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«Why do the children from different countries make friends»
Why do children from different countries make friends ?
Цель: знакомство учащихся с новыми словами , знакомство с правилами написания письма
Развивающая: развитие логического мышления , развитие самостоятельности .
Воспитательная: воспитание заинтересованности к культуре страны изучаемого языка .
Развивающая : Развитие диалогической речи , ознакомление с новой лексикой .
Тип урока: комбинированный .
Hello ! What is the weather today ? What is the date today? How are you today? (отвечают) . Let`s improve the mood of each other? I offer you to tell each other some compliments. Look on the board. Pay attention to your desk please. On every desk you can see a sheet of paper. What are they ? (письма) What do you think this letters are from one country ?(нет из.разных) What is the aim of such letters ? (завести друзей ) Well done . And the topic of our lesson is « Why do children from different countries make friends ?»
At previous lesson we`ve talk with about friends. What does it mean to be a friend? Your homework was to learn the words (which are connected with our topic ) by heart. Open p.85 listen and follow . Now repeat after me , let`s read in chain .
At the beginning of the lesson you`ve read letters from different countries . Who has letters in Russian?You are the 1st team , you place is here . Who has letters in English?Your place is here . Who has letters in Chinese ?
Every team has 6 cards in English with our words and 6 cards in Russian . Your task to match them. Are you ready ? Let`s check (показываю карточку, говорят какой перевод соотнести) Well done.
Now every team can see some letters on their desks . You should make 4 words using these letters. Are you ready?Let`s check (на доске записывают и проверяем)
All teams can see 10 words on their desks. Your task is choose only our words .Lets check .(каждая команда читает своё ,я у доски заранее пишу ,они проверяют)
Now look on the board , please . You see 3 tables with our words in Russian and I’ll give you the cards with these words in English . Every member of team has the card with word, you should I tick your cards with the word in English to the corresponding word in Russian .(походу проверяем,правильно оставляем ,неправильно оставляем слово пустым , а карточку откладываю . Затем,после 3 команд ,развешивает те карточки , которые остались) Well done.
Open p.96 ex.1.We have talked with you that some children in Great Britain can go to exchange trip What does it mean ? You are right . What do you think can it be useful? Why ?(отвечают) Ex.1(A) we`ll read with you the story about how Lizzie and her school are twinned with the school from West Africa (читаем по цепочке и переводим)
I give 1 card to every team . You have the summary of this text . Your task is to fill the gaps in the summary . Let`s check (открываю, проверяют с доски) . Is everything correct ?( первый пропуск? Отвечают-пишу и говорю правильно)
You work was very good today . Your homework is p.97(B) read and trans late .