знають, як це зробити якісно і продуктивно. Крок за кроком вони дізнаються, як зробити вивчення англійської приємною щоденною звичкою

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«5 Easy Ways To Study English»

Методична знахідка

Творча знахідка «5 Easy Ways to Study English» адресована учням, які прагнуть покращити володіння англійською мовою, але не знають, як це зробити якісно і продуктивно. Крок за кроком вони дізнаються, як зробити вивчення англійської приємною щоденною звичкою, як правильно вчити слова та запам’ятовувати речення, набудуть навичок самооцінювання власних результатів.

Мета цієї роботи - показати учням 5 простих способів вивчення англійської мови. Я спробую поділитися цікавими порадами щодо досягнення більш високого рівня англійської мови.

Завдання роботи:

- розвинути здатність учнів вивчати англійську мову

- розвивати інтерес студентів до вивчення англійської мови

- мотивувати студентів до практики англійської мови

- розвивати навички самооцінки та самонавчання.

Надані матеріали будуть корисними всім вивчаючим англійську мову.

5 Easy Ways to Study English

The goal of this work is to show my students 5 easy ways to learn English. I’ll try to share some best tips for reaching a higher level of English.

Objectives of this work:

  • to develop students’ ability to learn English

  • to develop students’ interest in studying English

  • to motivate students to practice English

  • to develop students’ skills of self-evaluation and self-study.

Learning English can be interesting and exciting. The most important tip is something that you absolutely have to do. There's no way around it!

The first step is:

1. Study English - make it your daily habit.

What does that mean? It means that you need to use English every day.

Does that seem like a lot of work? It's easier than you think. Here are 3 suggestions to keep you on track:

  1. Don't miss any days. If you can only spend 10 minutes, that's OK. But don't skip days.

  2. Get a calendar. Mark it for every day that you use English. Watch the number of marks grow.

  3. Do something fun. It's easier if you can be excited about English every day. Don't do something boring that will make you quit.

Don't worry about what kind of practice you're doing. Not yet. Read, write, speak, or listen. Just do something every day.

That's it. That's the most important advice I can share.

The next tip:

2. Review!

Our brains are lazy. They quickly forget anything that they don't need.

If you learn something once and don't review, you'll probably forget it in a day or two. By the end of the week, it's totally gone.

You're probably busy, so you have to use your time smartly. You can't practice something completely different every day. You have to spend some of your time reviewing what you learned before.

Do this, starting today:

  1. Get a small notebook. Keep it with you all the time.

  2. Every time you do something in English, write down a few notes about it.

  3. Look at your notes once or twice a day, every day.

However you do it, make sure to review what you've learned before. And do it every day, without skipping any days.
Most learners make one big mistake when they study English.  I'm going to give you one piece of advice so that you can avoid making this common mistake:

3. Don't study vocabulary lists.

Huh? What's wrong with learning vocabulary?


Vocabulary isn't wrong. You need it. The problem is the traditional way of thinking about vocabulary.


Most people are taught to study lists of words by themselves: applesurrenderenormous. But when you learn words by themselves, a few things happen:

  • You learn what the words mean, but you don't learn how they're used. You don't learn what other words they fit together with.

  • The words get saved in your brain one by one. So when it's time to make a sentence, you have to pull them out again one by one. That makes it slow.

  • You don't get a real connection to the words. They're just boring words in a list, so it's easy to forget them.

So here's a new rule: Never learn a word by itself. Always learn two or more words together in a phrase.

4. Memorize sentences.

Take a natural English sentence that you understand pretty well. Let's try this sentence, which you say when you hear a song that's easy to remember:

“It's pretty catchy.”

Repeat it again and again until you remember it. Wait a little while, then try to remember it again. Do the same thing for the next two days.

After you do all of that, you will have memorized that sentence. Now the fun part begins!

As you use English in different situations, you'll start to hear parts of that sentence. You'll hear the word "catchy". You'll hear "pretty (something)".

And if you ever find yourself listening to a simple, easy-to-remember song, you'll know exactly what to say!

Sentences teach you both vocabulary and grammar at the same time. You learn what the words mean, as well as how to use them. But to get the biggest benefit, you have to not just understand the sentences; you have to remember them!

5. If you want to learn English well, use the real material.  

It means stuff that English speakers actually say to other English speakers.

Here are some things to think about when you're choosing sentences to learn:

  • Mistakes are good. Learning the kinds of mistakes that English speakers make teaches you how we think.

  • You need to learn English for a variety of different functions. Just learning sentences from a single source, like a newspaper, isn't enough. You need to learn examples from debates, discussions, negotiations, introductions, meetings, arguments, announcements, etc.

  • You need to understand the sentence - not just the meaning of the words, but the intent of the speaker.

  • Don't worry about the "level". Practice simple sentences as well as more complicated ones, no matter what your ability level. If a sentence seems too complicated for you, just break it down into short pieces.

Carry a notebook around with you all the time and write down sentences you hear at school, at parties, on the street, in restaurants.

One of the big challenges when it comes to learning English is listening. Even if you've studied English for many years, you might find it hard to understand real, full-speed English conversation.

Bits and Pieces
You need to study every day, even if it's just a little.

  • You need to review what you've learned.

  • You shouldn't learn vocabulary lists and grammar rules. Instead, you should memorize natural sentences.

  • You need a wide variety of sentences, and they need to be natural.

  • You can memorize sentences faster by listening to them, having an emotional connection to them, and repeating them piece by piece.

  • You should listen carefully to the sounds of English sentences, not just the words.

If you like these ideas and you want to learn English faster without spending a lot of extra time, please share your ideas on my personal site pnatalya.ucoz.net

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

5 Easy Ways To Study English

Автор: Подзерка Наталя Василівна

Дата: 06.04.2018

Номер свидетельства: 465296

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