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Would you like to go to the Great Britain?

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Воспитательная - формировать уважение к культуре иноязычных стран формировать культуру общения на английском языке, а также работу в парах и группах

Обучающая - обобщить знания по теме traveling in Britain and to Britain провести контроль и корректировку сложившихся умений и навыков

Развивающая - развивать навыки речевой деятельности говорения в диалогической и монологической форме

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«Would you like to go to the Great Britain?»

Урокпутешествие «Would you like to go to the Great Britain?».

Цели урока

Воспитательная - формировать уважение к культуре иноязычных стран формировать культуру общения на английском языке, а также работу в парах и группах

Обучающая - обобщить знания по теме traveling in Britain and to Britain провести контроль и корректировку сложившихся умений и навыков

Развивающая - развивать навыки речевой деятельности говорения в диалогической и монологической форме

Ход урока

1. Приветствие, организационный момент.

T: Good morning how are you?

I am fine thank you and you

I am all right you look nice today

Thank you, you to.

2. Основной момент

A role –play «We are planning a trip to Britain».

3. Постановка цели.

Т: Dear boys and girls. Today we have an interesting lesson, because I invite you to make a journey to the Britain. But first of all let’s speak about Britain. Look at the map and answer my questions.

  • What is the geographical name of the two large islands of Great Britain?

  • Where do the British Isles lie? The Great Britain is washed by many seas and oceans. Is it so?

  • How does Great Britain separate from Ireland?

  • How many countries are there in Great Britain? Name them please.

Scotland - what’s the capital of Scotland?

  • What’s the symbol of Scotland?

  • Name the people who live in Scotland?

  • Name the language they speak.

England - what’s the capital of England?

  • What’s the symbol of England?

  • Name the people who live in England

  • Name the language they speak.

Wales - What’s the capital of Wales?

  • What’s the symbol of Wales?

  • Name the people who live in Wales and language they speak.

Ireland - What’s the capital of n. Ireland?

  • Name the people who live there and the language they speak.

  • When people visit any foreign, they picture in their mind different things.

4. Развитие лексических навыков говорения.

Т: What do you usually think when you think of Britain?

P1 - P3 flag, people, cities, food, customs sightseeing.

T: that’s why many people visit Great Britain.

Would you like to visit Great Britain?

What are your reasons?

To meet people to get acquainted with people

To have a rest to practice English

To visit big cities to see English countryside

To discover new places to visit Liverpool – the home of «Beatles».

T: Before people go on a trip to their country, they read something about the country they are going to or ask those people who have been there.

Quiz «Do you know Great Britain? »

  • When did Great Britain become a great country?

  • When did William the Conquer become a king?

  • When was the great fire in London?

  • Did the people build a new town after the great fire?

  • What are the British like?

  • What is the nick name of the UK flag?

  • T: Look at the map, it shows a wide choice of adventure holidays in Great Britain for all ages. Look at this map and answer the questions.

  • Where can you visit ancient castles?

  • Where can you visit Festivals?

  • Where can you visit stately homes?

  • Where can you practice your English?

  • T: Not only you, but I also want to visit Great Britain and that’s why I rang up to the travel agency yesterday and asked about the trip to the Great Britain. They suggested me package holidays on different price. Everything depends on the way of travelling. And accommodations. So I suggest you to discuss several questions. The first is the way of travelling. I don’t want to discuss such way of travelling as travelling by bus or by taxi. Because Great Britain is so far away of Russia. Let speak about travelling by plane.

  • Т: Children. What are arguments in favour of travelling by plane?

  • P1 p 2 p3 travelling about plane.

  • Т: What are your arguments against travelling by plane?

  • P.1 p.2 p.3 arguments for travelling by plane.

  • P 1 p.2 p.3 arguments against travelling by plane

  • T: let’s compare two ways of travelling by plane and by train.

  • P.1 p.2 p.3 travelling by train.

  • T: children what are the pros and the cons travelling by train.

  • P.1 p.2 p.3 pros and cons travelling by train.

  • T: thank you for your opinions. They are very interesting, but we must choose only one. So what’s the best way of travelling to Britain, children? After some discussions we come to the conclusion that travelling by plane is the best for us. And now I want to speak about our cultural program.

What would you like to see in Britain, especially in London?

  • P: 1 I’ve read many books about London and Big Ben interest me most of all. Because it is the most famous clock in the world.

  • P: 2 I’d like to visit madam Tussard Museum, because visiting museums is my hobby. My hobby helps me to discover new secrets of the past

  • P: 3 I want to go the British Museum, because it is one of the biggest museums in the world.

  • P: 4 I want to see Buckingham Palace, because it is a Royal residence.

