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История Великобритании

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Язык - это не только словарь,грамматика и синтаксис, это еще и культура, которую он несет. Начиная с 17 века, Россия открыта иностранному влиянию. Особенно большое воздействие оказали английский и французский языки. Они не просто подарили нам новые термины, они поменяли взгяд на многие вещи. 

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«История Великобритании»


Государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение

«Брянский строительный колледж имени профессора Н.Е. Жуковского»


Внеаудиторного мероприятия

«История Британии»




на заседании Предметной цикловой комиссии

Протокол №____ от «__»_____202_г.

Председатель ПЦК ____Е.Н.Колесникова



Заместитель директора по учебной работе ________________________

«__»_______ 202_г.

Методическая разработка внеаудиторного мероприятия «РОЛЬ АНГИЙСКОГО ЯЗЫКА В СОВРЕМЕННОМ МИРЕ» /Сост. Е.Н. Колесникова – Брянск: ГБПОУ «Брянский строительный колледж имени профессора Н.Е. Жуковского», 2023.- 27 стр.

© Колесникова Е.Н., 2023

ГБПОУ «Брянский строительный

колледж имени профессора

Н.Е. Жуковского», 2023


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  1. Вступительное слово

  2. Видео-ролик «История Британии»

  3. Кельты в Британии

Лаленкова Виктория, Борисенко Елизавета, Зырянова Алина

  1. Римское завоевание Британии

Антонова Дарья, Погуляева Ксения

  1. Германские племена

Куцакина Мария, Бобрешова Александра

  1. Скандинавское нашествие в Британии

Луценко Елена, Орлова Ангелина, Митрушкина Анна

  1. Нормандское Завоевание

Лезникова Елизавета, Павловская Ангелина

  1. Викторина

  2. Заключение

  1. Приложение

Кельты в Британии

Britain is the name of the largest of the British Isles, which lie off the northwest coast of Europe.

The name is Celtic (a word meaning «white» a reference to white cliffs of Dover)

Celtic Britons, people of Celtic language culture inhabited in Britain from Iron Age until middle Ages.

They spoke Brittonic, the ancestor of the modern Brittonic languages.

Ancient Britain was made up of many tribes and kingdoms.

The Britons followed an Ancient Celtic religion overseen by druids.

Southern tribes had strong links with mainland Europe, especially Gaul.

The earliest written evidence for the Brittons is from Greco-Roman writers and dates the Iron Age

Genetic profile of Celts was considered typical for northwest European population

Celtic period of British History refers to the Iron Age, began around 750 BC and lasted until the coming of Romans in AD 43.

Римское завоевание Британии

Roman Britain was the period of classical antiquity.

Large parts of the Island were under occupation by the Roman Empire.

The occupation lasted from Ad 43 to AD 410.

During that time the territory conquered had the status of a Roman province.

Julius Caeser invaded Britain in 55 BC as part of his Gallic wars.

Following the conquest a distinctive Romano British culture emerged.

There was a cultural diversity on Roman British towns.

During occupation of Britain the Romans founded many towns.

Cities and towns of Roman origin were extensively developed by them.

Roman influence on British economy was enormous and variable .

Германские племена

The early settlement of Britain by Germans consisted of small bands of settlers arriving by boot.

They settled along the southern and Easten coast.

Language was the most striking legacy left by Germans.

The Germanic tribes were not broadly literate but a system of writing existed.

And it made its way to Britain later on.

Germanic migrations did not constitute a violent conquest of Britain.

There is no archeological evidence of conflict.

The settlements were too small to represent an invasion.

They brought new seeds animals , methods of farming.

Germanic people started to arrive in around 420 AD.

Скандинавское нашествие в Британии

Small Viking raids began in the last years of the 8th century.

It was difficult to deal with an enemy.

It could attack anywhere on a long and undefended coastline.

King Alfred the Great of Wessex was the main figure of struggle against the Danes.

His courage and wisdom, his defensive measures in reorganizing his army, building of fortresses, ships, his diplomacy prevented full invasion of Britain.

When Alfred died in 899, his son Edward succeeded him.

He completed his farther`s plan of building a ring of fortresses.

This was the time of monastic revival.

Monasteries took part in restoring damages of the invasion.

The close links with Scandinavia left one more heritage – English king Edward the Confessor had Scandinavian ancestry.


he term used in relation to the Scandinavians, who devastated the states of Western Europe from the VIII to the XI century with sea robber

Нормандское завоевание

Military Conquest of England by William duke of Normandy, primarily effected by his victory of the Battle of Hastings and

resulting in profound political administrative and social changes in the British Isles.

William had support for his invasion from the Norman aristocracy and the papacy.

William’s victory destroyed England’s links with Scandinavia bringing the country into close contact with the continent, esp. France.

William revolutionized the upper ranks of English society.

He deviled the country among about 180 Norman chiefs.

The result was the almost total replacement of the English aristocracy with a Norman one.

Anglo – Saxon organized and centralized local government was utilized by William.

William transformed the structure and character of the church.

The most regrettable effect of the conquest was the English literature language law and administration.



Teacher: My dear guests, I strongly believe that today it was very interesting for you to take part in our exciting journey into the world of English. We tried to do our best and I am sure we have managed to complete our mission successfully. You have learnt many interesting facts about history of Britain. I am convinced that you are ready to study English more and improve your knowledge.


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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 11 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

История Великобритании

Автор: Колесникова Елена Николаевна

Дата: 27.01.2024

Номер свидетельства: 644805

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