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Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку

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«Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку»

Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку

In the Magic forest

В волшебном лесу.

( для учащихся 3-4 классов)

Цели и задачи мероприятия


  • Воспитывать культуру общения

  • Воспитывать чувство уважения друг к другу, умение работать в коллективе.


  • Развивать творческие способности учащихся, воображения, фантазию

  • Развивать положительную внутреннюю мотивацию к изучению языка.


  • Расширять кругозор учащихся;

  • Практиковать навыки диалогической речи;


  • Активизировать знания, умения и навыки учащихся на доступном и интересном материале

Форма проведения: театрализованное представление

Класс: 3, 4


Декорации под лесную сказку (елочки, пеньки, цветочки, грибочки), одно очень высокое дерево, домик бабушки Красной шапочки, предметы мебели для домика, курительная трубка , театральные костюмы для героев сказки, компьютер, проектор.


Оформление зала;


Музыкальные минусовки: страшная музыка (выход Бабы Яги, Лешего), пение птиц в лесу

Презентации с необходимым наглядным материалом

Место проведения: актовый зал

Действующие лица:


Баба Яга


Персонажи сказки «Как медведь трубку курил»;

Персонажи сказки «Красная шапочка»


Роль ведущего исполняет учитель. На празднике присутствуют учащиеся 3-4 классов, классные руководители, родители, администрация, учителя английского языка.

Ход мероприятия

Вступление: Звучит сказочная музыка. Выходит ведущий.

- Здравствуйте, ребята. Сегодня мы вас приглашаем в волшебный лес, где вы побываете в гостях у жителей лесного царства. Но мы никак не можем начать наше представление. Не прилетела Баба-Яга, но прислала телеграмму. «Ступа сломалась, лечу на метле, ждите. Скоро буду. Баба Яга. Подождем? Подождем.

Звучит музыка нечистой силы. Выходит леший. ( Поверх его костюма прикреплены несколько настоящих елок). Он выходит, осматривается и начинает считать деревья у эстрады.

Один, два, три, четыре, пять, шесть, семь… . Все деревья здесь. Смотрите у меня! (Угрожающе залу).

Знаю я вас! Я должен быть очень осторожен или вы вырубите все деревья.

(Раздается страшная музыка.)

-Кто-то идет! Браконьеры! Я боюсь!. (испуганно озирается по сторонам, бросается к середине сцены, встает на четвереньки, маскируется под пенек. Делает зрителям жест «Тише, тише дети, не говорите что я здесь!»

Это не я, это пенек с ушами. «Поняли? ”

В зал залетает Баба-Яга на метле и поет свою песню

«Я, Баба Яга, вот и вся недолга

я езжу в немазаной ступе.

Я к русскому духу не очень строга

Люблю его сваренным в супе

Ох, надоело с метелкой гонять, зелье я переварила,

Нет, что-то стала нам всем изменять

Наша нечистая сила.

Баба Яга достает трубку, закуривает и плюхается со всего маху на пенек. Тот с криком вскакивает. Но падает. Баба Яга, испугавшись крика, бросилась в другую сторону, но тоже упала. Испуганно смотрят друг на друга.

Баба Яга; Ты кто? Ты же пенек? Что же ты прыгаешь тогда?

Леший: - Я не пенек. Я Леший. My name is Cосновский Леший Иванович

Баба Яга: - Надо же! А по виду пенек – пеньком, только разговорчивый очень

Леший: - А ты кто?

Баба Яга: - Ну, ты точно пенек! I am Баба Яга, костяная нога, между прочим

Леший: - Почему же ты куришь? Бабы Еги не курят

Баба Яга: - Я люблю курить.

Леший: - А ты знаешь, что случилось в нашем волшебном лесу недавно?

Баба Яга: - Нет, а что вообще могло случиться в вашем волшебном лесу?

Леший: - Ну, давай я тебе покажу

Баба Яга: - Ну, давай.

Баба Яга: - Бегим?

Леший: - Бегим!

Сказка о том, как медведь трубку курил

Действующие лица:

Автор the author

Лесник Forest - guard

Жена лесника: , Forest - guard , s wife

Медведь Bear

Лиса Fox

Волк Wolf

Дятел Woodpecker

Лес. Звучит сказочная музыa. Выходит медведь, гуляет по лесу.

The author: Once, a forest –guard decided to give up smoking. He threw his pipe away behind the bush in the forest. And the Bear found it and started smoking. Every day he woke up, took his pipe, put it into his mouth and began smoking. But there appeared a problem. The bear began feeling bad. He became very thin and started coughing very much.

