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The system of school education in Great Britain

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План- конспект урока по английскому языку

в 7 классе по теме  «The system of school

education in Great Britain» (Учебник  Enjoy  English-4

для 7 класса авторы М.З. Биболетова, Н.Н. Трубанева)


    Учитель английского языка Елизарова В.М.,

МБОУ Березовская СОШ

Задачи урока:


1. Знакомство в особенностями школьной системы в Великобритании.

2. Формирование лексических навыков говорения.

3. Развитие умения аудировать с извлечением конкретной информации.

4.Развивать умение  читать текст с полным пониманием прочитанного.


Развитие способности к осмысленности восприятия.


Способствовать формированию интереса к системам образования в англоязычных странах.


Доска, таблица, магнитофон.

                                   Ход урока.

I. Начало урока.

А) Приветствие:Good morning, boys and girls. Sit down, please.  I am glad to see you. There is the bell. It is time to start. Today is the 18th of February. It is Thursday.

Our theme names: “The system of school education in Great Britain.”.

What are we going to do at the lesson?

We'll learn new words before we get new information about British school education. Then we are going to read a text about British schools. After that we’ll listen to the information from the cassette-recorder. At the end of the lesson we’ll write a little writing test. That’s why I would like you to work hard and be more attentive. Take part in our class work, please.

                                 The plan of the lesson.

                             1. Speaking about our school life.

                             2. Learning new words for today’s theme.

                             3. Getting new information.

                             4. Reading the text.

                             5. Listening to the cassette- recorder.

                             6. Writing a test.

II.Речевая зарядка.

Let's speak about our school life. Listen to me and answer my questions.

1) What is school for you, Alyosha? And what is school for you,  Bulat?

2) What can you say about school, Zhenya?

3) At what age do Russian pupils start school?

4) How many days a week do you go to school?

4) How many lessons do you have every day?

5) What subjects do you study this year?

6) What is your favorite subject? ( some students)

7) What school activities do you attend after lessons? ( some students)

8) What can you say about a perfect school?   (some students)

III. Learning new words.

А) You have got the sheets with new words and expressions, which we need this lesson for our work. Please, look at them and repeat  the words after me.

I. Vocabulary:

1. education – образование, воспитание

2. compulsory – обязательный

3. secondary – средний

4. higher- высший

5. private –частный

6. state – государственный

7. free – бесплатный

8. to educate –давать образование

9. be educated at – обучаться

10. to attend –посещать

11. a boarding school –закрытая школа, интернат

12. expensive – дорогой, дорогостоящий

13. quality – качество

14. discipline- дисциплина

15. successful – успешный

16. prominent – выдающийся, известный

17.Winston Churchill- Уинстон Черчилль

18. Prime Minister – премьер министр

19. age – возраст

20.  voluntary –добровольный

21. a nursery school – детский сад

22. an assessment test –

23.  comprehensive – общеобразовательный

24. GCSE ( General Certificate of Secondary Education) – аттестат об общем среднем образовании

25. Sixth form College- 6 ой класс колледжа

26. Advanced Level – продвинутый уровень

27. primary-начальная

В) Read the words, Nadya.( Попросить 2-3 человека отчитать слова)

С) Write new words in the dictionaries. (Записывают слова)

IV. New material.

   I would like to tell you about the system of school education in the UK.

(Please, listen to me attentively. Here are words they help you to understand my information very well.)

 You know that British school education is one of the most prestigious all over the world. British children start school at the age of 5. But before school they usually visit nursery school. Nursery school is not compulsory. Those who don’t want to visit it stay at home. So pupils begin to attend school at 5. It is a primary school. Primary school lasts for 6 years. Primary school is usually a small school. It consists of a reception class or infant school (which lasts 1 year) and  junior school (where pupils spend  5 years). At the age of 11-12 pupils move to a new school, usually comprehensive that accepts all the children from 3 or 4 neighboring junior schools.

At this school they spend 5 years.

 All British schools are divided into two types: state schools and private schools.

( look at the scheme in your sheet)

State schools differ from private schools. 1) State schools are free. Pupils don’t pay money for their education. And private schools are very expensive. Parents whose children attend private schools must pay a lot of money for their children. 2)  There is no school uniform in state schools. But pupils in private schools have to wear school uniform. They wear dark suits, white or grey shirts, ties, skits or trousers. 3) The discipline in private schools is very strict, while the discipline in state schools is not very strong. 4) High quality of education is typical of private schools. The quality of education in state schools is not so high. 5) State schools are schools where boys and girl study together and private schools are usually single-sex. Most private schools are for boys in Great Britain.

( All state schools are divided into comprehensive and grammar. Comprehensive schools are schools which take pupils of all abilities. There are no entrance examinations here. Grammar schools are schools which take pupils of definite abilities.  Pupils must pass a selection test.

British pupils finish school at the age of 16.Then they may go to the 6th form college or just work.

