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Welcome to Australia!

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Білімді жина?тау саба?ы.
Білімділік: 1. Интеллектуалды? ойынны? тапсырмалары ар?ылы ой ?рісін тере?дету ж?не д?ние танумен ке?ейту.
Дамыту: 2. С?йлеу, жазу, о?у да?дысын дамыту. О?ушыларды? ?абілеттерін ?алыптастыру ж?не дамыту.
Т?рбиелік: 3. Австралияны? м?дени м?расына ?ызы?ушылы? тудыру.
Саба?ты? т?рі: Жарыс саба?ы.

Техникалы? ??ралдары: Интерактивті та?та.

О?у ??ралдары: Австралияны? туы, елта?басы, негізгі ?алалары, жануарлармен ??стар туралы слайдтар.
Intellectual Marathon
Teacher: Good afternoon, pupils and our guests! I am very glad to see you at our game.
Today we will have an unusual lesson - Intellectual Marathon «Welcome to Australia».
We gathered here to find the most cheerful and quick – witted team. Every team can take a chance to win.
You will get from one to five points for each correct answer. The team which gets more points will win. Now let me introduce our jury. The members of our jury are ……. Look, we have two teams and I want you to greet all of them with your applause! It is time to introduce yourselves. Well, I wish you success.

The 1st contest is “Greeting’’.
My name is …. I am the captain of the team. Our team is “ Erudites’’. Our motto is “Enjoy English’’.
My name is …. I am the captain of the team. Our team is “Optimists’’. Our motto is “Learn English”.

The 2nd contest is “ The right answer’’. Answer the questions.
1. What is the official name of Australia?
The Commonwealth of Australia.
2. How many stars are on the national flag of Australia?
Australian national flag consists of five white stars of the Southern Cross and the white Commonwealth star.
3. What area has Australia?
About 8 million square kilometers.
4. What is the capital of Australia?
5. In what hemisphere is Australia situated?
The South hemisphere.
6. What is the population of Australia?
About 15 million people.
7. What are the biggest cities in Australia?
Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, Brisbane.
8. Which two animals can you see on the Australian coat of arms?
Kangaroo and Emu.
9. What agricultural product is Australia famous for?
Australia is famous for sheep.
10. What are the longest rivers?
The Murray and the Darling.
11. What mountains are there in Australia?
The Australian Alps, the Blue Mountains.
12. What does Australia consist of?
Six states and two territories.

The 3rd contest is “ Complete the sentences’’.
1. Australia was discovered in ……. by………
2. The first settlers were ……….
3. People rushed to Australia because ………
4. Australia’s is located in ………Hemisphere.
5. The hottest month in Australia is ……….
6. About 70 per cent of the population live in the ……….
7………. is the capital of Australia.
8. The Olympic Games were held in Sydney in…………
9. People in Australia speak ……….
10. Australia became independent in……….

The 4th contest is ‘’Do you know that…. ’’
1. There are 55 kinds of … (kangaroo and wallaby).
2. The Big Red and Grey kangaroos are … (two) meters high.
3. The Kangaroos live for… (10 - 15) years.
4. The Kangaroos eat … (grass, leaves, plants).
5. A male kangaroo is called … (a boomer).
6. A female kangaroo is called… (a flyer).
7. A baby kangaroo is called… (a joey).
8. A baby kangaroo is … (blind) it can’t see and it’s … (deaf) it can’t hear.
9. The name koala is an Aboriginal one for … (no water).
10. The name Can berry – an Aboriginal name meaning … (meeting place) was changed to Canberra for the city.

The 5th contest is “True or false’’.
Read and translate the sentences, true or false.
1. Australia is the largest continent in the world. (False)
2. Australia is situated in the Southern Hemisphere. (True)
3. Vast areas of desert cover most of Central and Western Australia. (True)
4. Melbourne is the capital of Victoria. (True)
5. The official name of the country is the Commonwealth of Australia. (True)
6. There are 6 states in Australia. (True)
7. Tasmania’s an island state. (True)
8. Australia is washed by the waters of three oceans. (False)
9. Most people live in the north of the country. (False)
10. Queensland’s beaches are a popular place for holidaymakers. (True)

The 6th contest is “ Fauna ” Do you know Australian animals?
Look at the slides and give some information about animals, birds. 
1. Kangaroos 2. Koalas 3. Emu 4. Platypus 5. Lyre – bird 6. Kookaburra 7. Galah
8. Echidna 9. Dingo 10. Wombat.

The 7th contest is “ Crossword’’. Complete the crossword.
2. Tropical climate. The Population is 70 000. The Capital of Northern Territory.
4. Tropical climate makes this city a year – round vacation place.
5. An industrial city. The Population is about 1 million.
8. Australia’s oldest and largest city.

1. The Capital of Australian island – state of Tasmania. Cold winters.
3. The political and administrative capital of Australia.

6. The 2nd largest city of Australia. Hosted 1956 Olympics.
7. It has one of the best climates in Australia. The Capital of Western Australia.
The 8th contest is “Diagram’’. Complete the diagram.
Teacher: Let’s listen to the jury. The winner of our competition is the team. Thank you so much. The game is over. Goodbuy

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Просмотр содержимого документа
«Welcome to Australia! »

Great Britian


First they attend the infant school from 5 to 7.

Primary education lasts for six years

Nine years schools

Grammar schools

Primary 1 - 4 grades, middle 5 - 9 grades and junior 10 - 11 grades.

Pupils take examinations in the core subjects

Primary and secondary schools together comprise eleven years

Every lesson lasted 45 minutes. Every day we had 5 or 6 lessons.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс

Welcome to Australia!

Автор: Бакирова Эльмира Сматуллакызы

Дата: 14.03.2015

Номер свидетельства: 186153

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