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"A Magic 5”

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A Magic “5”

The objectives:

Educational: - to check the pupils’ knowledge  of  English  language, to  promote  forming  further interest  to  the  subject.

     Practical:   to  treat others with respect, to tolerant  to  the  others  opinions.

     Developing:to improve pupils’  habits in  speaking, understanding, thinking,  to  make  quick  decisions  and  to  express  themselves in  English.


Good  afternoon, dear  pupils! I’m glad to see you. Let’s do our tasks and get “5”.

Task 1. Let’s check your knowledge of ABC

You must say the alphabet in alphabetical order

Say only vowel sounds.

Say only consonant

Task 2.Magic 5

Name 5 professions

Name 5 colours

Name 5 school subjects

Name 5 animals

Name 5 sports

Name 5 things people wear

Task 3. Rebus

  , , ,   

,   ,  ,   

,    ,    ,     

,    ,    

,    ,  

,       ,

Task 4.Write the letter.

W__ndy, cl__udy,  sunn__, ra__ny,  __arm, dr__, w__athe__, __outh, no__th, __est, vill__ge.


Task 5.

I. – Sit down on the…? please.

– My father is a …. man.

– I like to read a good ….

– Put … your pens on the desk

–We like to play under the ….

– This is a spoon and that is a….

II – I go to school on ….

– There is a …on the desk.

– … your books, please.

–… do you get up?-At seven.

– We see with our ….

– A …is a fine flower

III. – I come home at…past two.

– All boys like to play ….

– Pete comes …the room and comes up to me.

– There is much … in winter.

– Do you …flowers?-Yes,
I do

–Eight divided by two is …

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«"A Magic 5”»

A Magic “5”

The objectives:

Educational: - to check the pupils’ knowledge of English language, to promote forming further interest to the subject.

Practical: to treat others with respect, to tolerant to the others opinions.

Developing: to improve pupils’ habits in speaking, understanding, thinking, to make quick decisions and to express themselves in English.


Good afternoon, dear pupils! I’m glad to see you. Let’s do our tasks and get “5”.

Task 1. Let’s check your knowledge of ABC

You must say the alphabet in alphabetical order

Say only vowel sounds.

Say only consonant

Task 2. Magic 5

Name 5 professions

Name 5 colours

Name 5 school subjects

Name 5 animals

Name 5 sports

Name 5 things people wear

Task 3. Rebus

, , ,

, , ,

, , ,

, ,

, ,

, ,

Task 4. Write the letter.

W__ndy, cl__udy, sunn__, ra__ny, __arm, dr__, w__athe__, __outh, no__th, __est, vill__ge.

Task 5.

I. – Sit down on the…? please.

– My father is a …. man.

– I like to read a good … .

– Put … your pens on the desk

–We like to play under the … .

– This is a spoon and that is a… .

II – I go to school on … .

– There is a …on the desk.

– … your books, please.

–… do you get up?-At seven.

– We see with our … .

– A …is a fine flower

III. – I come home at…past two.

– All boys like to play … .

– Pete comes …the room and comes up to me.

– There is much … in winter.

– Do you …flowers?-Yes,
I do

–Eight divided by two is …

Kyzyltal secondary school

Teachers : R.E.Zhakupova

2015 year

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

"A Magic 5”

Автор: Жакупова Рахиля Ергалиевна

Дата: 23.11.2015

Номер свидетельства: 257267

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