 На доске слова:        to attend - посещать

                                    to consist of -состоять

                                    a reception class – приемный класс

                                    Junior school – младшая школа

                                    to last – длиться, продолжаться

                                    to accept – принимать

                                    neighbouring - соседние

                                    to differ from – отличаться

Say, children, was the information interesting?

Was the information new? What school would you like to attend – state or private?

And what about you? What school do you prefer? What do you like in private school?

VI. Reading.

 The next step of our work is reading the text. Open your books.

 Page 76. Exercise 66.we’ll read and translate.

Let’s look at the following:

Private schools in the UK are called public schools.(5% of pupils attend them.

They are very famous all over the world.

Some of them are :

ETON( 1440) -1200pupils

HARROW (1571)- 700pupils

RUGBY( 1567) -700pupils

WINCHESTER (1382) -530pupils

VII. Динамическая пауза.

(проводит ученик)

VIII. Аудирование.

Open your books.  Page 74. Exercise 60.

Look at the picture of Hampton School. Hampton School is one of the most famous schools in Britain. You ‘ll listen the information about it. But first of all read the sentences which you should complete listening to the cassette –recorder very attentively.

A)  Слушают запись.

Б) Заполняют предложения. Complete sentences:

С) Проверим  Let’s check them:

1. Hampton school is a school for boys ( 950 boys between 11-16)

2. It is situated in the town of Richmond upon the Thames.

3. The students study several foreign languages: French, German, Latin, Russian, Spanish,Greek.

IX. Writing work. Let's write a little test.

Test “ How well do you know British school education?”

1. What types of  secondary schools are there in Great Britain?

a) primary and private                  b) state and private

2.Where is the discipline stricter?

a) in state schools                         b) in private schools

3. Most schools are … in Great Britain.

a) state                                          b) private

4. These schools are very expensive.

a) state                                        b) private

5. Students wear school uniform in …

a) state schools                                  b) in private schools.

6. Hampton school is  attended  only  by ….

a) girls.                                        B) boys.

7.Children start school in Britain at the age of…

a) 5                                             b) 6

8. Winston Churchill was educated in…

a) Harrow school                     b) Rugby school

9. Private schools are attended by … of pupils.

a) 15%                     5%

10. British pupils finish school at the age of …

a) 17                               b) 16.

(Если есть время, проверить ответы)











X. Итоги урока.

A) Чему мы научились сегодня?

Б) Домашнее задание  стр.95  упр. 32

c) оценки за перевод.

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«The system of school education in Great Britain»

План- конспект урока по английскому языку

в 7 классе по теме «The system of school

education in Great Britain» (Учебник Enjoy English-4

для 7 класса авторы М.З. Биболетова, Н.Н. Трубанева)

Преподаватель английского языка Елизарова В.М.,

МБОУ Берозовская СОШ

Задачи урока:


1. Знакомство в особенностями школьной системы в Великобритании.

2. Формирование лексических навыков говорения.

3. Развитие умения аудировать с извлечением конкретной информации.

4.Развивать умение читать текст с полным пониманием прочитанного.


Развитие способности к осмысленности восприятия .


Способствовать формированию интереса к системам образования в англоязычных странах.


Доска, таблица, магнитофон.

Ход урока.

I. Начало урока.

А) Приветствие:Good morning, boys and girls. Sit down, please. I am glad to see you. There is the bell. It is time to start. Today is the 18th of February. It is Thursday.

Our theme names: “The system of school education in Great Britain.”.

What are we going to do at the lesson?

We'll learn new words before we get new information about British school education. Then we are going to read a text about British schools. After that we’ll listen to the information from the cassette-recorder. At the end of the lesson we’ll write a little writing test. That’s why I would like you to work hard and be more attentive. Take part in our class work, please.

The plan of the lesson.

1. Speaking about our school life.

2. Learning new words for today’s theme.

3. Getting new information.

4. Reading the text.

5. Listening to the cassette- recorder.

6. Writing a test.

II.Речевая зарядка.

Let's speak about our school life. Listen to me and answer my questions.

1) What is school for you, Alyosha? And what is school for you, Bulat?

2) What can you say about school, Zhenya?

3) At what age do Russian pupils start school?

4) How many days a week do you go to school?

4) How many lessons do you have every day?

5) What subjects do you study this year?

6) What is your favorite subject? ( some students)

7) What school activities do you attend after lessons? ( some students)

8) What can you say about a perfect school? (some students)

III. Learning new words.

А) You have got the sheets with new words and expressions, which we need this lesson for our work. Please, look at them and repeat the words after me.

