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A turnip.

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       THE  THEME: «A TURNIP»                             

The aims of the lesson:

To develop  the pupils skills in speaking;

To develop the pupils phonetic and intonation skills;

To bring up the best in pupils;

Educate the feeling of love to be hard working. 

The type of the lesson: Nontraditional

Methods: role play, speaking

Visual aids: slides, cards

Teacher: You are welcome to our show. Good afternoon dear teachers and children! You are welcome to our out – of- school activity! Now today pupils of second grade are going to show you a role play about turnip.

 Now, let`s begin!

P1. Grandfather: Hello, children! My name is …. I want to water my turnip. Where is my turnip?

It is my turnip. It’s so big and beautiful.

P2. Turnip: Hello, children! My name is Turnip.

Of course, I am so big and beautiful. I don’t smoke.

Well, pull me out!

P1. Grandfather: Oh, my back!

P3. Good health is above wealth.

P1.Grandfather:  …! Help me! Come here!

P4. Grandmother: Hello, children!

                              My name is ….

                              I’m always busy. Sorry!

                              I like to eat sweets, sausages!

                              Chips, apples, bananas.

                              Oh! My tooth!

 A turnip! You are so big and beautiful!

P2. Turnip: Of course, I am so big and beautiful. I don’t eat so much. Well, pull me out!

Grandfather and Grandmother together: One, two, three! Oh, no!

P1. Grandfather: Oh my back!

 P4.Grandmother: Oh! My tooth!

P5. Robin the Bobin,

      the big-bellied Ben,

      He ate more meat

      Than fourscore men.

P4. Grandmother: Granddaughter, come here! Help us!

P6. Granddaughter: Hello, children!

                                 …. is my name

                                 I play computer games!

                                Computer is my friend!

                                Toshiba is my brand!

Oh, my God! A turnip! You are so big and beautiful!

P2. Turnip: Of course, I am so big and beautiful. I don’t live in the Internet. Well, pull me out!

Grandfather, Grandmother and Granddaughter together: One, two, three! Oh, no!

P1. Grandfather: Oh my back!     

 P4.Grandmother: Oh! My tooth!

P6. Granddaughter: Oh! My glasses!

P7.  A tree is known by its fruits. 

P6. Granddaughter:  Superstar, come here! Help us!

 P8. Superstar (dog) :  Hello, children!

                                    My name is Superstar

                                    I am the best club star!

                                    I am like Michael Rexon…

A turnip! You are so big and beautiful!

P2. Turnip: Of course, I am so big and beautiful. I don’t dance at night. Well, pull me out!

Grandfather, Grandmother, granddaughter and Superstar together: One, two, three! Oh, no!

P1. Grandfather: Oh my back!

P4..Grandmother: Oh! My tooth!

P6. Granddaughter: Oh! My glasses!

P8. Superstar (dog): Oh! My legs!

P9. You must reap what you have won.

P10. Mobile Phone (cat): Hello, children!

                                     My name is Mobile Phone!

                                           I like to be alone

                                           I play and play and play…

Wow! A turnip! You are so big and beautiful!

Turnip: Of course, I am so big and beautiful. I don’t play on my mobile phone all day long. Well, pull me out!

Grandfather, Grandmother, Granddaughter, Superstar and Mobile Phone  together: One, two, three! Oh, no!

P1. Grandfather: Oh my back!

P4.Grandmother: Oh! My tooth!

P6. Granddaughter: Oh! My glasses!

P8. Superstar (dog): Oh! My legs!

P10. Mobile Phone: Oh! My mobile phone!

P11. Care killed the cat.

P10. Mobile phone: Sport, come here! Help us!

P12. Sport (mouse):  Hello, children! My name is Sport!

                                  Boxing, judo, football

                                   Swimming, tennis, basketball!

                                   One, two, three-

                                   I do sports! Look at me!

                                   Five, six, seven-

                                   I don’t sleep till eleven!

Grandfather, Grandmother, Granddaughter, Superstar and Mobile Phone, Sport  together: One, two, three! Oh, yes.

All together: The end crowns the work.

Thanks my dear pupils!

Today you were very active.

Well, thank you very much.