One day, when he was walking in the forest he met the Fox. When the Fox saw the Bear, she got very surprised and asked:

Лиса: (очень удивленным голосом)

- My friend Bear! Is this you? I haven ,t seen you for all the summer!

Poor thing! You have become so thin!

What is the matter with you? Are you ill?

Медведь нездоровым голосом:

  • I don , t know what is the matter with me

I feel bad.

I eat nothing.

I have lost my appetite.

I can , t fall asleep.

I have a headache. I have a backache.

I have a problem with my heart.

My paws are trembling.

Лиса : Why, you should go to the Woodpecker for sure!

He is such a clever bird!

He will tell you what to do.

Медведь: I will wait for a week.

If I feel bad I will go to the Woodpecker

Автор: A week passed, another one passed. He started feeling worse. Once, he was walking through the forest and saw the Wolf. When the Wolf saw the Bear, he got very surprised.

Волк: My friend Bear! Is this you? I haven, t seen you for ages!

Poor thing! You have become so thin!

What is the matter with you? Are you ill?

Медведь: I don , t know what is the matter with me

I feel bad.

I eat nothing.

I have lost my appetite.

I can , t fall asleep.

I have a headache. I have a backache.

I have a problem with my heart.

My paws are trembling.

Волк: Why, you should go to the Woodpecker for sure!

He is such a clever bird!

He will tell you what to do.

Медведь: I will go to him tomorrow for sure

Автор: The next day the Bear found the Woodpecker in the forest. He came up to the pine, where the Woodpecker lived, and asked in a weаk voice:

Медведь:Woodpecker, my old friend Woodpecker, help me please!

Woodpecker: Wow, Bear!

I am very glad to see you

How are you feeling?

Медведь: I don , t know what is the matter with me

I feel bad.

I eat nothing.

I have lost my appetite.

I can , t fall asleep.

I have a headache. I have a backache.

I have a problem with my heart.

My paws are trembling.

Дятел: Do you smoke or drink?

Медведь: I smoke. How did you guess?

Дятел ( строгим голосом) I have guessed at once.

It smells of smoke.

Sit down here.

Let me listen to your back. Tuk tuk tuk.

Everything is clear for me.

Медведь( испуганным голосом)

Is it dangerous?

Дятел: It is very dangerous.

Smoking will kill you.

You should give up smoking for ever.

Медведь ( жалобным голосом)

To give up smoking ? To throw away my pipe?

No, I can, t do it.

Дятел: You should take my advice or you will die.

Автор: The Bear thanked the Woodpecker for his advice and went home. On the way home he sat down on the stub, took out his pipe and was about to start smoking, but suddenly he remembered the Woodpecker , s words and threw his pipe far away behind the bushes

One day he didn , t smoke, another day he didn , t smoke, then he found his pipe and began smoking again.

Winter came. One day the wood - guard went to the forest to gather brushwood. When he saw the Bear, he was surprised ,because the Bear was very weak and couldn ,t move. The wood - guard took his pipe, put it into his pocket, put the Bear on the sledge and went home. When his wife saw the Bear she got very surprised.

Лесничиха: What have you brought from the forest , Fyodor?

Лесник: Look! I have brought a bear!

Лесничиха: A real bear?

Лесник: A real bear and besides, a smoking one.

Лесничиха: What shall we do with him?

Лесник: We ,ll sell it to the circus , of course.

Автор: В нашем цирке есть медведь

Приходите посмотреть

Если кто проходит мимо

С папироскою во рту

Мишка чует за версту

И топчась на задних лапах,

Начинает вдруг реветь.

Потому что этот запах

Не выносит наш медведь.

Баба Яга: - Ребята, вы пенька не видели? Только что вместе компот в школьной столовой пили. Я же теперь не курю!

Выбегает Леший.

Баба Яга; Ой, пенек, где ты был?

Леший: - Я не пенек, я Сосновский Леший Иванович. Я был на репетиции песни. Хочешь послушать?

Баба Яга: Хочу.

Леший: Бегим?

Баба Яга: Бегим

Песенка : Pizza and chips (Приложение № 1)

Баба Яга: С плохим концом у тебя сказка, Пенек. Мишку жалко. Да потом я половину там не поняла. Все на английском, да на английском.

Леший: Так вот надо английский язык хорошо учить. У нас в волшебном лесу все говорят на английском.

Баба Яга: Да что ты?

Леший: А сказку с хорошим концом хочешь посмотреть?

Баба Яга: Спрашиваешь, Пенек! Конечно, хочу!

Леший: Бегим?

Баба Яга: Бегим!

