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Конспект внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку 9 класс

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Конспект  внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку в 9  классе по теме: "Культурные особенности  Шотландии"


учебные: дальнейшее развитие умений монологической речи; развитие умений диалогической речи; совершенствование произносительных, лексических и грамматических навыков говорения, совершенствование навыков построения всех типов вопросительных предложений; 
развивающие:  развивать умение применения полученных знаний в конкретной ситуации;
воспитательная: прививать интерес и уважение  к культуре Шотландии, её традициям, пробуждение гордости за свою страну, воспитывать умение работать в коллективе(группе).

Оборудование: компьютер, записи шотландских и русских народных песен, волынка, вареники, рушник, хлеб и соль.

A group of Russian students meets a group of British students standing on the threshold of   the school. A student is holding a caravai on a rushnic in her hands.

A Russian student (with a caravai): Welcome to Novolabinskaya comprehensive school. We’re glad to see you. Take our Cuban caravai.

A Scottish student (taking the caravai): Thanks a lot.  What is a caravai? Is it a pie?

R: It’s like a pie but without any filling. It’s beautifully decorated bread.

S: Oh, I see. But why did you give us the caravai?

R: It’s our Russian tradition - to meet guests by giving them a caravai on a towel called rushnic.

S: What is the purpose of this unusual tradition?

R: Russian people value bread highly. We’ve got the song with the words:” Son, remember the golden words “Bread is the head of everything.”.During wars people starved and had to eat only bread. It saved them and helped to survive. When Russian people grow bread they put their souls in it. When we give bread to guests we give them a part of our soul.

R: This towel is called rushnic. Our teacher’s grandmother embroidered it.

S: Oh, I see. It’s a great tradition. It’s a pity the Scottish don’t have something like it. I’ve got an idea. We can meet guests by presenting them our scones. They are important for us too.

S: We’ll give you as a present our traditional instrument named bagpipe. We were at war much like you and sounds of bagpipes called us to fight and win. Now it’s history but Scottish people remember it very well.

R: Thanks a lot for this unusual present. To remember our Cuban history we want to show you our school museum. It’s unique because no school in our region has such the museum.

S: What is housed in it?

R: This museum is devoted to the Cossacks.

R: This is a uniform of a Cossack. It consists of a  jacket and trousers. The Cossacks wore high boots. They had papahas on.

S: What is papaha? There is no such the word in English.

R: This word exists only in Russian. It means a “warm hat sewn of merlushka?

S: What does the word merlushka mean? Is it your Russian word too?

R: Yes, you’re right. Merlushka means a skin of a small lamb. It’s very soft.

S: Now I know so many Russian words: caravan – is the first, rushnic is the second  , papaha is the third, merlyshka is the fourth. (загибает пальцы). Great!

S: Why is a whip here?

R: The matter is the Cossacks rode the horses and a whip was necessary for them.

S: What is this strange exhibit?

R: It’s a spinning-wheel. Cossacks women spun threads with it.

S: I wonder if it is a spoon. Were the Cossacks giants? It’s too big for an ordinary man.  Who ate with this gigantic spoon?

R: It’s not a spoon and the Cossacks were ordinary people. This big thing like a spoon is named polovnic.

S: Polovnic is the fifth. (загибает пятый палец)

R: They didn’t eat with a polovnic.  They filled a plate with borshch with a polovnic.

S: Borshch is the sixth. (загибает 6-ой палец). And what is borshch?

R: Borshch is a Russian national cuisine. It’s very tasty. And in my eyes Cuban borshch is the tastiest food in the world.

S: I wonder how to cook it? Is it difficult?

R: It’s easy. You should boil a big piece of meat in a saucepan. Peel potatoes, an onion, a beetroot and a carrot. Cut them, tomatoes and Bulgarian pepper into pieces and fry in a frying pan. When meat is ready put into the saucepan cut potatoes. When potato is ready add cut cabbage. After that put fried mixture, dill and parsley. It’s all. If you want I’ll give you a recipe.