  • P: 5 I’d like to visit St. Paul Cathedral.

  • T: Nicely your suggestions are brilliant. And I‘ll try to do everything possible to visit these places.

Т: So, if everything is ready and your knowledge is good, so we shall start our trip next week. Our guide will meet us at the airport

Т: Good morning, dear boys and girls. I am very glad to see you. Let me introduce myself. I am your guide. And now make yourself comfortable and relax. I shall give you short information about the UK, where you are going to spend your holidays.

5. Развитие навыка аудирования.

British Isles is the geographical name of two islands of Great Britain and Ireland. Great Britain is the largest island. It is covered with mountains and hills. The highest mountain in Great Britain is Ben Nevis. Showdown is the highest mountain in Wales. There are many lakes and rivers in Great Britain, especially in Scotland. The longest river is the Severen. The most important is the Thames. The swiftest river is the Spray. London is the capital of Great Britain. It is two thousand years old. There are many sights in London. They are; Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, British Museum. Welcome to Great Britain. Our flight will last for three hours. Is everything clear for you?

Checking your understanding.

What are the two large islands among British Isles?

What’s the longest / most important/ swiftest/ river in Great Britain?

Т: So our trip is coming up to the end and soon you will be in London. Your guide will meet you. I wish you a good luck in your trip.

P1: I am your group leader. Take your luggage and its time for us to go to the hotel and have a good rest a little.

T: I am very glad to see you again after your rest. I have seen your program and I shall do everything possible to make your journey wonderful. And now I shall give cards. These words are taken from travel guides.

Try to guess what city is this text about.

Use capital, castle, and Scotland, city, beautiful.

Yes, it’s Edinburgh. Take this travel guides to Great Britain. And to my mind, first of all we shall visit Scotland. And now let’s divide into several groups.

The first group- you are from Russia and you want to visit Edinburgh, Manchester Wales.

The second group- you are Scots, Welsh, English. Using maps, texts, pictures convince your Russian friends that Scotland, England, and Wales are the best places to live in.

Your task try to visit as many cities as possible and after your visit ask questions to the Scots, the Welsh, the English.

And the first place of our trip is Scotland. What do you know about Scotland?

P 1 It is to the north of England

What do want to see in Edinburgh?

Castle in Edinburgh.

6. Развитие навыка чтения.

Т: you are the Scots and I shall give you texts about this beautiful city and your task is to read, to understand and tell us about geographical position, symbols, sightseeing and convince us that Edinburgh is the best city in the world.

Scotland is the land of lakes. There are a lot of beautiful and mysteries lakes. One of them is Lock-Ness.

P1: tell us about Lock-Ness

P2: tell us about bagpipe

Scotland lies to the north of England. People who live in Scotland are Scots. Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland and one of the beautiful cities in Europe. It lies on seven hills and goes down those hills to the sea the highest hill is three hundred metros above the sea. From the street in the centre of the city you can see ships coming to Edinburgh from different countries of the world. Edinburgh is a beautiful city. The first thing you see in Edinburgh is the rock - very large hill in the city, on which stands Edinburgh castle. The castle looks like a castle from a fairy - tale and parts of it are more than thousand years old. From the top of the castle there is a beautiful view of the hill and the sea. Besides the castle there is an interesting building, such as holy rood palace which is the old residence, the art gallery, the University of Edinburgh. Edinburgh is famous for many things: its festivals plays and music, its colleges, its museums and libraries. Many great men have lived and worked in Edinburgh. Robert burns, the great Scottish poet, published his first book of poems in Edinburgh. There’s a monument to him in the city. Walter Scott, the father of the historical novel in the world literature, was born in Edinburgh. The monument to Walter Scott is in the main street of the city. Robert Louis Stevenson, a famous English writer, was born and lived in Edinburgh. He loved the city and wrote about it in his best novels. In old town the streets are narrow. The tall houses with narrow windows go up the hills to Edinburgh castle. The modern town lies at the foot of the hills. The streets here are straight and well planned. So it is easy to walk in the city when you go sightseeing in Edinburgh. . Edinburgh is not the largest city in Scotland. Glasgow, which has a population of over one million, is twice as large as Edinburgh. Edinburgh is an administrative centre of the navy, the army, and the air force, many chief banks and offices are in the city.

«A thistle is an emblem of Scotland».

A thistle is an emblem of Scotland. The people of Scotland choose the thistle as their national emblem, because it saved their land from invaders many years ago. People say that during a surprise night attack by the invaders the Scottish soldiers were awakened by the shouts of the invaders as their bare feet touched the thorns of the thistles in the field they were crossing. This was a good reason to choose the thistle as a national emblem.