Сказка про Красную Шапочку ( The Red Riding Hood)

Действующие лица:

Little Red Riding Hood


The wolf



The Hunter

Scene 1

Little Red Riding Hood: My name is little Red Riding Hood. Good Morning! (уходит)

Mother: little Red Riding Hood, little Red Riding Hood! Where are you?

Little Red Riding Hood: I’m here, mother. What’s the matter?

Mother: Little Red Riding Hood! Today is your grandmother’s birthday. Take a cake, some apples and a jug of honey to her.

Little Red Riding Hood: All right, dear Mother. Good bye!

Mother: Good-bye darling.

Scene 2 (in the wood)

Little Red Riding Hood: How nice it is the wood. There are many trees, flowers and mushrooms. I’ll pick some flowers for my grandmother.

(The wolf appears)

The wolf: I am big and grey. I live in the wood. I want to eat up Little Red Riding Hood.

Children: Go away, go away, you bad wolf!

The wolf: Hush children! Good Morning, Little Red Riding Hood.

Little Red Riding Hood: Good Morning, Mr. Wolf.

The Wolf: Where are you going, Little Red Riding Hood?

Little Red Riding Hood: I am going to my Grandmother. It’s her birthday today. It’s a cake, some apples and honey to her.

The Wolf: Where does she live, your grandmother?

Little Red Riding Hood: She lives in a little house in the wood near the river.

The Wolf: Is it far from there?

Little Red Riding Hood: No, it is not.

The Wolf: Well, good bye, Little Red Riding Hood.

Little Red Riding Hood: Good bye, Mr. Wolf.

Scene 3 (волк подошел к дому бабушки и стучит в дверь)

Grandmother: Who is there?

The Wolf: It’s me, Little Red Riding Hood.

Grandmother: Come in, darling.

(Волк вбегает в дом и хочет схватить бабушку, но она убегает. Волк надевает бабушкину одежду и ложится в кровать. Вскоре к дому подходит Красная Шапочка)

Little Red Riding Hood (singing):

Clap, clap, clap,

Rap, rap, rap,

I’m knocking at the door,


The Wolf: Who is there?

Little Red Riding Hood: It’s me Little Red Riding Hood:

The Wolf: Come in, my dear.

Little Red Riding Hood: Good morning, Granny.

The Wolf: Good morning, Little Red Riding Hood.

(Красная Шапочка кладет корзину на стол и подходит к бабушкиной кровати)

Little Red Riding Hood: Many happy returns of the day!

The Wolf: Thank you, my dear.

Little Red Riding Hood: What big eyes you have, Granny!

The Wolf: The better to see you, my dear.

Little Red Riding Hood: What big ears you have, Granny!

The Wolf: The better to hear you, my dear.

Little Red Riding Hood: What sharp teeth you have, Granny!

The Wolf: The better to eat you up!

( Волк выпрыгнул из кровати и хотел схватить Красную Шапочку, которая кричала : «Помогите!!!!» Бабушка и охотник вбегают. Охотник стреляет и волк падает.)

Grandmother: Oh, thank you very much!

The Hunter: Oh! It is really nothing.

Grandmother, the Hunter, Little Red Riding Hood: That is the end of the story. Did you like it, children?

Children: Yes, we did! Thank you!

Баба Яга: А вот ты знаешь, Пенек, теперь я точно поняла, что английский язык учить надо. Вот представляешь, идешь по вашему волшебному лесу, птички поют на английском, красные шапки всякие говорят на английском, и даже серый какой-то ободранный волк и тот на английском говорит. Не пристало мне Бабе Яге отставать от всех.

Леший: И правда, Баба Ежка, давай вместе в школу запишемся

Баба Яга: Давай!

Леший: Бегим!

Баба Яга: Бегим!

Ведущая: А пока наши герои записываются в школу, ребята давайте все вместе споем очень хорошую песню, потому что очень скоро наступит весна и настроение у нас у всех тоже должно быть весенним

Easter Song for children (Пасхальная песня для детей) Приложение 2

Выходит ведущий.

Вот и подходит к концу наше представление «В волшебном лесу». Я надеюсь, ребята, вам понравились наши сказки, песенки и игра наших актеров. Я очень надеюсь, вы поняли, посмотрев сказку про медведя, как опасно курить и, что потом может произойти в результате этого. Но самое главное, мы хотели вам показать, какой красивый английский язык, как наши ребята умеют хорошо говорить на нем. а ведь они еще только учатся в третьем классе. Мы хотим вам пожелать больших успехов в освоении иностранного языка. Пусть это будет для вас приятно, легко и увлекательно.

