Presentation: Prasentation New words Chimp [‘t∫ɪmp] – шимпанзе Dance [dα:ns] – билеу Horse [hɔ:s] – жылқы Run [rʌn] – жүгіру Cat [kǣt] – мысық Climb [klaɪm] – өрмелеп шығу Parrot [‘pǣrәt] – тотықұс Fly [flaɪ] – ұшу Rabbit [‘rǣbɪt] – қоян Hop [hɔp] – (атпен) шабу Snake [sneɪk] – жылан Crawl [krɔ:l] – еңбектеу Can Can’t A frog ________ dance A cat _________ climb A horse ________ sing A parrot _______ fly A chimp ________ crawl A rabbit _______ hop Ls are presented the new words/phrase: 1.What can monkeys do? 2. Monkeys can climb trees. 3. Monkeys can’t fly. Ls tell what place should they put can. They complete the worksheet with tracing letters and tell (orally) what these animals can’t do. 3. Ph. Training [W]Learners listen to the song ‘If you are a kid: animal sounds’, do the actions and sing animals’ sounds. 4. Practice [I] Ls complete the worksheet. They are to make ‘Animals can and can’t survey’ and write about animals. [P] Ls answer the question: What can a shark do? And unscramble sentences. (1-3) ‘Sentence scramble’ Task 2 Leaners image that they going to travel to the Zoo. Teacher asks learners to: “Clap hands, stomp feet, and say “let’s go’!” Learners watch a video about animals “Yes, I Can! | Animal Song for Children | Super Simple Songs” after that learners answer the convergent questions?
CONVERGENT QUESTION Answer the questions: Yes, it can/No, it can’t Can a bird fly? Can a bird clap? Can an elephant fly? Can an elephant stomp? Can a fish swim? Can a fish stomp? Can a gorilla swim? Can a gorilla climb? Can a buffalo climb? Can a buffalo run?
Descriptor: A learner Claps hands, stomps feet, says “let’s go!” watch a video Answers the questions correctly. Task 6.Individuall work.True or False. Descriptors: Students can:
Physical training: “If You are Happy | Super Simple Songs”
Differentiation Peer conference Stage objective- to check learners’ comprehension; to develop critical thinking skills. Assessment- peer assessment IP-SS-SS-T Learners divide into 3 groups Task 3 Group “A” Learners complete the table: put a tick (v) if animal can do, and cross (x) if animal can’t do. Say what animal can or can’t do. | Jump | Bark | Climb | Sing | Swim | Eat | Run | Fly | bird | | | | | v | | | x | elephant | | | | | | | | | fish | | | | | | | | | gorilla | | | | | | | | | buffalo | | | | | | | | |
Descriptor: A learner of: completes the table and says what animals can/can’t do. makes a scheme of the Zoo and says what animals are there? (without support) writes rules for visitors and explains what they can/ can’t do at the Zoo. (without mistakes) Task 4 Work with picture Stage objective- to improve learning Assessment – teacher’s oral assessment IP- SS-T
Look at the pictures and describe them. Use can/can’t to talk about ability, permission and requests. Example: I can ride a horse.
Descriptor A learner • names animals properly; • uses topic related vocabulary; • Uses can and cannot to express ability, permission, offers and requests. |