I. Vocabulary:

1. education – образование, воспитание

2. compulsory – обязательный

3. secondary – средний

4. higher- высший

5. private –частный

6. state – государственный

7. free – бесплатный

8. to educate –давать образование

9. be educated at – обучаться

10. to attend –посещать

11. a boarding school –закрытая школа, интернат

12. expensive – дорогой, дорогостоящий

13. quality – качество

14. discipline- дисциплина

15. successful – успешный

16. prominent – выдающийся, известный

17.Winston Churchill- Уинстон Черчилль

18. Prime Minister – премьер министр

19. age – возраст

20. voluntary –добровольный

21. a nursery school – детский сад

22. an assessment test –

23. comprehensive – общеобразовательный

24. GCSE ( General Certificate of Secondary Education) – аттестат об общем среднем образовании

25. Sixth form College- 6 ой класс колледжа

26. Advanced Level – продвинутый уровень

27. primary-начальная

В) Read the words, Nadya.( Попросить 2-3 человека отчитать слова)

С) Write new words in the dictionaries. (Записывают слова)

IV. New material.

I would like to tell you about the system of school education in the UK.

(Please, listen to me attentively. Here are words they help you to understand my information very well.)

You know that British school education is one of the most prestigious all over the world. British children start school at the age of 5. But before school they usually visit nursery school. Nursery school is not compulsory. Those who don’t want to visit it stay at home. So pupils begin to attend school at 5. It is a primary school. Primary school lasts for 6 years. Primary school is usually a small school. It consists of a reception class or infant school (which lasts 1 year) and junior school (where pupils spend 5 years). At the age of 11-12 pupils move to a new school, usually comprehensive that accepts all the children from 3 or 4 neighboring junior schools.

At this school they spend 5 years.

All British schools are divided into two types: state schools and private schools.

( look at the scheme in your sheet)

State schools differ from private schools. 1) State schools are free. Pupils don’t pay money for their education. And private schools are very expensive. Parents whose children attend private schools must pay a lot of money for their children. 2) There is no school uniform in state schools. But pupils in private schools have to wear school uniform. They wear dark suits, white or grey shirts, ties, skits or trousers. 3) The discipline in private schools is very strict, while the discipline in state schools is not very strong. 4) High quality of education is typical of private schools. The quality of education in state schools is not so high. 5) State schools are schools where boys and girl study together and private schools are usually single-sex. Most private schools are for boys in Great Britain.

( All state schools are divided into comprehensive and grammar. Comprehensive schools are schools which take pupils of all abilities. There are no entrance examinations here. Grammar schools are schools which take pupils of definite abilities. Pupils must pass a selection test.

British pupils finish school at the age of 16.Then they may go to the 6th form college or just work.

На доске слова: to attend - посещать

to consist of -состоять

a reception class – приемный класс

Junior school – младшая школа

to last – длиться, продолжаться

to accept – принимать

neighbouring - соседние

to differ from – отличаться

Say, children, was the information interesting?

Was the information new? What school would you like to attend – state or private?

And what about you? What school do you prefer? What do you like in private school?

VI. Reading.

The next step of our work is reading the text. Open your books.

Page 76. Exercise 66.we’ll read and translate.

Let’s look at the following:

Private schools in the UK are called public schools.(5% of pupils attend them.

They are very famous all over the world.

Some of them are :

ETON( 1440) -1200pupils

HARROW (1571)- 700pupils

RUGBY( 1567) -700pupils

WINCHESTER (1382) -530pupils

VII. Динамическая пауза.

(проводит ученик)

VIII. Аудирование.

Open your books. Page 74. Exercise 60.

Look at the picture of Hampton School. Hampton School is one of the most famous schools in Britain. You ‘ll listen the information about it. But first of all read the sentences which you should complete listening to the cassette –recorder very attentively.

A) Слушают запись.

Б) Заполняют предложения. Complete sentences:

С) Проверим Let’s check them:

1. Hampton school is a school for boys ( 950 boys between 11-16)

2. It is situated in the town of Richmond upon the Thames.

3. The students study several foreign languages: French, German, Latin, Russian, Spanish ,Greek.

IX. Writing work. Let's write a little test.

Test “ How well do you know British school education?”

1. What types of secondary schools are there in Great Britain?

a) primary and private b) state and private

2.Where is the discipline stricter?

a) in state schools b) in private schools

3. Most schools are … in Great Britain.

a) state b) private

4. These schools are very expensive.

a) state b) private

5. Students wear school uniform in …

a) state schools b) in private schools.

6. Hampton school is attended only by ….

a) girls. B) boys.

7.Children start school in Britain at the age of…

a) 5 b) 6

8. Winston Churchill was educated in…

a) Harrow school b) Rugby school

9. Private schools are attended by … of pupils.

a) 15% 5%

10. British pupils finish school at the age of …

a) 17 b) 16.

(Если есть время, проверить ответы)











X. Итоги урока.

A) Чему мы научились сегодня?

Б) Домашнее задание стр.95 упр. 32

c) оценки за перевод .

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

The system of school education in Great Britain

Автор: Елизарова Валентина Михайловна

Дата: 04.11.2015

Номер свидетельства: 248029

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