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Разработка внеклассного мероприятия "We like English"

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Разработка мероприятия для развития творческих способностей учащихся. Обобщение страноведческого материала, полученного на уроках английского языка. Для развития интереса к изучаемому языку.

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«Разработка внеклассного мероприятия "We like English"»

Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку в 7 классе «We like English!»

 Цели игры:

1.Развивать неподготовленную речь учащихся.

2.Развивать творческие способности учащихся.

3.Воспитывать интерес к изучению предмета.

4.Обобщить страноведческие знания учащихся, полученные на уроках английского языка.

Образовательные задачи:

1. Развивать умение понимать английскую речь;

2. Развивать навыки монологической и диалогической речи;

3. Формировать культурную грамотность учащихся;

4. Обучать культуре общения.

Развивающие задачи:

1.Развивать умение работать в коллективе и принимать совместное решение;

2.Развивать положительные личностные качества (ответственность, доброжелательность, чувство взаимопомощи).

3.Развивать и тренировать внимание, память, мышление.

Воспитательные задачи:

1. Воспитывать уважение к культуре своей страны и стран изучаемого языка.

Данное мероприятие – командный конкурс. От каждого 7 класса представлена команда, состоящая из 6-8 человек. Каждая команда сидит за своим столом.

На доске при помощи магнитов размещаются листы с названиями конкурсов, с обратной стороны листов указано количество баллов, присуждаемых за этот конкурс. Жюри подводит итог после каждого конкурса и записывает результаты на доске.

Ход мероприятия.

1.Введение. Ведущий сообщает правила игры, представляет жюри, проводит беседу на английском языке для установления очередности команд.

2.Основная часть. Конкурсы.

3.Итог игры. Награждение команд – призеров.

The Script for an extracurricular activity in English.

The 7th grade

We like English”

The aims of the game:

1.To develop students ' untrained speech.

2.To develop students ‘creative abilities .

3.To train interest in the learning of the subject.

4.To summarize students ' cross-cultural knowledge, obtained on the English lessons.

Educational aims

1.To develop the ability to understand English speech:

2. To develop skills of monologue and dialogue speech;

3. To form students ' cultural literacy;

4. To teach the culture of communication.

Developing aims:

1. Develop the ability to work in a team and make a joint decision;

2. Develop positive personal qualities (responsibility, goodwill, sense of mutual assistance).

3. Develop and train attention, memory, thinking.

Educational objectives.

1. To train the respect for the culture of your country and to the countries of the target language.

This event is a team competition. Each 7 th grade represented by the team. Each team sits at its own table. On the board with the help of magnets are placed sheets with the names of competitions, on the reverse side of the sheets indicates the number of points awarded for this competition. The jury sums up the results after each contest and records the results on the board.

The Course of the Competition.

1.Introduction. The host reports the rules of the game, represents the jury, conducts a conversation in English to establish the order of the teams.

2. Main part. Competitions.

3. The result of the game. Awarding of prize – winning teams.

Good afternoon dear contestants, jury and guests of our competition!

The 1st task of the competition is the “Fantastic reading”. (2 points)

1 team: a)I saw Susie sitting in a shoe shine shop.

b) There's a sandwich on the sand which was sent by a sane witch.

2 team: a)Four furious friends fought for the phone.

b)How can a clam cram in a clean cream can?

The 2nd task is the English folklore. Proverbs. (3 points)

1 team: a) A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step

Дорогу осилит идущий

b) A new broom sweeps clean

Новая метла по-новому метёт

c) A penny saved is a penny earned

Копейка рубль бережет

2 team: a) A person is known by the company he keeps

Скажи, кто твои друзья и я скажу, кто ты.

b) A rolling stone gathers no moss

Под лежачий камень вода не течёт

c) A thing of beauty is a joy forever

Прекрасное пленяет навсегда.

The 3rd task is an “Auding” (18 points)


Dear 1) friends from Earth!

Welcome to Greenless!

A hundred years 2) ago it wasn’t Greenless. There were green forests, grass and 3) flowers on our planet. A lot of 4) birds and animals lived in the forests and mountains near 5) beautiful lakes and rivers. There were 6) a lot of fish in the seas and oceans. People liked 7) life in towns and villages.

Now the planet is lifeless. We live 8) underground. Our climate 9) changed. It’s the mystery of Greenless. We think you 10) can help us to find out its 11) mystery.

We found a very 12) old manuscript.


