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Уроки английского языка

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«Уроки английского языка»



Windsor Castle is the Queen's favourite home. It is 32 kilometres west of London. There the Queen spends almost every weekend and Christmas.
The castle was built in the II century. Now Windsor is the largest castle in the world that is also a royal home. It stands in a large park called Windsor Great Park. In 1993, the castle was badly damaged by a fire.
Windsor Castle is not just a home. It is a popular tourist attraction too. Every year millions of people visit it. There they can see the official state rooms called also "apartments", the "Royal Collection", St George Chapel and
Queen Mary's Doll House.
The "Royal Collection" is a collection of drawings. It includes several drawings by Leonardo da Vinci.
St George Chapel is the place where many of the Queens ancestors are buried. It was built in the 15th century. Besides, the Chapel is the place where a very old tradition takes place every year. It was started in the
14th century by King Edward III and is called the Garter Ceremony.
Each year all the knights of the Order of the Garter meet in Windsor Castle on a Monday in June. Then they walk from the castle to St George Chapel where a special ceremony takes place. Thousands of tourists watch them.
Queen Mary's Doll House is a beautiful toy mansion (a large house belonging to a wealthy person) made for King George V's wife. It was built in 1924.
1. Choose the right variant
1. Windsor Castle is the Queen's favourite...
a) tourist attraction
b) official residence
c) home
d) public museum

2. Now Windsor… the largest castle in the world.
a) was
b) had been
d) will be
3. The "Royal Collection" is a collection of...
a) stamps
b) photos
c) butterflies
d) drawings
4. The Garter Ceremony was started by… .
a) King Edward II
b) Black Prince
c) King Edward III
d) Queen Victoria
5. Queen Mary's Doll House was built in the
a) 16 century
b) 20th century
c) over a hundred years ago
d) 19h century
2. Continue the sentences using the information from
the text.

1. The castle was built in the…
2. It is situated…
3. Queen Elizabeth II spends there...
4. Windsor Castle is not just a home but…
5. The "Royal Collection" contains...
6. St George Chapel is the place where…
7. The Garter Ceremony is…
Keys: 1) 11th century, 2) in Windsor Great Park; 3) every weekend and Christmas; 4) a popular tourist attraction; 5) several drawings by Leonardo da Vinci: 6) many of the Queen's ancestors are buried; 7) a special
3. From the list bellow cross out three names which aren't
mentioned in the text.
1. Windsor Castle
2. Westminster Abbey
3. Windsor Great Park
4. The Royal Collection

5. The Colosseum

6. St George Chapel

7. Buckingham Palace
8. Queen Mary's Doll House
Keys: 2) Westminster Abbey; 5) the Colosseum;
7) Buckingham Palace.
4. Match the items to form compound words.

1) Windsor
2) royal
3) badly
4) tourist
5) Queen's
6) Garter
7) St George
8) takes
a) Chapel
b) attraction
c) place
d) ceremony
e) damaged
1) home
g) ancestors
h) castle

Keys: 1-h, 2-f, 3-e, 4-b, 5-g, 6-d, 7-a, 8-c.


Read the text.


At about one o'clock Tom was dressed for dinner. Then he was taken to a large room, where a table for one person was ready. The room was full of people. Al of them knew that the Prince was mad and that they didn't have to show any surprise if he did anything strange.
Poor Tom ate with his fingers, but no one smiled. He looked at his napkin with great interest and then said: "Take it away. please, I'm afraid it will become dirty”.
The napkin was taken away without a word of protest.
When he finished his dessert he filled the pockets with nuts but nobody paid any attention to that either .
Suddenly his nose began to itch. He looked first at one then at the other of the lords near him. They ran up to him and asked what the matter was. Tom said with the tears in his eyes: "My nose is itching terribly. What shall I do?"
Nobody smiled, nobody knew how to help him.
Tears began to run down his cheeks; at last he begged pardon of the people standing around him and scratched his nose himself
Nobody smiled but all were sorry for the Prince.
At last our small friend was led to his cabinet and left alone. Then he remembered the nuts. He took them out of his pockets and soon was cracking them and feeling almost happy for the first time since he became a Prince.
When the nuts were eaten up, he found some books in the bookcase, among them one about the etiquette of the English court. He lay down upon the sofa and began to read it.
1. Choose the right variant.
1. In a large dining room a table for .., was ready
a) everybody
b) one person
c) many persons
d) the royal family

2. Tom ate with ...
a) a knife and a fork
b) a spoon
c) his fingers
d) a fork
3. When nobody advised him what to do with his itching nose, Tom began to…

a) cry
b) laugh

C) run away
d) sleep
4. In his cabinet Tom ate that he had taken from the dining room.
a) oranges
b) apples
c) nuts
d) sweets
5. At last Tom started to read a book about
a) adventures
b) royal history
p c making toy
d) good and bad manners
Keys: 1-b, 2-c, 3-a, 4-c, 5-d.
2. Continue the following sentences.
1. Tom was dressed for… .
2. The room was full of… .
3. Poor Tom ate with his… .
4. He filled the pockets with… .
5. Suddenly his nose began to… .
6. He found some books in the… .
7. He lay down upon the sofa and began to…
Keys: 1)dinner 2)people 3)fingers 4) nuts; 5) itch;6) bookcase; 7) read.
3. Answer the questions.
1. When was Tom dressed for dinner?

2. What table rules did Tom break?
3. What do people say of that?
4. What did Tom do after the dinner?
Keys: 1) at about one o'clock; 2) ate with fingers
didn't use a napkin; 3) nothing; 4) ate the nuts and read
a book.

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Предмет: Начальные классы

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

Уроки английского языка

Автор: Дидыч Ирина Викторовна

Дата: 12.05.2024

Номер свидетельства: 650339

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