S: I pray you about it. In my turn I can share with you a recipe of a traditional Scottish cuisine. It’s named haggis. It’s made from the heart and other organs of a ship cut up and boiled inside a skin made from the sheep’s stomach. Haggis is typically eaten with boiled turnips and potatoes, known in Scotland as “neeps and tatties”.

R: We wrote a poem about our museum. Listen to it.

Museums this nice classroom remind,

Because of them it’s famous everywhere.

The things from past one can here find.

To see it many people dare.

There are old irons, ancient looms,

Of wooden spoons are bunches.

Many things from Cossacks room

Behind the fence of branches.

R: We invite you our English classroom to look at the photos of our stanitsa.

(Children go to the classroom. On the screen they see the places of stanitsa with captures)

R: Would you like to know the history of our stanitsa?

S: Yes, of course.

R: Our stanitsa appeared at the end of the Caucasian war. On the bank of the river called the Laba cossack settlement was founded. It was in 1852. It got the name Intervalnaya. The population of the stanitsa was 3119 people.  Men were 1523 and women were 1596. The people were clever in hands. They  were good specialists in many domains.

R: Among the villagers there were leather foremen, tailors, shoemakers, carpenters, blacksmiths, fishermen. They worked alone. The stanitsa got the new name Novolabinskaya in 1864. This year people who lived on the other side of the river Laba attacked our stanitsa.

R: Cossacks defended their houses, wives, mothers and children very bravely. The bravest was the cossack called “Green”. He saved the stanitsa. In 1912 cossacks decided to build a school. Now it is our primary school. In August of 1942 our stanitsa was captured by the 17th German fascist army. Fascists wanted to fusilladed many people but Russian Army hindered them. Semen Nestorovich Kakanadze, a guerilla, liberated many people of our stanitsa.

R: Now my native stanitsa developes and becomes nice. Its size is 5.837 hectares. Closed joint- stock company named “Dawn” grow  wheat, barley, maize, sunflower, sugar-beet. We have a dairy-farm, where many cows live and give milk. In our stanitsa there is a big pigsty. Some pigs were awarded with medals being the best pedigree.

R: My stanitsa has two rivers. The first is small and called Zelenchuc. It is a steppe  river. People turned it into seven ponds. They are the Pushkin pond, Goikolov pond, Molostov pond, Kutsenkin pond and others. In the ponds  many creatures such as fish, frogs, ducks, herons live. The second river is the Laba. A lot of fish live there.

R: My stanitsa is surrounded with the beautiful woods. Trees of different kinds grow in the  woods. They are oak-trees, poplars, wild apple-trees, wild pear-trees and others. Such flowers as mother-and-stepmother, lilacs, dog-roses, lilies of valley. Hares, foxes, snakes, wild boars, wolves live in the woods.

R: Our stanitsa has two parks. Chestnuts, poplars, maples and lindens grow in them. These parks are very beautiful.

I like my stanitsa very much and want it to be  nicer with every passing year. I’ll try to do my utmost for it.

R: We wrote the ode to  our stanitsa. Here it is.

Ode to my native stanitsa

I was born here

Is brought up and learn at school,

Help people, enjoy the Earth.

In winter I swim in the swimming pool.

In summer in sea and windsurf.

If there is a need

And I’ll have to leave it.

I’ll bitterly miss my stanitsa.

In spite joy I’ll get,

I’ll never forget.

If even I live in Nitsa.

R: In the museum there are the photos of famous people of our stanitsa. One of them is Rulyov Ivan Fillipovich. He was born and lived here. Here his photo is. He was a hero of the Soviet Union.  Ivan Fillipovich fought against fascists.

R: Other celebrated person is Peter Petrovich Lukyanenko. He created new sorts of wheat and loved his work very much. When wheat was ill he died in the field.

R: Mikhail Ivanovich Klepikov lived in the town of Ust-Labinsk near our stanitsa. He grew wheat, oat, buckwheat, maize. He worked hard and was honored with the title of the hero  of Socialist Labourof the Soviet Union twice.

