1) Перевірка домашнього завдання: розповідь про улюблену пору року. T.: Everybody has its favourite season. You had to prepare a topic about your favourite season. Діти розповідають підготовлені розповіді за схемою: My favourite season My favourite season is… The …months are… It is… (cold, warm, cool, rainy, foggy…) in … The weather is… I like this season because… (декілька учнів читають вірш “The sun is shining”) Учитель підводить підсумки, враховує емоційність, правильність вимови, приділяє особливу увагу дієслову to be. Фізхвилинка, яку проводить один з учнів: Hands up, hands down, hands on hips, sit down, stand up, hands to the sides, bend left, bend right. One, two, three – hop, one, two, three – stop. Repeat once more the seasons. Діти повторюють за вчителем, який показує картинки та кріпить їх на дошці. Let’s play with our seasons. We have four teams, listen, please, texts about every season and guess what the speech about. Учні діляться на 4 команди, відгадують пору року після прослуховування тексту, пояснюючи свій вибір. 1) It is a warm season. The weather is fine, sometimes beautiful. The sky is blue. Some days are windy, others are sunny. (spring) 2) The weather is fine. The trees re green. Children do not go to school. It is often sunny and hot. (summer) 3) In this season the weather is very cold. The streets, houses and trees are white. Children play snowballs. It snows and it is often frosty. (winter) 4) The weather is not very cold but it often rains. The sky is cloudy and dull. The trees are red and yellow. (autumn) Вчитель пропонує учням закріпити лексичний матеріал за допомогою читання текста: стор. 99 – впр. 3(а,с). In Hong Kong May or October is the best time because there may be a few showers. In England the best time is late August and September when the leaves on the trees change their colour. In Japan the spring is the best time, though it may be rain and there’s quite a lot of wind. In Prague the winter is the best time. It may be snow there and there are not so many tourists. Після читання текста дітям пропонується розділитися на команди. Гра «Найкращий перекладач»: вчитель читає кожній команді окремі речення, представники команди повинні швидко, стилістично правильно перекласти речення. T: Finish the sentences and argument your choice. Speak about the best time in different countries and cities. In…The best time is…because… country | the best time | Hong Kong Prague England Japan Ukraine | May or October the winter late August and September the spring | T: Children, let’s remember our rhyme about Irregular verbs to go – went – gone Все пошли мы на приём, to have – had – had Съели вкусный там обед, to get – got – got Удовольствие на год, to come – came – come Приходите в гости к нам, to do – did – done Очень рады будем вам. T: Children, say me, please, where we can meet these verbs. Remember our last grammar rule. (Діти кажуть, що це Present Perfect). Вчитель пропонує учням виконати вправу на закріплення граматичного матеріалу. 1) We (to go) just to London. (have…gone) 2)He (to come) lately from France. (has…come) 3) I (to have) never a bike. (have…had) 4) We (to arrive) just. (have…arrived) Фізхвилинка: Clap, clap, clap your hands as quickly as you know, Clap, clap, clap your hands as slowly as you know. Rub, rub, rub your hands as quickly as you know, Rub, rub, rub your hands as slowly as you know. Roll, roll, roll your hands as quickly as you know, Roll, roll, roll your hands as slowly as you know. Shake, shake, shake your hands as slowly as you know. Shake, shake, shake your hands as quickly as you know. T: People can travel in any season. But how can we travel? Say me, please, what kinds of transport do you know? Учні повторюють за вчителем назви стран, види транспорту. Після цього учні повинні скласти діалог за схемою: - Where do you like to go? – I like to go to…(country) by…(kind of transport)? – Why do you like to go to…(country)? – Because it is…there. |