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Уроки английского языка

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Suggeted level – A1 elementory


-to activate pupils vocabulary on the topic;

-to develop pupils listening, speaking, writing, and reading skills;

-to incorporate pupils team, independent and group work.

Equipment: a tape recorder, flashcards, a doll, tables, toys, pictures, a vase with flowers, cups.



T: Good morning, children!

Ps: Wake your body, wake your mind!

Work, play, think and find!

Eat your breakfest, dinner too,

Wash and brush,

Sing, dance and do!

Good morning now!

T: I am glad to see you!

Ps: We are glad to see you too.

T: Today we are going to talk about an Englishmans home.Well learn new words, describe pictures, listen to a tape recorder, read, do some exercises, play games and sing songs.

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«Уроки английского языка»

Suggeted level – A1 elementory


-to activate pupils vocabulary on the topic;

-to develop pupils listening, speaking, writing, and reading skills;

-to incorporate pupils team, independent and group work.

Equipment: a tape recorder, flashcards, a doll, tables, toys, pictures, a vase with flowers, cups.



T: Good morning, children!

Ps: Wake your body, wake your mind!

Work, play, think and find!

Eat your breakfest, dinner too,

Wash and brush,

Sing, dance and do!

Good morning now!

T: I am glad to see you!

Ps: We are glad to see you too.

T: Today we are going to talk about an Englishmans home.Well learn new words, describe pictures, listen to a tape recorder, read, do some exercises, play games and sing songs.

II. Warming-up

T: Well speak about your feelings. Kate, how do you feel today?

Kate: I feel merry today.

T: Ihor, how do feel today?

Ihor: I feel funny today.

T: Kostia, how do feel today?

Kostia: I see that you are in a good mood and we can begin our lesson. Today we have a guest from England. Her name is Mary. She will listen to your answers very carefully.

III. Main part

1. Checking up homework

T: Let us check up your homework. What was your homestask today?

Ps: Our homestask was do draw our rooms and describe them.

T: Show you pictures to me. Well, they are great! Kostia, ask you classmates about their rooms, please.

Kostia: Is there a TV set in you room?

Oxana: No, there is not.

Kostia: Why is there no TV set in your room?

Oxana: My mother says that I must do my homework

Oxana: My mother says that I must do my homework in my room. There is a TV set in the living room
Kostia: Do you have a lamp in your room
Vasyl': Yes, I do.
Kostia: Why is it on the left of the table?
Vasyl': Because it is better to read and write
Kostia: Do you like your room?
Vasyl': Yes, I do
Kostia: Is it comfortable in your room, Ira?
Ira: Yes, it is. I like my room very much
Kostia: I see that there is a sofa in your room. Is it
comfortable to sleep on it?
Natasha: No, it is not. I like to sleep on my bed.
Kostia: Where is your bed?
Natasha: My bed is near the table.
T: Kostia, you are great. Thank you.

T: Today we'Il learn some new words. Listen to the tape
recorder and repeat after the speaker.
(Pupils listen to the tape recorder and repeat new words in chorus)
T: I want to know how well you remember new words.
Our game is called "A Chain" You have got flashcards.
The first pupil must answer my question. The second pupil
must repeat his/her answer and say his/her own sentence.
Eic. Let's sart! Do you have a cupboard at home?

Pl: Yes, I do. I have a cupboard at home.
P2: I have a cupboard and a table at home.
P3: I have a cupboard, a table and a wardrobe at
P4: I have a cupboard, a table, a wardrobe and a sofa at home.
T: We continue our work. Let's play the game "Read the
words". The team, which reads the words correctly, wins.
(Pupils are divided into three teams: "Snowdrops" Tulips" "Roses" Teacher shows flashcards very quickly and pupils must read words in turns aloud.)
Flashcards: in the country, in the town, in the city between, in the middle of, around, in the comer, behind, above, fireplace, mirror, hall, cupboard, chest of drawers,bookcase, wardrobe.


T: Let's have a rest. Stand up! Let's sing "Clap, clap!"
Ps: Clap, clap,
Clap your hands,
Clap your hands together (twice).


T: Read the text "English living room"


This is an English living room. There is a table in the middle of the room. There are five chairs round the table. There is a fireplace in the comer of the room. There is an armchair in front of the fireplace. Another armchair is in and front of the TV set.
T: Why is it called an English living room?
P1: Because there is a fireplace in it.
T: Thank you!
T. Now, Oleh, come here. Imagine that you have got a new flat and your mother has presented you with the furniture for your new bedroom. How will you place it?
Oleh: This is a bed. This is a mirror. This is a chest of drawers. This is a chair. This is a small bed. This is a toy. The bed is between the mirror and the chest of drawers. The small bed is near a big bed. The chair is in front of the mirror.