S: We want you to know about well-known Scottish people too. Scotland is a land of many famous people: writers and poets, scientists and philosophers. Just imagine: you are reading about the far-away, rainy and foggy, mysterious and romantic Scotland and hear a telephone bell. You come up to the phone (by the way, invented by Alexander Graham Bell, born in Edinburgh) and answer it.

S: This is your friend who wants you to keep him company and go for a walk, but it is raining outside. No problem: you put on your raincoat (patented by chemist Charles Macintosh from Glasgow) and are ready to leave the house, but your mother asks you to send a letter to your favourite  auntie.

S: So you put on an adhesive stamp on it, invented by John Chalmers, bookseller and printer of Dundee. Be careful not to get pneumonia in such weather, or you will have to take injections of penicillin, discovered by Sir Alexander Fleming of Darvel, Scotland.

 S: Well, in the evening, after a walk, you are eager to sit in a comfortable armchair with a cup of coffee and read an adventurous novel by Sir Walter Scott from Edinburgh, or, maybe, Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson, or, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, born in Edinburgh, or, maybe, a book of poems by Robert Burns.

S: Robert Burns’s birthday is celebrated on the twenty-fifth of January. The celebration usually takes the form of a supper at which traditional dishes are eaten, traditional songs are sung and traditional dances are danced. Now we’ll show how Scottish people dance rill.

(Girls dance rill)

R: Great! You’re real dancers. And you look how we dance our traditional Cuban dance.

(Girls dance)

S: Wonderful! Listen to our traditional Scottish song. It’s called “Ten green bottles”. The song is very long and  has ten couplets  

S: And so on and so forth. All the bottles fall in turn and finally no one bottle is on the wall.

R: This song is very funny. I offer to listen to traditional Cuban song named “Varenichki”.

(A girl and a boy sing the song.)

S: What is the song about?

R: This song like yours is very funny. A husband asks his wife to cook varenichki for him.  The wife doesn’t want to do it and thinks of many reasons not to make them. The reasons sound like this: she hasn’t got wood, she hasn’t got strength. The husband tells the wife to die if she is ill. The wife asks whom he will marry after her death. The husband says that he’ll marry his girlfriend. The wife recovers at once and offers the husband to cook varenichki.

S: Varenichki is the seventh. How to translate the word varenichki? I understand that it is food but what do they look like?

R: They are like meat-filled dumplings  but filling is not meat. It can be different: potato, cottage cheese, cabbage. Varenichki are very tasty. By the way today we’ve got varenichki in the menu in our school canteen. We invite you to have dinner.

S: With great pleasure. After this song I wanted to eat.

R: Then let’s go.

(In the school canteen children sit at the table and the cook called Aunt Marina gives a dish with varenichki. She says: «Приятного аппетита»)

R: She is our cook. We call her “Aunt Marina”. She cooks great. She says “Good appetite”.  It means to eat with pleasure. Help yourself.

S: Thank you very much. How tasty they are!

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«конспект внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку 9 класс »

Конспект внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку в 9 классе по теме: "Культурные особенности Шотландии и России"

Подготовила и провела учитель английского языка МБОУ СОШ № 13 ст.Новолабинская

Емельянова Е.Н.


учебные: дальнейшее развитие умений монологической речи; развитие умений диалогической речи; совершенствование произносительных, лексических и грамматических навыков говорения, совершенствование навыков построения всех типов вопросительных предложений;
развивающие: развивать умение применения полученных знаний в конкретной ситуации;
воспитательная: прививать интерес и уважение к культуре Шотландии, её традициям, пробуждение гордости за свою страну, воспитывать умение работать в коллективе(группе).

Оборудование: компьютер, записи шотландских и русских народных песен, волынка, вареники, рушник, хлеб и соль.

A group of Russian students meets a group of British students standing on the threshold of the school. A student is holding a caravai on a rushnic in her hands.

