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Whose jacket is this? Lesson 4

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Саба? жоспары              Сынып             К?ні

5 А

Саба?ты? та?ырыбы:  Whose jacket is this? Lesson 4

Саба?ты? ма?саты:

Кіріспе: Warmer 

  • Sing the song from the  previous lesson to warm up the class


  • Draw a carrot and a bell on the board, or show the relevant  phonics cards, and elicit the words
  • Write the gapped words ca…o t and be. below the picture. Elicit the correct spelling from the class
  • Repeat for shell, smell, mirror, and cheryy
  • Hold up the phonics cards for smell and mirror. Ask whether the ll and rr sounds come  at the beginning  middle, or end of the words
  • Put the two cards behind your back and shuffle them.Put one card face down on the table in front of you. Ask children to guess which on it is.
  • Lift up the card to show children if they are right.
  • Repeat several times.

Exercise 1 Listen, point and repeat

  • •Ask children to look at the words and pictures in their Class Book. Tell them that they are going to hear a recording of the different sounds and words.
  • Play the first part of the recording for children to listen and point to the pictures
  • Play the second part of the recording for children to repeat the sounds and words in chorus.
  • Play the recording all the way through for children to point and repeat again
  • Repeat as necessary


Listen and point./ Listen and repeat

Smell, bell, shell, mirror, carrot, cherry

Exercise 2 Listen and read

  • Ask children to look  at the pictures. Ask What is the girl thinking of? It is summer or winter? Is it the weekend or a school day?
  • Tell children they are going to hear a text.
  • Play the recording once all the way through
  • Play the recording  again, stopping after each line for children to read and repeat
  • Ask children to look at the picture and point to the objects from Exercise 1 (carrots,cherries,shells)

Exercise 3 Read again. Circle the words with ll and underline the words with rr

  • Focus attention on the words  smell and mirror in Exercise 1 and ask children to find the words in the text
  • Ask children to find and circle all the words with ll and underline the words with rr
  • Children do the exercise individually
  • Go through the answers with the class


1)ll: doll, shells,smell,doorbell

2) rr: mirror, Carrie, carrots, cherries.


Exercise 4. Match and write

  • Look at the example with the class
  • Say doll and show how it is connected to the ll sound.
  • Point to the picture of the mirror and elicit the rr sound. Check that children understand the exercise
  • Children do the exercise individually
  • Go through the answers with the class


  1. Doll  2)bell 3)mirror  4)carrot  5 ) cherry  6)smell





?й ж?мысы:

                                                   М??алімні? ?олы

                                                      ?діскерді? ?олы

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«Whose jacket is this? Lesson 4»

Сабақ жоспары Сынып Күні

5 А

Сабақтың тақырыбы: Whose jacket is this? Lesson 4

Сабақтың мақсаты:

Кіріспе: Warmer

  • Sing the song from the previous lesson to warm up the class


  • Draw a carrot and a bell on the board, or show the relevant phonics cards, and elicit the words

  • Write the gapped words ca…o t and be.. below the picture . Elicit the correct spelling from the class

  • Repeat for shell, smell, mirror, and cheryy

  • Hold up the phonics cards for smell and mirror . Ask whether the ll and rr sounds come at the beginning middle, or end of the words

  • Put the two cards behind your back and shuffle them.Put one card face down on the table in front of you. Ask children to guess which on it is.

  • Lift up the card to show children if they are right .

  • Repeat several times.

Exercise 1 Listen, point and repeat

  • •Ask children to look at the words and pictures in their Class Book. Tell them that they are going to hear a recording of the different sounds and words.

  • Play the first part of the recording for children to listen and point to the pictures

  • Play the second part of the recording for children to repeat the sounds and words in chorus.

  • Play the recording all the way through for children to point and repeat again

  • Repeat as necessary


Listen and point./ Listen and repeat

Smell, bell, shell, mirror, carrot , cherry

Exercise 2 Listen and read

  • Ask children to look at the pictures. Ask What is the girl thinking of? It is summer or winter? Is it the weekend or a school day?

  • Tell children they are going to hear a text.

  • Play the recording once all the way through

  • Play the recording again, stopping after each line for children to read and repeat

  • Ask children to look at the picture and point to the objects from Exercise 1 (carrots ,cherries,shells)

Exercise 3 Read again. Circle the words with ll and underline the words with rr

  • Focus attention on the words smell and mirror in Exercise 1 and ask children to find the words in the text

  • Ask children to find and circle all the words with ll and underline the words with rr

  • Children do the exercise individually

  • Go through the answers with the class


1)ll: doll, shells,smell,doorbell

2) rr: mirror, Carrie, carrots , cherries.

Optional activity

  • Ask children to close their books

  • Tell them they are going to her the text again

  • This time they must clap every time they hear words with ll and stamp their feet every time they hear words with rr

  • Play the text with books closed

  • Children listen and clap or stamp their feet

Exercise 4 . Match and write

  • Look at the example with the class

  • Say doll and show how it is connected to the ll sound.

  • Point to the picture of the mirror and elicit the rr sound. Check that children understand the exercise

  • Children do the exercise individually

  • Go through the answers with the class


  1. Doll 2)bell 3)mirror 4)carrot 5 ) cherry 6)smell

Optional activity

  • Tell children to make a phonics poster for one of the two word groups: ll endings, or words with rr

  • Ask children to choose the second the sound they want. Give them pieces of paper and coloured pencils

  • Tell them to draw three pictures for their chosen word in groups . They should put the letters somewhere on the page as well and decorate them.

  • Put the posters up around the class



Үй жұмысы:

Мұғалімнің қолы

Әдіскердің қолы

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

Whose jacket is this? Lesson 4

Автор: Абай Мадина Мереке?ызы

Дата: 27.03.2016

Номер свидетельства: 310829

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