Т: you are the English. I shall give the text about England. Read this text and prove us that north of England is popular with tourists.

P1: tell us about England

P2: tell us about Manchester


Manchester is the second largest city in Lanca shire after Liverpool. It is an industrial capital of the north of England. It has a good climate which is neither very cold nor very hot. The highest temperature is 27 c, the lowest winter temperature is -6.c. Manchester is 56 kilometers away from the sea, but it is the third largest port in Great Britain. The Manchester ship canal connects city with the sea. Manchester is a very old city. For a long time it was the centre of the cotton trade not only in Britain but in the whole world. Now it has a large industry. At the factories of Manchester different machines, raincoats, food, soap and other thing are made. The population of Manchester itself is about one million people, but there are nine other cities not far from Manchester. Manchester was the first city in Britain that builds an airport. This was in 1929. Today the Manchester airport connects the city with many big cities I n Britain and with different countries of the world. It is an important cultural centre. It has many libraries, museums and galleries. The famous Hale orchestra is in Manchester and it gives concerts two times a week. The city has many cinemas and theatres too.

Т: you are the Welsh. Convince our dear guests that the biggest attraction is festival in Wales.

P1: tell us about Wales.

P2: tell us about festivals in Wales

In the west of Britain lies one of the most beautiful parts of the British Isles Wales. In the north Wales, there are a lot of mountains and vallies, where you can see a lot of sheep - and not many people. Showdown is the highest mountain in walks, is in the north. So, in north Wales, you can walk in the mountains and swim in the lakes, too, if you like cold water. Cardiff is the capital of Wales. In Wales people speak welsh but not English. The Welsh are good at rugger. . There are a lot of coalmines in the valleys near Cardiff. In the middle of Wales you find mountains, forests, rivers and lots of farms. Welsh farmers keep ship on the mountains and make flannel from the wood. Flannel is warm to wear. If you want to have a rest in the north Wales, you may go camping, go swimming, and go fishing. The Welsh are famous for their singing. A lot of Welsh people play musical instruments, too. Welsh national costume is still worn by some girls for folk dancing and musical festivals. Walsh has a very strong folk culture and many people still learn welsh as their first language.

7. Развитие лексических навыков говорения.

Т: Children, you have visited, spoken about the largest and the most beautiful cities in Great Britain.

Have you got any questions to the British?

What does the word” Albion”, the poetic name of the Great Britain, mean?

  • What is the name of the London residence of the Queen? Elizabeth 2

  • What is the official residence of the Prime Minister of the UK?

  • Who is the architect of the famous St Paul’s cathedral?

  • What is the nickname of the London’s underground?

  • What is the seat of the British government?

  • Where can you see wax figures of many famous people?

  • How many bridges cross the Thames?

  • What is the largest museum in London?

  • What is the biggest city in Scotland?

  • What is the highest mountain in Scotland?

  • What is the highest mountain in Wales?

  • What is the traditional costume in Scotland?

  • Where can you see the tombs of many British kings and queens and other famous people, such as Charles Dickens and Rudyard Kipling?

  • What is another name of the Houses of Parliament?

T: Your questions were very interesting and our conversation was very useful thank you very much, but tomorrow we shall be in London and you will have an opportunity to visit many sights.

Р: And now you are in London. I am very glad to see my English friends. They will tell you about the most beautiful and interesting places in London. And I offer you to see five of one hundred best items in London. They are:

  • Big Ben

  • Madam Tussard’s Museum.

  • St. Paul’s Cathedral.

  • British Museum.

  • Buckingham Palace.

Т: Pupils tell about these sightseeing.

T: You are the best friends. Thank you

Now I want to check your knowledge, our dear guests.


  • Big Ben is the most famous clock in the world.

  • Buckingham Palace is the residence of the House of Lords.

  • British Museum has a large collection of books.

  • St Paul’s Cathedral is the place, where Admiral Nelson is buried.

  • Madam Tussard’s Museum is a historical museum.

  • Buckingham Palace is a Royal residence.

T: Thank you very much. Your knowledge is good. It is very pity, but our trip is coming up to the end. Tomorrow we’ll come home. I hope that you will remember our trip to London, Great Britain. You will love this country, its people and traditions.

8 Рефлексия. Подведение итогов.

What have we done today? Read the text and discussed it.

, spoke about Great Britain.

9 Итог урока.

Thank your for our lesson. Your marks are. Our lesson is over. You may be free.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Would you like to go to the Great Britain?

Автор: Агабабян Сюзанна Самвеловна

Дата: 04.04.2016

Номер свидетельства: 314951

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