A Russian student (with a caravai): Welcome to Novolabinskaya comprehensive school. We’re glad to see you. Take our Cuban caravai.

A Scottish student (taking the caravai): Thanks a lot. What is a caravai? Is it a pie?

R: It’s like a pie but without any filling. It’s beautifully decorated bread.

S: Oh, I see. But why did you give us the caravai?

R: It’s our Russian tradition - to meet guests by giving them a caravai on a towel called rushnic.

S: What is the purpose of this unusual tradition?

R: Russian people value bread highly. We’ve got the song with the words:” Son, remember the golden words “Bread is the head of everything.” The matter is Russian people were often at war. Many countries wanted to capture Russia with its vast territory and rich natural resources. During wars people starved and had to eat only bread. It saved them and helped to survive. When Russian people grow bread they put their souls in it. When we give bread to guests we give them a part of our soul.

R: On the other hand scientists prove that there are all the vitamins in bread. When Russian people give bread to guests they want to show that they love these persons and give the best to them. We show our respect and love. Cuban bread is considered to be the best in Russia.

R: This towel is called rushnic. Our teacher’s grandmother embroidered it.

S: Oh, I see. It’s a great tradition. It’s a pity the Scottish don’t have something like it. I’ve got an idea. We can meet guests by presenting them our scones. They are important for us too.

S: We’ll give you as a present our traditional instrument named bagpipe. We were at war much like you and sounds of bagpipes called us to fight and win. Now it’s history but Scottish people remember it very well.

R: Thanks a lot for this unusual present. To remember our Cuban history we want to show you our school museum. It’s unique because no school in our region has such the museum.

S: What is housed in it?

R: This museum is devoted to the Cossacks. It exists only thanks to our history and Cuban Study teacher Anna Alexandrovna Cericova. She asked us to bring ancient things kept in our houses. Many people wanted to help and brought their great-grandparents things. Here they are.

R: In front of the exhibits you see a wattle-fence. All Cossacks houses were surrounded with wattle-fences. Houses looked like this model. They were made of wood.

R: This is a uniform of a Cossack. It consists of a jacket and trousers. The Cossacks wore high boots. They had papahas on.

S: What is papaha? There is no such the word in English.

R: This word exists only in Russian. It means a “warm hat sewn of merlushka?

S: What does the word merlushka mean? Is it your Russian word too?

R: Yes, you’re right. Merlushka means a skin of a small lamb. It’s very soft.

S: Now I know so many Russian words: caravan – is the first, rushnic is the second , papaha is the third, merlyshka is the fourth. (загибает пальцы). Great!

S: Why is a whip here?

R: The matter is the Cossacks rode the horses and a whip was necessary for them.

S: What is this strange exhibit?

R: It’s a spinning-wheel. Cossacks women spun threads with it.

S: I wonder if it is a spoon. Were the Cossacks giants? It’s too big for an ordinary man. Who ate with this gigantic spoon?

R: It’s not a spoon and the Cossacks were ordinary people. This big thing like a spoon is named polovnic.

S: Polovnic is the fifth. (загибает пятый палец)

R: They didn’t eat with a polovnic. They filled a plate with borshch with a polovnic.

S: Borshch is the sixth. (загибает 6-ой палец). And what is borshch?

R: Borshch is a Russian national cuisine. It’s very tasty. And in my eyes Cuban borshch is the tastiest food in the world.

S: I wonder how to cook it? Is it difficult?

R: It’s easy. You should boil a big piece of meat in a saucepan. Peel potatoes, an onion, a beetroot and a carrot. Cut them, tomatoes and Bulgarian pepper into pieces and fry in a frying pan. When meat is ready put into the saucepan cut potatoes. When potato is ready add cut cabbage. After that put fried mixture, dill and parsley. It’s all. If you want I’ll give you a recipe.

S: I pray you about it. In my turn I can share with you a recipe of a traditional Scottish cuisine. It’s named haggis. It’s made from the heart and other organs of a ship cut up and boiled inside a skin made from the sheep’s stomach. Haggis is typically eaten with boiled turnips and potatoes, known in Scotland as “neeps and tatties”.