А теперь давайте попросим всех наших актеров на сцену и вместе с ними споем нашу последнюю песенку, которая называется «Good bye song ».Приложение 3

Список, используемых ресурсов для подготовки:

  1. Бенефис Бабы – Яги;

  2. Сказка «Как медведь трубку курил» С.Михалкова. Составил сценарий сказки на английском языке учитель: Бурлакова Н.А.

  3. Сценарий сказки «Красная шапочка» Сборник внеклассных мероприятий «Играя, учись!» Ш.Г.Амамджян.

  4. Песни, презентации, видеоклипы, музыкальные отрывки (интернет- ресурсы)

Приложение 1

Песенка : Pizza and chips

Monday night Molly had a fright

A hungry monster knocking at the window

Rubbing his tummy and licking his lips

I am going to eat you with pizza and chips

Pizza and chips! Pizza and chips!

I am going to eat you with pizza and chips

Tuesday night Tommy had a fright

A hungry monster knocking at the window

Rubbing his tummy and licking his lips

I am going to eat you with pizza and chips

Pizza and chips! Pizza and chips!

I am going to eat you with pizza and chips

Wednesday night Wendy had a fright

A hungry monster knocking at the window

Rubbing his tummy and licking his lips

I am going to eat you with pizza and chips

Pizza and chips! Pizza and chips!

I am going to eat you with pizza and chips

Thursday night Thelma had a fright

A hungry monster knocking at the window

Rubbing his tummy and licking his lips

I am going to eat you with pizza and chips

Pizza and chips! Pizza and chips!

I am going to eat you with pizza and chips

Friday night Freddy had a fright

A hungry monster knocking at the window

Rubbing his tummy and licking his lips

I am going to eat you with pizza and chips

Pizza and chips! Pizza and chips!

I am going to eat you with pizza and chips

Saturday night Sally had a fright

A hungry monster knocking at the window

Rubbing his tummy and licking his lips

I am going to eat you with pizza and chips

Pizza and chips! Pizza and chips!

I am going to eat you with pizza and chips

Sunday night Simon had a fright

A hungry monster knocking at the window

Rubbing his tummy and licking his lips

I am going to eat you with pizza and chips

Pizza and chips! Pizza and chips!

I am going to eat you with pizza and chips

Приложение 2

Easter Song for children (Пасхальная песня для детей)

Easter Bunny

Looking kind of funny

With your basket of eggs

Children singing

What’s the bunny bringing

For me on Easter Day?

Mum is cooking

While we’re out there looking

For the eggs hidden away

After church we gathered ‘round with family

On this Easter Day

Two thousand years ago

Jesus died for our sins

Remember his ressurection

And the joy it brings

Flowers blooming

Springtime’s looming

Everything is coming alive

Easter colors yellow blue and others

Tell us spring has arrived

Children are playing

And everybody’s saying

“So good to see you today”

We’re all together

The merrier and better

On this Easter holiday

Two thousand years ago

Jesus died for our sins

Remember his ressurection

And the joy it brings

Flowers are blooming

Springtime’s looming

Oh what a wonderful day!

We’re all together

The more of us the better

On this Easter holiday

A lovely Easter holiday

I like my Easter holiday

Приложение 3

Песня, завершающая мероприятие: Good bye song

Clap your hands

Spin around

Jump up high, OK

Clap your hands

Sit down

Stand up

One, two, three, four

Good bye, good bye

See you again

Good bye, good bye

See you my friends.

Good bye good bye

I had fun today

I had fun today

Stamp your feet

Shake your body

Stand still OK.

Stamp your feet

Turn left

Turn right

One two three four

Good bye good bye

See you again

Good bye good bye

See you my friends.

Good bye good bye

I had fun today

I had fun today

Year 6 (Rainbow English)

1. Read the text and complete the sentences after it.

Shopping in London.

Most of London`s big and fashionable shops are in Oxford Street and Regent Street. There are always a lot of people there. They buy different things there: clothes for young people and old ladies and gentlemen; shoes, boots and sandals of all colours; souvenirs, toys, and what not.

New Covent Garden is an important shopping centre as well but it is not so famous. People who come here can visit more than forty different shops. The opening hours here are from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. but most shops in London open at 9 a.m. and close at 5:30 p.m. There are a lot of cafés and restaurants there. During lunchtime people can listen to classical, jazz and pop music. Some years ago Covent Garden was the biggest fruit and vegetable market of the British capital.

Many people think that Harrods is one of the most fashionable shopping places in London. Some of them say you can buy everything in Harrods, even wild animals. There is a zoo there and you can buy a crocodile from it or more usual pets - dogs, cats or birds.