People of the planet, keep it 13) clean.

Your 14) planet is your home.

Be careful: Don’t 15) litter your planet.

Don’t light 16) fires.

Don’t 17) cut down the trees.

Don’t 18) kill the animals.

The 19) writing ends here. No end! No 20) answer! Why is the planet lifeless?

The 4th task is the “Lexical competition” (18 points)

Choose the right variant.


1. Goodnight! A. Here you are.

2. What nationality is B. Thank you.

George Bush?

3. Are they short or tall? C. I think so.

4. Pass my book, please. D. Oh, sorry.

5. Where is my bag? E. Goodnight!

6. Here’s your coffee. F. She’s eleven.

7. How old is Ann? G. He’s American.

8. Is this Tom’s dog? H. They’re tall.

9. That’s not my pen. I. It’s under the chair.


    1. Ted is a _______________

a) city b) surname c) first name

2. Bookshelf is a ____________________

a) piece of furniture b) place c) room

3. Italy is a _____________________

a) nationality b) country c) language

4. Bathroom is a _________________

a) country b) boy’s name c) room

5. Russian is a ___________________--

a) language b) surname c) country

6. Dinner is a _________________________

a) drink b) dish c) meal

7. Supermarket is a __________________

a) farm b) job c) shop

8. Farmer is a ___________________

a) first name b) job c) place

9. Bus stop is a _________________

a) place b) country c) sport

The 5th task is “Books, books, books” ( 2 points)


Dear 1) _____________ from Earth!

Welcome to Greenless!

A hundred years 2) ______ it wasn’t Greenless. There were green forests, grass and 3) _____________ on our planet. A lot of 4) ___________________ lived in the forests and mountains near 5) ________________ and rivers. There were 6) _________________ in the seas and oceans. People liked 7) __________ in towns and villages.

Now the planet is lifeless. We live 8) _______________. Our climate 9) _______________. It’s the mystery of Greenless. We think you 10) _____________ us to find out its 11) ________________.

We found a very 12) _______ manuscript.


People of the planet, keep it 13) ____________.

Your 14) _____________ is your home.

Be careful: Don’t 15) ____________ your planet.

Don’t light 16) ____________.

Don’t 17) __________________ the trees.

Don’t 18)_______________ the animals.

The writing ends here. No end! No answer! Why is the planet lifeless?



Dear 1) friends from Earth!

Welcome to Greenless!

A hundred years 2) ago it wasn’t Greenless. There were green forests, grass and 3) flowers on our planet. A lot of 4) birds and animals lived in the forests and mountains near 5) beautiful lakes and rivers. There were 6) a lot of fish in the seas and oceans. People liked 7) life in towns and villages.

Now the planet is lifeless. We live 8) underground. Our climate 9) changed. It’s the mystery of Greenless. We think you 10) can help us to find out its 11) mystery.

We found a very 12) old manuscript.


People of the planet, keep it 13) clean.

Your 14) planet is your home.

Be careful: Don’t 15) litter your planet.

Don’t light 16) fires.

Don’t 17) cut down the trees.

Don’t 18) kill the animals.

Choose the right variant. TASK 4


E-1. Goodnight! A. Here you are.

G-2. What nationality is B. Thank you.

George Bush?

H-3. Are they short or tall? C. I think so.

B-4. Pass my book, please. D. Oh, sorry.

I-5. Where is my bag? E. Goodnight!

6. Here’s your coffee. F. She’s eleven.

F-7. How old is Ann? G. He’s American.

C-8. Is this Tom’s dog? H. They’re tall.

D-9. That’s not my pen. I. It’s under the chair.


  1. Ted is a _______________

a) city b) surname c) first name

2. Bookshelf is a ____________________

a) piece of furniture b) place c) room

3. Italy is a _____________________

a) nationality b) country c) language

4. Bathroom is a _________________

a) country b) boy’s name c) room

5. Russian is a ___________________--

a) language b) surname c) country

6. Dinner is a _________________________

a) drink b) dish c) meal

7. Supermarket is a __________________

a) farm b) job c) shop

8. Farmer is a ___________________

a) first name b) job c) place

9. Bus stop is a _________________

a) place b) country c) sport



2 team

3 team

1 task

2 task

3 task

4 task

5 task


Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Разработка внеклассного мероприятия "We like English"

Автор: Мазурова Ольга Андреевна

Дата: 10.06.2019

Номер свидетельства: 514242

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