R: We wrote a poem about our museum. Listen to it.

Museums this nice classroom remind,

Because of them it’s famous everywhere.

The things from past one can here find.

To see it many people dare.

There are old irons, ancient looms,

Of wooden spoons are bunches.

Many things from Cossacks room

Behind the fence of branches.

R: We invite you our English classroom to look at the photos of our stanitsa.

(Children go to the classroom. On the screen they see the places of stanitsa with captures)

R: Would you like to know the history of our stanitsa?

S: Yes, of course.

R: Our stanitsa appeared at the end of the Caucasian war. On the bank of the river called the Laba cossack settlement was founded. It was in 1852. It got the name Intervalnaya. The population of the stanitsa was 3119 people. Men were 1523 and women were 1596. The people were clever in hands. They were good specialists in many domains.

R: Among the villagers there were leather foremen, tailors, shoemakers, carpenters, blacksmiths, fishermen. They worked alone. The stanitsa got the new name Novolabinskaya in 1864. This year people who lived on the other side of the river Laba attacked our stanitsa.

R: Cossacks defended their houses, wives, mothers and children very bravely. The bravest was the cossack called “Green”. He saved the stanitsa. In 1912 cossacks decided to build a school. Now it is our primary school. In August of 1942 our stanitsa was captured by the 17th German fascist army. Fascists wanted to fusilladed many people but Russian Army hindered them. Semen Nestorovich Kakanadze, a guerilla, liberated many people of our stanitsa.

R: Now my native stanitsa developes and becomes nice . Its size is 5.837 hectares. Closed joint- stock company named “Dawn” grow wheat, barley, maize, sunflower, sugar-beet. We have a dairy-farm, where many cows live and give milk. In our stanitsa there is a big pigsty. Some pigs were awarded with medals being the best pedigree.

R: My stanitsa has two rivers. The first is small and called Zelenchuc. It is a steppe river. People turned it into seven ponds. They are the Pushkin pond, Goikolov pond, Molostov pond, Kutsenkin pond and others. In the ponds many creatures such as fish, frogs, ducks, herons live. The second river is the Laba. A lot of fish live there.

R: My stanitsa is surrounded with the beautiful woods. Trees of different kinds grow in the woods. They are oak-trees, poplars, wild apple-trees, wild pear-trees and others. Such flowers as mother-and-stepmother, lilacs, dog-roses, lilies of valley. Hares, foxes, snakes, wild boars, wolves live in the woods.

R: Our stanitsa has two parks. Chestnuts, poplars, maples and lindens grow in them. These parks are very beautiful.

I like my stanitsa very much and want it to be nicer with every passing year. I’ll try to do my utmost for it.

R: We wrote the ode to our stanitsa. Here it is.

Ode to my native stanitsa

I was born here

Is brought up and learn at school,

Help people, enjoy the Earth.

In winter I swim in the swimming pool.

In summer in sea and windsurf.

If there is a need

And I’ll have to leave it.

I’ll bitterly miss my stanitsa.

In spite joy I’ll get,

I’ll never forget.

If even I live in Nitsa.

R: In the museum there are the photos of famous people of our stanitsa. One of them is Rulyov Ivan Fillipovich. He was born and lived here. Here his photo is . He was a hero of the Soviet Union. Ivan Fillipovich fought against fascists.

R: Other celebrated person is Peter Petrovich Lukyanenko. He created new sorts of wheat and loved his work very much. When wheat was ill he died in the field.

R: Mikhail Ivanovich Klepikov lived in the town of Ust-Labinsk near our stanitsa. He grew wheat, oat, buckwheat, maize. He worked hard and was honored with the title of the hero of Socialist Labourof the Soviet Union twice.