T: Your bedroom is nice. Thank you. I'll read you a short text and then you will answer the questions written on the blackboard.


The English people have their traditions. All people who live in Great Britain are cheerful and all of them like jokes and anecdotes. Englishmen are very kind to their wives and help them about the house. They clean the windows. They often wash the dishes.
The British love animals. They have 5 million dogs, many cats, aquarium fish and one million of exotic pets.
On the Eve of Christmas they put presents for kids into stockings.

They are fond of sport and regard themsehves as good sportsmen. England is the home of sport. Cricket is a national game. Football which began in England has spread all over the world.
T: Now read the questions written on the blackboard and answer them.
I. What kind of people are the British?
2. What have you learned about them from the text?
3. Are the British animal lovers?
4. Why do the British regard themselves being good


T: Now children, imagine that this is an Englishman's home. Our Vasyl' visits an English boy, Steve by name. Look and listen, please.
Vasyl': Hello, Steve!
Steve: Hi! I am glad to see you!
Vasyl':Thank you for your for invitation. I see that you have a new house.

Steve: Yes, I do. It is small, but it is wonderful. My family like it. On the ground floor we have a sitting room, to the right there is a dining room and a kitchen, on the left there is a hall.
Vasyl': What rooms are there on the first floor?
Steve: There are bedrooms and a bathroom.
Vasyl': I saw a garden with flowers in front of the house.

Steve: The English are a nation of stay-at-homes. V
like to sit around the fireplace, talk and drink tea. Engl
tea is tea with milk.
Vasyl': Thank you very much. Your tea is very tasty. I like your house and garden. I like your traditions. I want you to visit my Motherland. Come to Ukraine at Christmas and you will learn about our traditions. Bye!
Steve: Thank you. Bye-bye!

T. Children, tell me, please, about differences between English and Ukrainian traditions.
P1: English traditional drink is tea. They drink tea many times a day. They drink tea with milk.
P2: They have a fireplace.
T: Do you want to have a fireplace at home?
P2: Yes, I do.

T: I want to have a fireplace in my house too. What are other differences between Britain and Ukraine?
P3: In Britain at Christmas adults put presents forchildren into stockings. In Ukraine on Christmas Eve we eat kutia.
P4: The English are stay-at-homes. Ukrainians like to visit their relatives and neighbours.
T: You are right. The British have many other traditions and you will learn about them in our lessons. Now we shall play the game "Write the word".
(Pupils are divided into six groups. The words are written with mistakes. The task is to correct the mistakes.)
in the country in of middle the
in the twon araund
in the cyti in the cernor
between bihend
duner ebova
in of middle the

T: Now we'll play the game "What am I doing?
PI shows that he is sitting in the armchair.
P2 (from the other team): He is sitting in the armchair
P3 shows that she is tidying up the room
P4 (from the other team): She is tidying up the room. Etc.
T: In the previous lesson you've learned a poem about the houses. Who wants to recite it?
P1: Some people live in the country
Where the houses are very small.
Some people live in the city
Where the houses are very tall.
But in the country where the houses are small.

The gardens are very big
And in the eity where the houses are tall,
There are no gardens at all.
T: Mary is very glad that you were nice pupils during the lesson. She wants to listen to your singing
Children: What can we do for you, Mum? (3 time)
What can we do for you?
What can we do? (2 rimes)
What can we do for you?
Mother: What would you like to do, kids? (3 times)
What would you like to do?
What would you like? (2 times)
What would you like to do?
Ann: I'd like to clean the carpet.
Bob: I'd like to wash the dishes.
Peter: I'd like to dust the sideboard.
Sue: I'd like to sweep the floor.
Mother: How nice of you, how nice of you,
You've got so many talents.
How nice of you, how nice of you,
I'll bake a cake for you!


T: You have been very active in the lesson. Thank you. Your hometask is to learn new words. The lesson is over. Goodbye, children!

Ps: Goodbye, teacher!

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Предмет: Начальные классы

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

Уроки английского языка

Автор: Дидыч Ирина Викторовна

Дата: 12.05.2024

Номер свидетельства: 650342

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