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Уроки английского языка

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- to practise students' speaking, listening, reading skills and decision-making;
- to enrich students' outlook on the topic;
- to expand students' vocabulary
- to develop students' imagination.
Equipment: handouts with the text “The Dome” and tests to it; a cassette recorder; recording of Eric Clapton; the picture of London's Dome.



T: Dear students! The topic of today's lesson is “To See the Future”. A person's life is unpredictable, nobody knows their future. But of course, everyone is curious whether their future is better than the present or the past. You can see three questions written on the blackboard. Can you answer them?
1. Are you satisfied with the world we live in?

2. Has it ever occurred to you to change it somehow?
3. Do you think it is possible?
T: What are good and bad things in the world we live in? Let us divide our class into two groups: group 1 - think of good aspects of our world, group 2 - think of bad things which happen in our life. Write down your ideas on the board.
Possible answers:

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«Уроки английского языка»


- to practise students' speaking, listening, reading skills and decision-making;
- to enrich students' outlook on the topic;
- to expand students' vocabulary
- to develop students' imagination.
Equipment: handouts with the text “The Dome” and tests to it; a cassette recorder; recording of Eric Clapton; the picture of London's Dome.



T: Dear students! The topic of today's lesson is “To See the Future”. A person's life is unpredictable, nobody knows their future. But of course, everyone is curious whether their future is better than the present or the past. You can see three questions written on the blackboard. Can you answer them?
1. Are you satisfied with the world we live in?

2. Has it ever occurred to you to change it somehow?
3. Do you think it is possible?
T: What are good and bad things in the world we live in? Let us divide our class into two groups: group 1 - think of good aspects of our world, group 2 - think of bad things which happen in our life. Write down your ideas on the board.
Possible answers:

The world we live in

Good things
family ties





nature discoveries
Bad things

T: Well, I see good things prevail. But sometimes we wish to change our world for the better, don't we? The singer whose song I offer you to listen to wants to change the world too. Listen to the song and answer the question:
Why does the singer want to change the world?

Peformed by Eric Clapton,
Words and music by T. Slins,
G. Kenney and W. Kirkpatrick

If I could reach the stars,
I'd pull one down for you,
Shine it on my heart,
So you could see the truth
That this love I have inside
Is everything it seems.
But for now I find
It is only in my dreams.

If I could change the world,
I would be sunlight in your universe,
You would think
My love was really something good,
Baby, if I could change the world
If I could be a king even for a day,

Id take you as my queen,
I'd have it no other way,
And our love would rule in this

Kingdom we have made
Till then I'll be a fool,
Wishing for the day
SI: The singer wants to reach the stars, open his heart o his beloved, be the sunlight in her universe - and all this is for the sake of love the greatest feeling in the world.
S2: We always want to do something great for our dearestpeople's sake. We want to give them our love, warmth, even life. We want to make everything better for them. So the singer of this song does. His desire is to give his heart
his woman, take her as his queen, create the kingdom of love. He dreams to change the world in such a way.

T: Think of your present and future. Make up two lists
consisting of three items. List one -name three events or
facts of your present life you will never forget. List two
name three events or facts that may soon be forgotten.
Read out what you have written and let the others guess
whether you consider this information worth keeping in
your memory or not.
Pre-reading task
T: We have just spoken about your past and present.
But would you like to see the future? Would you like to
have the mildest idea of what is going to happen to you in
future? Will the world be better? London's newest attract tion the Dome will give you a virtual chance to peep in
the future. Before you read the text "The Dome" learn
new words.
Doomsday-день страшного суду

London's newest attraction is the Dome that was built in 1999 to mark the millennium of the new era. Its only 15 minutes from Central London, right next door to the North Greenwich underground station. Inside the Dome tourists will find "Skyscape", a huge big screen cinema hall which can also be used for concerts and shows. They can visit the new world of "Learning" in a magical orchard and see the 21st Century Doomsday Book. They can experience the excitement of “Work" in the future and see how much it has changed from the past. In the section “Body" the visitors can have a journey of emotions through the human body and explore the opportunities and challenges that advances in science, genctics and medicine will bring. "The Shared Ground" will give a chance to observe British interior scenes and experience what could be done if people really joined together. "Living Island" will provide a trip to a typical British sea resort with a beach, band
stand, pier and lighthouse and games with hidden messages. "Home Planet" will take the tourists to the most amazing journey to the most incredible planet in the known universe - the Earth to find out what makes our planet unique. "Self Portrait" will show thousands of faces of the nation in the picture gallery and photo exhibition. "Faith" will help to get acquainted with the huge range of beliefs and religions which are part of the UK today. "Mind" will give you a chance to play mind
games with robots and explore your senses and perceptions working out how to create a better future. Rest" will provide the visitors with a mental flotation tank where they can escape the hectic pace of the modern
life and enjoy empty space packed with sound, light and shapes. "Money" will give you a virtual chance to blow a million pounds in a wild spending spree and find out what the City really does with the money.
Post-reading task
Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or
false (F)
I. The Dome is only 15 minutes from Central London.
2. There is a huge screen cinema hall inside the Dome.
3. Tourists can see the 21 Century Doomsday Book
in the section of “Work".
4. The visitors can see how much the future has changed from the past in the section “Body”.
5. There are also such sections as "The Shared Ground”, “Living island”, “Home Planet”, “Earth” there.
6. If you want to know what the City really does with the money, visit “Money”.
7. "Rest" will provide the visitors with a mental flotation tank, and “Mind” games with robots.
8. To get acquainted with religions of the UK you can visit "Self Portrait".
9. There is a picture gallery and photo exhibition in "Faith".
10. The Dome is London's oldest attraction.
Keys: 1-T; 2-T; 3-F; 4-F, 5-F; 6-T; 7-T; 8-F; 9-F; 10-F

T: If you happen to visit London's Dome, what section will you go to in the first place?
S1: I am very interested in natural sciences, that is why I shall start with the section "Body". I want to know everything connected with new discoveries in the fields of medicine and genetics. But of course I'd like to visit
each section of the Dome.
S2: My dream is to go to London some day. If I am lucky to go there, I'll start my tour around London with visiting the Dome, and the first section I'll go to will be “Mind". Isn't it great to explore my senses and perceptions, play mind games or work out how to create a better future? Then I guess I'll go to "Rest” in order to escape or the hectic pace of the modern life full of problems.
S3: Personally I want to start with "Living Island" or “Home Planet". These two sections are quite unusual and they provide the visitors with the incredible trips.
T: Our future depends on our past and present. We should take pleasure in every moment of our life. I'd like to finish the lesson with the quotation: "Our life is very uncertain: so let us spend it as well as we can"
T: Share your ideas with your fellow-students answering the question: What would you do to change the world?

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Предмет: Начальные классы

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

Уроки английского языка

Автор: Дидыч Ирина Викторовна

Дата: 12.05.2024

Номер свидетельства: 650341

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