I. Вводная часть 1.1. Приветствие 1.2. Организационный момент. 1.4. Фонетическая зарядка. 1.5. Обучение правилам чтения: 1) чтение звуков 2) чтение рифмовки 1.5. Речевая разминка. 1.6. Проверка в речи учащихся использования времени The Present Continuous. II. Основная часть. 2.1. Объяснение «скаут» 2.2. Введение новой лексики. 2.3. Аудирование. 2.4. Чтение комиксов. 2.5. Аудирование с выделением конкретной информации. 2.6. Послетекстовый этап (работа с картинкой) III. Заключительная часть. 3.2. Комментирование домашнего задания. 3.3. Рефлексия. 3.4. Выставление оценок. | - Good morning, children! - I’m glad to see you too. Sit down, please. I am a teacher of English today. My name is Emiliya Railevna. - The topic of our lesson is “What are we doing?” – Translate, please. Будем учиться говорить о том, что мы делаем сейчас. First, let’s start our lesson with the sounds. Repeat after me. [w] – William, wash, Wendy, water, Wednesday, on Wednesday. [a:] – art, farm, star, card [ð] – the, that, this, those, this is [u:] – food, school, zoo, cool, moos - А сейчас, чтобы хорошо знать английский язык надо хорошо знать правила чтения. Look at the board, please. What sound is this? - Read the words, please. [ei] – brave, take, cake, snake, game, skate; [η] – doing, swimming, flying, skating, English, running; [ð] – the, this, three, thank you, thing - You see a rhyme. Обратите внимание на букву “a”, она произносится так же как называется буква. Read after me. - Look, this is a boy. His name is Tillie Williams. He is very funny. Guess, what he likes doing? Start the sentence with … - Do you like playing? - And what’s your favourite game? - What’s your favourite toy? - Do you like playing computer games? - Now, look at picture and repeat after me: -
He is watching TV; -
He is dancing; -
He is sleeping; -
He is drawing; -
He is writing; -
He is reading; -
He is cooking; -
He is walking. - Guess, she is a girl. What is she doing? - Open your book at p. 16, Ex. 1. We are going to listen to the story “A brave boy scout”. Scout – translate, please. What you know about scouts? - Скаутами могут быть и мальчики и девочки. Они работают в команде и их цель сформировать в себе такие черты характера, как храбрость, ловкость и силу воли. Существует много скаутских организаций, как в России, так и за границей: в Великобритании, в США и во многих других странах. - Now, look at the board, please. You see some new words. Repeat after me, skateboard (кататься на скейтборде), brave (бравый, храбрый), scared (испуганный), eleven (11), twelve (12), thirteen (13). - Listen to the tape and follow the pictures. - Let’s read the cartoons. Cartoon 1, Maxim and Misha, read, please. - Now you will listen to the text again. But you’ll listen to wrong information. Clap your hands when you hear it. Masha, translate, please. - And what is the end of the story. Look at Ex. 2, read the questions, please. - Look at the pictures, look at the information under the pictures and match this information with the pictures. Work in pairs. You have two minutes. Translate, please - Ok, let’s check. - What is the ghost doing? - What is the girl doing? - What is the boy doing? - What is the clown doing? - What is the answer? - Take your day-books and write down your homework: AB p.13 – 14, Ex. 1, 2, 3. - Ok, on your tables you have two cards. If you like our lesson you take the red card, if you don’t like our lesson you take the blue card. Ok, show me your cards. - You worked well, now marks… - Children, stand up! Raise your head! Jump up high! Wave your hand! And say “Good bye”! - The lesson is over. The bell has gone. Good bye! See you soon. | - Good morning, good morning, good morning to you, good morning, dear teacher, we are glad to see you! Ученики повторяют за учителем предложения. Читают по ролям. Читают вопросы. Запись домашнего задания в дневник. | На доске оформлены слова в три столбика. На доске – “Brave Jake takes a cake and gives it to a snake on roller skates” Картинка мальчика На доске опора: My favourite game / toy is … I like Ving … He likes … Показываю картинки Переворачиваю картинку, ученики догадываются Tape Учебник Tape Раздаточный материал. Сигнальные карточки. | 1’ 1’ 2’ 2’ 3’ 1’ 1’ 2’ 2’ 2’ 4’ 2’ 3’ 2’ 2’ 3’ |