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My room для начальных классов

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Урок английского для начальных классов именно для 2 класса. На казахском языке. Моя разработка для учителей начальных классов. Можно использовать для провидений урока английского языка.
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«My room для начальных классов»

Outline of the lesson

Subject: English


Class: 2 «А»

The theme of the lesson: «My room»

The aims of the lesson: Introduction of the new material. To introduce with a new words. Conversation with them for theme «My room»

Educational: To improve pupils skills of use in speech of lexicon theme , to promote formation of knowledge about yurt, to develop speech skills;

Developing: To develop logic thinking, memory, speech, attention, imagination, culture of thinking and behavior;

Up – bringing: To create favorable conditions for comprehension both realization of he personal and social importance of process of mastering by foreign language, for education of the multilingual polycultural person.

The type of the lesson: Traditional

The form of the lesson: Mixed

The methods of the lesson: visual aids, answer the questions, to revise the new words, explanation, demonstration, exercises

Visual aids: Pictures, new words, CD

Inter – subject: Kazakh language

The equipment of the lesson:

  1. Visual aids

  2. Distributing material: pictures of rooms

The plan of the lesson:

  1. Organization moment

  • Good morning!

  • How are you?

  1. Introduction of new material

  1. Lexical material, working with dialogue

  2. Make up sentences with new words

  3. Listening

  4. Speaking

  5. Writing

  1. Evaluation

  1. To learn by heart the words of the lesson;

  2. Complete lesson

The procedure of the lesson:

  1. Organization moment

  • Good morning, children!

  • Today I will take you an English lesson. My name is Nazerke Ergalievna.

  • I am glad to see you.

  • Sit down, please.

  • How are you?

  • Now, pupils, let’s start our lesson

  • What was your home task?

You had to learn the words home: house, rooms, bathroom, dining room, do homework, sleep, welcome, living room, reading, sing, song,dining room.

  • Who is ready?

  1. New lesson

  1. Boys and girls the theme of our lesson «My room » (Балалар, бүгін біз сендермен «Менің бөлмем» тақырыбын өтеміз).. « «My room »/ «Менің бөлмем» тақырыбы бойынша жаңа сөздерді жаттаймыз.

- Open your books at page 54

Exercise 1, page 54(CD №42) – listen and learn.(Тыңда және айт)

Дискіні қосып,барлығы оны тыңдайды, балалар оқулықтағы суреттер мен сөздерді көрсетемін.

Диктордан кейін қайталайды. Дискіні тоқтатып қойып, оқушылар оқулықтағы сөздерді оқиды.

The table is near the window.

The chair is on the left.

The door is on the right.

The pictures are above the sofa.

Exercise 2, 54 Choose: Yes it is./ No, it isn’t. Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t.

  1. The read cars are on the right.

  2. The yellow cars are on the right.

  3. The kite is above the desk.

  4. The robot is near the window.

  5. The shelf is above the desk.

  6. The lamp is on the right.

  7. The computer is on the left.

  8. The shelf is above the bed.


Where is the ball? –It is on the left.

Where are the balls? – They are near the bed.

Exercise 3, page 55. Listen and read.

Welcome to my room. This is my bedroom.

Look. This is my bed. It is on the right.

This is my desk. It is on the left.

This is my shelf. It is above my desk. Do you like my room?

Сергіту сәті

Hunds up,

Hands down,

Hop, hop,

Turn aroud

Bend left, bend right,

Turn around and sit down.

Exercise 4, page 55. Answer the questions.

Where is the ball?

Where are the pictures?

Where is the chair?

Where is the chair?

Home task

- To learn new words

  1. Giving marks. The end.

  • Our lesson is over! Good bye!

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Начальные классы

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 2 класс

My room для начальных классов

Автор: Тлебалдина Назым Маратовна

Дата: 23.05.2016

Номер свидетельства: 329572

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