1) The most fashionable people try to do their shopping in ...

a) New Covent Garden b) Oxford and Regent Streets

2) Some time ago people came to ... to buy food.

a) New Covent Garden b) Harrods

3) It is traditional for London shops to open at ... .

a) 9 a.m.   b) 10 p.m.

4) In New Covent Garden visitors can enjoy music at ... time.

a) lunch b) breakfast

5) There is a(n) ... pet shop at Harrods.

a) usual b) unusual

 2. Choose the right forms and complete the sentences.

  1. If you (drink/will drink) cold water, you (get/will get) ill.

  2. Jack (is not late/won`t be late) if he (gets/will get) up early.

  3. Tell me when you (go/will go) shopping.

  4. If dinner (is/will be) ready, I (have/will have) it now.

  5. If you (wear/will wear) these jeans every day, they (get/will get) dirty very soon and you (look/will look) scruffy.

3. Use the right forms is, are, was, were to complete the sentences.

1. The nightie is too long for the girl. She is not going to wear it.
2. The new pyjamas ___one of the presents Mike got for his birthday.
3. I saw a beautiful dress in the shop window. The dress ___very fashionable too.
4. These clothes ____ not for hot weather. Wear something light.
5. Jane’s new leggings ____ dark-blue. She puts them on with a yellow T-shirt.
 4. Choose the right verb forms in brackets to complete the sentences.

1. Just look at those dark clouds. I’m sure (it’s going to snow/it will snow).

2. The show (finishes/is finishing) at 3 o’clock.

3. When (do you go/are you going) to the country — on Saturday or on Sunday?

5. Our train (leaves/is leaving) at 8 p.m. I don’t want to miss it.

 5*. Complete the sentences using the derivatives of the words on the right.

0. Betsey stood at the shop window looking at some trainers.They were just what she wanted.


1. Jane looked so _____________ in her new blue dress.


2. We bought some nice fur ____________ for our grandparents.


3. The weather was so ________ that we had to wear sweaters under our coats.


4. My brother doesn’t like ____________so mum buys clothes for him.


5. Ann doesn’t like her new shoes. She says they feel ___________ .


6. Children often wear ____________ T-shirts in summer.


 Year 5 (Rainbow English)

1. Read the text and complete the sentences after it.

My name is Nina. Last spring my sister and I went to Smolensk to visit our aunt and uncle. It is an old Russian city in the west of our country. But it is a modern city too with big supermarkets, hotels, cinemas and theatres. I think the people who live in Smolensk are theatergoers. They have got many theatres in their city. We visited the children`s theatre and the Puppet Theatre too. There are two picture galleries in Smolensk. They have very interesting collections of paintings. There are lots of churches in the city. Some of them are in the city centre. They are very beautiful. Lots of people from our country and abroad come to this famous place and enjoy staying there.

1) The girls went to Smolensk to visit … .

a) some of their family b) their friends c) their great-grandparents

2) Smolensk is ... .

a) an old city b) an old and modern city c) a modern city

3) Nina ... that people of Smolensk are theatregoers.

a) feels b) writes c) hopes

4) The girls visited ... theatres in Smolensk.

a) two b) three c) no

5) ... in Smolensk are very beautiful.

a) The picture galleries b) The theatres c) The churches


2. Match the pictures with the words.









3. Complete the sentences.

A. 1) What is the way to (their/theirs) house.
2) This coat is not (my/mine), it is (her/hers).

3) (Our/Ours) trip was a success. It was much better than (your/yours).

B. 4) (Tell/Say) them to stay where they are.

5) "Come in," she (told/said), opening the door.
6) My Aunt is very good at (telling/saying) bedtime stories.

7) "Could you (tell/say) me the time please?" the man (told/said).


4. Choose the right words in brackets to complete the sentences.

1) The teacher who is standing at the blackboard says, “(Come/Go) to the blackboard, Andrew.”

2) (Sorry/Excuse me), is there a bank near here?

3) The taxi stopped and the young girl got (out of/off) it.

4) Oxford is a university city. (Its/It’s) colleges are famous all over the world.

5) I am standing at the cinema. There is a hotel on my right and there’s a supermarket on my left. The cinema is (opposite/between) them.

6) John spoke to me very (cold/coldly) in the morning.

7) Jane is in the living room, she says, “(Come/Go) in, Victor. It’s so warm and pleasant (inside/outside).”

8) (Which/What) cities in France do you know?

9) (Which/Who) of you lives in St Petersburg?

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 4 класс

Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку

Автор: Федулкина Анастасия Геннадьевна

Дата: 23.04.2019

Номер свидетельства: 508227

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