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«Сладостный союз поэтов»


Оқу ісі меңгерушісі:-------

күні: 27.01.2017.


The theme: Flora and fauna of our planet.

The aims: To teach them to read scientific themes. To develop their skills in working in groups. To teach them to respect the environment.

1.Organization moment.

Good morning, dear pupils.  I hope you are well today. I’m very glad to see you again. Today we have an unusual lesson. We have a lot of guests, but don’t be afraid. They are all very nice people.

Today we continue to speak about living things around us - about animals, birds and, of course, about plants. We'll speak about flora and fauna of some English speaking countries. So, let us begin our lesson.


We have already spoken about different animals and plants. So, tell me, please, what animals do you remember? (Pupils remember the names and answer).

What kinds/types of animals do you know? (wild and domestic)

Name them, please. (Pupils name some of them).

Now let us practice our phonetics. Look at the slide. There is a tongue-twister about animals. I read it first.

[æ], [ı],[],[b]

A big black bug

Bit a big black bear.

And a big black bear

Bit a big black bug.

We have a new word here – “a bug”. Let’s write it down in your copybooks. Open them, put down the date and the new word with translation «жук».

Now repeat after me. Good!

And now is your turn. Please, who wants? Well done!

3.The procedure of the lesson

As you see, today we are speaking about animals and plants. Can you give me synonyms to these words – “animals” and “plants”. (Flora and fauna)

You are right. And today we are going to make a project about flora and fauna of the British Isles. I’ll divide you into 2 groups.

4.The production of the lesson.

Open you books on page 118, ex. 7. Your task is to read the text (there are 4 paragraphs in it) and choose a title for each paragraph. Titles are on page 117. There are 5 of them, so one title is extra.

You’ve read this text at home, so you have 7 minutes to match paragraphs and titles and to put them on your projects. (Children look through the text and match titles with the paragraphs, begin to make projects).

Now, let us check. Who wants to start?

Look at the slides. You are right. (We check all the titles).

Your next task is to choose illustrations for each piece of the text. You have some pictures of animals, birds and plants. Now you have 7 minutes to match the pictures and the paragraphs.

Let us check..

As you have noticed there is an interesting information about national symbols of some countries. Let us find these facts in the text and complete the table.






Great Britain


A red rose

A thistle

A yellow daffodil and a leek

A shamrock

A robin


қызыл райхан гүлі


сарыгүл менкияқты пияз



For many centuries the purple thistle has been Scotland’s national emblem. There is a legend that explains why it became the Scottish emblem.

Ancient Scandinavians wanted to attack the land of Scotland and settle there. So, they landed on the east coast of Scotland. The Scots gathered their army to defend their land. They made their camp behind the river Tay and had a rest there after a long march. The Scots were sleeping and not expecting their enemies. When the Scandinavians decided to attack the Scots they took their shoes off not to make noise. But one of them stepped on a thistle. The sharp pain made him scream. The Scots heard the ‘alarm’ and started to fight.

That is how the thistle became the emblem of Scotland.

5.The conclusion of the lesson.Cards:

Choose the correct answer:

1. The national symbol of Scotland is …

a) the leek

b) the purple thistle

c) the red rose

2. … attacked Scotland

The Russians

The Germans

The Scandinavians

3. The Scots made their camp …

in the mountains

behind the river Tay

in the forest

4. When the Scandinavians attacked the Scots they …

took their clothes off

took their shoes off

put their hats on

5. One of the Scandinavians stepped on …

a) a stone a /snake C/a thistle

6. The pain made him:

Ascream B cry C laugh

Let us check your answers. Great job!

You have several minutes to make your projects perfect. We’ll hang it the wall and demonstrate to other pupils.

6.Giving up the home work..

Workbook №1 ex.9 p. 86-87. Read the text about the national symbol of New Zealand – Kiwi bird and do some tasks after it.

7.Giving up the marks.Now, it’s time to finish our lesson and I’d like to know what new things have you learned?Thank you for your work. Your marks today are:
The lesson is over. Good bye.


Оқу ісі меңгерушісі:------


9 Form 




The aim:









Org. moment:




Checking up h/w:


The main part:


















Reflection. Marks.


Geography and travelling.

Dream vacation.

 To review and development of speaking on theme .

1) to support the pupils in using “Gerund”.

2) To teach them to respect the art.

3)development of thei speaking and reading skills.


Vacation, probably, to be fond of.



The procedure of the lesson:

T: Good morning, dear children! Sit down! Who is on duty today? What date is it today? Who is absent today?

How are you today? What’s the weather like today?  Do you like vacations? Did you go somewhere? Where would you like to go?


Retelling of the text.


The theme of our lesson is "Dream vacation”.  Today we are going to talk about vacations, different countries and places of interest.

Ex. 1 p. 61 Think of your dream vacation and read the dialogue.

Ex. 2 p. 61 Read the text.

Ex. 3 p. 62 True or false?

Ex. 4 p. 63 What is Kuralay going to see or to do in these cities? Make up sentences.

Example: In New York she is going to see the Statue of Liberty.

Ex. 7 p. 63 Read the questions and circle the correct answer.

Now let’s watch the presentation "Gerund”.

Read the grammar rules on page 64.

Ex. 8 p. 64 Read the text and translate the gerunds into Russian.

Ex. 9 p. 65 Complete the sentences with suitable gerund.

Example: I went shopping yesterday but I didn’t buy anything.

Ex. 10 p. 65 Complete the sentences.


Ex. 11 p. 66;  to learn grammar rules.

What was the theme of our lesson? What have you learnt today?

The marks for the lesson are…       

 The lesson is over! Good-bye!




Choose the correct answer:

1. The national symbol of Scotland is …

a) the leek

b) the purple thistle

c) the red rose

2. … attacked Scotland

The Russians

The Germans

The Scandinavians

3. The Scots made their camp …

in the mountains

behind the river Tay

in the forest

4. When the Scandinavians attacked the Scots they …

took their clothes off

took their shoes off

put their hats on

5. One of the Scandinavians stepped on …

a) a stone

a snake

a thistle

6. The pain made him:

Ascream B cry C laugh

Choose the correct answer:

1. The national symbol of Scotland is …

a) the leek

b) the purple thistle

c) the red rose

2. … attacked Scotland

The Russians

The Germans

The Scandinavians

3. The Scots made their camp …

in the mountains

behind the river Tay

in the forest

4. When the Scandinavians attacked the Scots they …

took their clothes off

took their shoes off

put their hats on

5. One of the Scandinavians stepped on …

a) a stone

a snake

a thistle

6. The pain made him:

Ascream B cry C laugh

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Русский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: Прочее

Сладостный союз поэтов

Автор: Муапыкова Дамели

Дата: 12.02.2017

Номер свидетельства: 390903

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