S: We want you to know about well-known Scottish people too. Scotland is a land of many famous people: writers and poets, scientists and philosophers. Just imagine: you are reading about the far-away, rainy and foggy, mysterious and romantic Scotland and hear a telephone bell. You come up to the phone (by the way, invented by Alexander Graham Bell, born in Edinburgh) and answer it.

S: This is your friend who wants you to keep him company and go for a walk, but it is raining outside. No problem: you put on your raincoat (patented by chemist Charles Macintosh from Glasgow) and are ready to leave the house, but your mother asks you to send a letter to your favourite auntie.

S: So you put on an adhesive stamp on it, invented by John Chalmers, bookseller and printer of Dundee. Be careful not to get pneumonia in such weather, or you will have to take injections of penicillin, discovered by Sir Alexander Fleming of Darvel, Scotland.

S: Well, in the evening, after a walk, you are eager to sit in a comfortable armchair with a cup of coffee and read an adventurous novel by Sir Walter Scott from Edinburgh, or, maybe, Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson, or, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, born in Edinburgh, or, maybe, a book of poems by Robert Burns.

S: Robert Burns’s birthday is celebrated on the twenty-fifth of January. The celebration usually takes the form of a supper at which traditional dishes are eaten, traditional songs are sung and traditional dances are danced. Now we’ll show how Scottish people dance rill.

(Girls dance rill)

R: Great! You’re real dancers. And you look how we dance our traditional Cuban dance.

(Girls dance)

S: Wonderful! Listen to our traditional Scottish song. It’s called “Ten green bottles”. The song is very long and has ten couplets.

Ten green bottles hanging on the wall.

Ten green bottles hanging on the wall.

And if one green bottle should accidentally fall,

There’d be nine green bottles hanging on the wall.

Nine green bottles hanging on the wall.

Nine green bottles hanging on the wall.

And if one green bottle should accidentally fall,

There’d be nine eight bottles hanging on the wall.

Eight green bottles hanging on the wall.

Eight green bottles hanging on the wall.

And if one green bottle should accidentally fall,

There’d be seven green bottles hanging on the wall.

S: And so on and so forth. All the bottles fall in turn and finally no one bottle is on the wall.

R: This song is very funny. I offer to listen to traditional Cuban song named “Varenichki”.

(A girl and a boy sing the song.)

S: What is the song about?

R: This song like yours is very funny. A husband asks his wife to cook varenichki for him. The wife doesn’t want to do it and thinks of many reasons not to make them. The reasons sound like this: she hasn’t got wood, she hasn’t got strength. The husband tells the wife to die if she is ill. The wife asks whom he will marry after her death. The husband says that he’ll marry his girlfriend. The wife recovers at once and offers the husband to cook varenichki.

S: Varenichki is the seventh. How to translate the word varenichki? I understand that it is food but what do they look like?

R: They are like meat-filled dumplings but filling is not meat. It can be different: potato, cottage cheese, cabbage. Varenichki are very tasty. By the way today we’ve got varenichki in the menu in our school canteen. We invite you to have dinner.

S: With great pleasure. After this song I wanted to eat.

R: Then let’s go.

(In the school canteen children sit at the table and the cook called Aunt Marina gives a dish with varenichki. She says: «Приятного аппетита»)

R: She is our cook. We call her “Aunt Marina”. She cooks great. She says “Good appetite”. It means to eat with pleasure. Help yourself.

S: Thank you very much. How tasty they are!

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс

конспект внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку 9 класс

Автор: Еельянова Елена Николаевна

Дата: 09.04.2015

Номер свидетельства: 199518

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object(ArrayObject)#852 (1) {
  ["storage":"ArrayObject":private] => array(6) {
    ["title"] => string(146) "Конспект внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку "Famous British" для 6-7 классов"
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    ["file_id"] => string(6) "396190"
    ["category_seo"] => string(15) "angliiskiyYazik"
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object(ArrayObject)#874 (1) {
  ["storage":"ArrayObject":private] => array(6) {
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object(ArrayObject)#852 (1) {
  ["storage":"ArrayObject":private] => array(6) {
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