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Learning english is interesting

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Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку среди учащихся 7 классов Цель: Активизация употребления лексики по изученным темам, повышение мотивации к изучению английского языка, обучение работе в команде. 
-повторить и систематизировать ранее изученный материал. 
-развивать все виды речевой деятельности. 
-формировать лексические и речевые навыки путём повторения материала в разнообразных видах деятельности 
-развивать положительные личностные качества (ответственность, доброжелательность, чувство взаимопомощи). 
-воспитывать уважение к культуре своей страны и стран изучаемого языка. 

Турнир знатоков английского языка 

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Сделать изучение нового материала максимально понятным.
Избавить себя от подбора заданий и их проверки после уроков.
Наладить дисциплину на своих уроках.
Получить возможность работать творчески.

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«Learning english is interesting »

Let’s sing a song!

Let’s sing a song!

Presentation of the team: 1. name the team 2. choose the captain 3. tell about your hobbies   Time: 3 minutes

Presentation of the team:

1. name the team

2. choose the captain

3. tell about your hobbies

Time: 3 minutes

Plan of the performance: • We are “….” • I am the captain. • My name is…. • We like/enjoy….. • We don’t like/enjoy….. • We are good at… • We are……( clever, happy, friendly…)

Plan of the performance:

• We are “….”

• I am the captain.

• My name is….

• We like/enjoy…..

• We don’t like/enjoy…..

• We are good at…

• We are……( clever, happy, friendly…)

I – “Try to explain …  II – “Famous places ”  III – “ What do you know  about London ?”  IY –”Grammar corner”  Y – “Secret Task ”

I – “Try to explain …

II – “Famous places ”

III – “ What do you know

about London ?”

IY –”Grammar corner”

Y – “Secret Task ”

The competition for captains: Choose the card with the names of different professions. Try to explain it. Your task is to guess this profession. If you guess, you will get the point.

The competition for captains:

Choose the card with the names of different professions.

Try to explain it.

Your task is to guess this profession.

If you guess, you will get the point.

Example: She is a person who teaches pupils. Is she a teacher? (Yes, she is.)  He/She is a person who…


She is a person who teaches pupils.

Is she a teacher? (Yes, she is.)

He/She is a person who…

II.“ Famous places” 1. write a name of the place 2. answer the questions: What is it? Where is it? Have you ever been there? What interesting information do you know about this place?

II.“ Famous places”

1. write a name of the place

2. answer the questions:

What is it?

Where is it?

Have you ever been there?

What interesting information do you know about this place?

The Great Wall

The Great Wall

Big Ben

Big Ben

The Statue of Liberty

The Statue of Liberty

The Opera House

The Opera House

The Pyramids

The Pyramids

London quiz

London quiz

6. Who built St Paul’s Cathedral? a) Christopher Wren   b) Benjamin Hall c) William the Conqueror

6. Who built St Paul’s Cathedral?

a) Christopher Wren

b) Benjamin Hall

c) William the Conqueror

1. Who built the first bridge across the Thames?  a) the Egyptians  b) the Greeks c) the Romans

1. Who built the first bridge across the Thames?

a) the Egyptians

b) the Greeks

c) the Romans

2. When did the Great Fire of London break out? in 1060 b) in 1666   c) in 1766

2. When did the Great Fire of London break out?

  • in 1060

b) in 1666

c) in 1766

3. Which is the largest and the oldest museum in Britain? the British Museum   b) The National Gallery c) Madam Tussaud’s

3. Which is the largest and the oldest museum in Britain?

  • the British Museum

b) The National Gallery

c) Madam Tussaud’s

4. What is Big Ben? a clock tower b) a clock face c) a bell

4. What is Big Ben?

  • a clock tower

b) a clock face

c) a bell

5. What is the popular name for the underground system (metro) in London? the Tunnel b) the Channel c) the Tube

5. What is the popular name for the underground system (metro) in London?

  • the Tunnel

b) the Channel

c) the Tube

Game “Grammar corner”. • find the mistakes in the sentences  correct them • If you do it correctly,  you will get the point.

Game “Grammar corner”.

• find the mistakes in the sentences

correct them

• If you do it correctly, you will get the point.

1. My friend enjoys do sports.

1. My friend enjoys do sports.

  • My friend enjoys doing sports.
2. Bob said Tom that he had a new phone. 2. Bob told Tom that he had  a new phone .

2. Bob said Tom that he had a new phone.

2. Bob told Tom that he had

a new phone .

3. 100 years ago children used to  played with hoops and spinning tops. 3 . 100 years ago children used to  play with hoops and spinning tops.

3. 100 years ago children used to

played with hoops and spinning tops.

3 . 100 years ago children used to

play with hoops and spinning tops.

4. Polly have never been to London. 4. Polly has never been to London.

4. Polly have never been to London.

4. Polly has never been to London.

5. We have been learning English for 2004. 5. We have been learning English since 2004.

5. We have been learning English for 2004.

5. We have been learning English since 2004.

6. I am good in mathematics. 6. I am good at mathematics.

6. I am good in mathematics.

6. I am good at mathematics.

7. If the weather will fine, we will have a picnic. 7. If the weather is fine, we will have a picnic.

7. If the weather will fine, we will have a picnic.

7. If the weather is fine, we will have a picnic.

8. Joe has just breaked the window. 8. Joe has just broken the window.

8. Joe has just breaked the window.

8. Joe has just broken the window.

9. They can’t to swim because the  water is not warm enough. 9. They can’t swim because the water is not warm enough.

9. They can’t to swim because the

water is not warm enough.

9. They can’t swim because the

water is not warm enough.

A secret task Name three your favourite English letters and explain why you like them. Now think and tell 3 words beginning from these letters. The first team name nouns. The second team name adjectives. The third team name verbs. Example : My favourite letter is A because  I like a pples

A secret task

Name three your favourite English letters and explain why you like them.

Now think and tell 3 words beginning from these letters.

The first team name nouns.

The second team name adjectives.

The third team name verbs.

Example : My favourite letter is A because

I like a pples

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

Learning english is interesting


Дата: 19.04.2015

Номер свидетельства: 203168

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