Thank you for your attention.

Good bye!

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«A turnip. »




The aims of the lesson:

To develop the pupils skills in speaking;

To develop the pupils phonetic and intonation skills;

To bring up the best in pupils;

Educate the feeling of love to be hard working.

The type of the lesson: Nontraditional

Methods: role play, speaking

Visual aids: slides, cards

Teacher: You are welcome to our show. Good afternoon dear teachers and children! You are welcome to our out – of- school activity! Now today pupils of second grade are going to show you a role play about turnip.

Now, let`s begin!

P1. Grandfather: Hello, children! My name is …. I want to water my turnip. Where is my turnip?

It is my turnip. It’s so big and beautiful.

P2. Turnip: Hello, children! My name is Turnip.

Of course, I am so big and beautiful. I don’t smoke.

Well, pull me out!

P1. Grandfather: Oh, my back!

P3. Good health is above wealth.

P1.Grandfather:  …! Help me! Come here!

P4. Grandmother: Hello, children!

My name is ….

  I’m always busy. Sorry!

I like to eat sweets, sausages!

Chips, apples, bananas.

Oh! My tooth!

A turnip! You are so big and beautiful!

P2. Turnip: Of course, I am so big and beautiful. I don’t eat so much. Well, pull me out!

Grandfather and Grandmother together: One, two, three! Oh, no!

P1. Grandfather: Oh my back!

P4.Grandmother: Oh! My tooth!

P5. Robin the Bobin,

the big-bellied Ben,

He ate more meat

Than fourscore men.

P4. Grandmother: Granddaughter, come here! Help us!

P6. Granddaughter: Hello, children!

…. is my name

I play computer games!

  Computer is my friend!

Toshiba is my brand!

Oh, my God! A turnip! You are so big and beautiful!

P2. Turnip: Of course, I am so big and beautiful. I don’t live in the Internet. Well, pull me out!

Grandfather, Grandmother and Granddaughter together: One, two, three! Oh, no!

P1. Grandfather: Oh my back!

P4.Grandmother: Oh! My tooth!

P6. Granddaughter: Oh! My glasses!

P7. A tree is known by its fruits.

P6. Granddaughter: Superstar, come here! Help us!

P8. Superstar (dog) : Hello, children!

My name is Superstar

I am the best club star!

I am like Michael Rexon…

A turnip! You are so big and beautiful!

P2. Turnip: Of course, I am so big and beautiful. I don’t dance at night. Well, pull me out!

Grandfather, Grandmother, granddaughter and Superstar together: One, two, three! Oh, no!

P1. Grandfather: Oh my back!

P4. .Grandmother: Oh! My tooth!

P6. Granddaughter: Oh! My glasses!

P8. Superstar (dog): Oh! My legs!

P9. You must reap what you have won.

P10. Mobile Phone (cat): Hello, children!

My name is Mobile Phone!

                          I like to be alone

I play and play and play…

Wow! A turnip! You are so big and beautiful!

Turnip: Of course, I am so big and beautiful. I don’t play on my mobile phone all day long. Well, pull me out!

Grandfather, Grandmother, Granddaughter, Superstar and Mobile Phone  together: One, two, three! Oh, no!

P1. Grandfather: Oh my back!

P4.Grandmother: Oh! My tooth!

P6. Granddaughter: Oh! My glasses!

P8. Superstar (dog): Oh! My legs!

P10. Mobile Phone: Oh! My mobile phone!

P11. Care killed the cat.

P10. Mobile phone: Sport, come here! Help us!

P12. Sport (mouse): Hello, children! My name is Sport!

Boxing, judo, football

Swimming, tennis, basketball!

One, two, three-

            I do sports! Look at me!

            Five, six, seven-

             I don’t sleep till eleven!

Grandfather, Grandmother, Granddaughter, Superstar and Mobile Phone, Sport  together: One, two, three! Oh, yes.

All together: The end crowns the work.

Thanks my dear pupils!

Today you were very active.

Well, thank you very much.

Thank you for your attention.

Good bye!

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 2 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

A turnip.

Автор: Турсынбаева Айгерим Нурмановна

Дата: 12.05.2015

Номер свидетельства: 210473

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