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Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку в 4 классе

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Внеклассное мериприятие по английскому языку в 4 классе по мотивам сказкм "Пиноккио"

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«Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку в 4 классе»

Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку в 4 классе. Пиноккио

Автор: Once in the morning in the fairy forest. Pinocchio woke up in a merry mood and good health, as if nothing had happened. A girl with blue hair was waiting for him in the garden. Sitting at a small table. Her face was washed, and there was pollen on her snub nose and cheeks

Blue Fairy: Good morning, wooden boy!

Pinocchio :Good morning, Blue Fairy!

Blue Fairy: Sit down to table, please! Artemon!

Artemon :What can I do for you, my lady?

Blue Fairy: Clean the table, please.

Blue Fairy: Do not sit on your leg! It should be under the table.

(She was opening and closing her eyes in indignation.)

Tell me please, who is brining you up?

Pinocchio : Sometime Papa Carlo brings me up and sometimes nobody

Blue Fairy: Don’t worry, now I will bring you up.

Pinocchio: Oh Oh Oh! I got into the mess!

Автор: He was sitting at the table so long that he started to shiver.

Blue Fairy: Sit down now and put your hands in front of you. Don’t stoop

your shoulders,

I tell you. The girl said and took a piece of chalk. We will study maths now. You have two apples in a pocket.

Pinocchio: You are lying, I have no apples in my pocket ...

Blue Fairy: Think more.

Автор: Pinocchio screw his face, that is how well he was thinking.

Buratino :Two...

Blue Fairy: Why?

Pinocchio I will not give my apple to nobody, even if this person fights!

Blue Fairy: You know nothing in maths! We will write a dictation now.

(She looked at the ceiling with her pretty eyes.)

Write down: «A dog can jump.» Ready? Now read this phrase.

Автор: We know that Pinocchio has never seen a pen or ink.

Blue Fairy: Write down! (He put his nose into the inkpot and was really frightened

when the ink drop fell on the paper. The girl flung her arms up and burst into tears.)

Blue Fairy: You are an impudent boy! You must be punished!

Artemon, show Pinocchio into the room.

(Noble Artemon appeared in the doors and showed his white teeth.

He grabbed Pinocchio at his coat and pulled him into the room.

The girl fell on the doll lace bed ,and cried)

Blue Fairy: I was so severe with my student. But I decided to bring him up and I must put it to the end.

Pinocchio: Who brings children in such a way?.. This is headache not the education... Do not sit like this, do not eat like that... A child doesn’t know letters and she is getting an inkpot!

Автор: Blue Fairy recovered.

Blue Fairy: Pinocchio , we need to talk! (Pinocchio looked out of the house)

You will go to school since tomorrow.

Pinocchio I think it is too late for me to go to school.

Blue Fairy: No, my dear. You should know it is never too late to learn!

Pinocchio: But I think it is very boring to learn.

Blue Fairy: My boy, those who think like this almost always goes to

prison or hospital. You should know that every person must do something, work.

The lazy person is never happy! Laziness is the most disgusting disease that must be cured in the childhood. When you grow up it will be difficult to get rid of it!

Pinocchio : I will study, I will work and I will do everything you tell me to do.

I am tired of life of a wooden person, I really want to be a real boy!

Blue Fairy: Now everything depends on you.

Автор: Pinocchio promised that he will study and behave well.

And he kept his promise. At the exams before vacations he was the best pupil in the school.

The teacher gave him knowledge that made him a real man.

Артемон: The teacher made a person even from a wood! (Woof-woof)

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 4 класс

Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку в 4 классе

Автор: Горячева Елена Владимировна

Дата: 31.05.2017

Номер свидетельства: 419747

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