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«Рационал өрнектер»
Сабақтың мақсаты:
оқушыларды білімді
саналылықпен меңгеруге
үйретіп, ұқыптылыққа
қосу мен азайтуды
дұрыс орындауға
үйретутексеру, өткен
толық пысықтату.
Оқушылардың алған білімдерін
тәжірибеде қолдануда өзіне
сенімділігін арттыру,
оқушылардың білім
People who are the catalysts for change and manage the change process are change agents . A manager may be a change agent. However, the change agent can be a nonmanager—for example, an internal staff specialist or outside consultant. Management often uses outside consultants because they can offer a fresh perspective which insiders lack. But, they may not understand the organization’s history, culture, operating procedures, and personnel. Furthermore, outside change agents often initiate more drastic changes because they do not have to live with the repercussions after the changes have been implemented.
Егер а≥0 және
натурал сан болса, онда
50. Есептендер:
√ 9·16=
√ 4·25=
√ 49 · 64=
√ 36·81=
Personality and individual differences affect our decisions. Two of these variables are particularly relevant to organizational decisions: the individual’s decision-making style and level of moral development.
The decision-styles model above identifies four approaches to decision making. The model illustrates that people differ along two dimensions: in their thinking styles (some are logical and rational, others intuitive and creative); in their tolerance for ambiguity . People using the directive style dislike ambiguity and prefer rationality. Those using the analytic style confront ambiguity by demanding more alternatives. Individuals using the conceptual style consider the “big picture” and seek multiple alternative. Those using a behavioral style work well with others and are receptive to suggestions.
√ 4·25= √4·√25=2·5= 10
2. √9·16=√9·√16=3·4=12
3. √ 49 · 64= √ 49 ·√ 64=7 · 8=56
Personality and individual differences affect our decisions. Two of these variables are particularly relevant to organizational decisions: the individual’s decision-making style and level of moral development.
The decision-styles model above identifies four approaches to decision making. The model illustrates that people differ along two dimensions: in their thinking styles (some are logical and rational, others intuitive and creative); in their tolerance for ambiguity . People using the directive style dislike ambiguity and prefer rationality. Those using the analytic style confront ambiguity by demanding more alternatives. Individuals using the conceptual style consider the “big picture” and seek multiple alternative. Those using a behavioral style work well with others and are receptive to suggestions.
№ 51
√ 0,09·0,36=
√ 0,01·0,49=
√ 0,25·1,69=
√ 0,16·1,96=
Personality and individual differences affect our decisions. Two of these variables are particularly relevant to organizational decisions: the individual’s decision-making style and level of moral development.
The decision-styles model above identifies four approaches to decision making. The model illustrates that people differ along two dimensions: in their thinking styles (some are logical and rational, others intuitive and creative); in their tolerance for ambiguity . People using the directive style dislike ambiguity and prefer rationality. Those using the analytic style confront ambiguity by demanding more alternatives. Individuals using the conceptual style consider the “big picture” and seek multiple alternative. Those using a behavioral style work well with others and are receptive to suggestions.
√ 0,09·0,36=√0,09·√0,36=0,3·0,6
√ 0,01·0,49=√0,01·√0,49=0,1·0,7=0,07
√ 0,25·1,69=√0,25·√1,69=0,5·1,3=0,65
√ 0,16·1,96=√0,16·√1,96=0,4·1,4=0,56
Personality and individual differences affect our decisions. Two of these variables are particularly relevant to organizational decisions: the individual’s decision-making style and level of moral development.
The decision-styles model above identifies four approaches to decision making. The model illustrates that people differ along two dimensions: in their thinking styles (some are logical and rational, others intuitive and creative); in their tolerance for ambiguity . People using the directive style dislike ambiguity and prefer rationality. Those using the analytic style confront ambiguity by demanding more alternatives. Individuals using the conceptual style consider the “big picture” and seek multiple alternative. Those using a behavioral style work well with others and are receptive to suggestions.
Ойланайық, кім ойшыл
Бір үйде әкесі баласымен және атасы немересімен отыр. Осы үйде неше жан отыр .