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Visiting museum

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Outline of the lesson

Stages of the lesson

Teacher’s activity

Pupils activity



Checking up of the home task


Phonetic drill


Home task


  1. Greeting

  • Good afternoon children

  • Sit down, please.

  1. Talking to duty

  • Who is on duty today?

  • Who is absent today?

  • What date is it today?

  • What day is it today?

  • Ok, very nice! What was your home task?

  • Are you ready?

  • Who wants to answer?

Ok, very nice.

We have new theme “Visiting museum”. I hope you’ll find interesting and new information for yourselves.

Ok, good. Now, read the study topical vocabulary at page 89 and translate it.

Throughout – in the whole of a period of time, or in every part of a place. Throughout the 1980s the country was involved in a civil war. There were strong storms throughout the country; The British Museum is known throughout the world.

Repository – place, room or a container where smth is stored: repository of books The British Museum is a real repository of books.

Treasure – wealth (as money, jewels or gold) stored up art treasures: Paintings of Titan are real art treasures. Treasure house – a building where treasure is kept.

Specimen – item, or part of a class, group; smth that obviously belongs to a particular category.

A collection of natural history specimens was destroyed by the fire.

To bequeath – to give or to leave by will; to hand down, to transmit: Sir Hans Slone bequeathed to the nation his private collection.

Antiquity – that which belongs to ancient times. He has been collecting antiquities for 50 years. Coins, medals and antiquities are of great interest to him.

Artificial – made by people and used instead of smth. natural: artificial flowers, snow.

Dome – a roof shaped like the top half of a ball: The huge dome of St. Paul’s Cathedral; the dome of the London Planetarium.

Access – the right to have smth. There are many books on the open access in the reading hall.

Ok, good of you. Give one word for the following: page 90, ex. 2.

    1. A roof shaped like the top half of a ball.

    2. A place, room or a container where smth is stored.

    3. Wealth which is stored up.

    4. To give smth or to leave by will.

    5. That which belongs to ancient times.

Practise the following dialogue and finish it. At page 90, ex. 3.

Alice: Well, we are going to the British Museum now.

Dan: That’s a good idea! But how far is it? Is it possible to walk there? Is there a bus?

Alice: Don’t worry. We shall go right to the end of the street, then turn left… be careful the traffic is heavy. Look out! It isn’t safe to cross the street here…

Dan: Alice, I know that before going seightseeing, one should know smth. about the place.

Alice: You see, the British Museum is …

Ok, very good! At home work: page 90, ex. 4. Talk to your partner about a museum in Almaty, Astana or any other place you live in.

So, boys and girls! Our lesson is over. Thanks so much for you actively participating during all my lesson.

P -1: you are the best one who worked hardly today. Your English is very good and I put excellent.

P – 2: you are work good but you have some mistakes today. I put mark good.

Stand up, please! Good bye, boys and girls!

  • Good afternoon, teacher.


  • I am on duty today.

  • All are present.

  • Today the _____

  • Today it is______





Pupils listen to the teacher.






Pupils read one by one





















Pupils listen to the teacher

Pupils read the sentences

Pupils listen to teacher





Good bye, teacher!

Schools teacher: ________ __________________

Students name: ________ ___________________

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«Visiting museum»

Outline of the lesson

Stages of the lesson

Teacher’s activity

Pupils activity



Checking up of the home task


Phonetic drill


Home task


  1. Greeting

  • Good afternoon children

  • Sit down, please.

  1. Talking to duty

  • Who is on duty today?

  • Who is absent today?

  • What date is it today?

  • What day is it today?

  • Ok, very nice! What was your home task?

  • Are you ready?

  • Who wants to answer?

Ok, very nice.

We have new theme “Visiting museum”. I hope you’ll find interesting and new information for yourselves.

Ok, good. Now, read the study topical vocabulary at page 89 and translate it.

Throughout – in the whole of a period of time, or in every part of a place. Throughout the 1980s the country was involved in a civil war. There were strong storms throughout the country; The British Museum is known throughout the world.

Repository – place, room or a container where smth is stored: repository of books The British Museum is a real repository of books.

Treasure – wealth (as money, jewels or gold) stored up art treasures: Paintings of Titan are real art treasures. Treasure house – a building where treasure is kept.

Specimen – item, or part of a class, group; smth that obviously belongs to a particular category.

A collection of natural history specimens was destroyed by the fire.

To bequeath – to give or to leave by will; to hand down, to transmit: Sir Hans Slone bequeathed to the nation his private collection.

Antiquity – that which belongs to ancient times. He has been collecting antiquities for 50 years. Coins, medals and antiquities are of great interest to him.

Artificial – made by people and used instead of smth. natural: artificial flowers, snow.

Dome – a roof shaped like the top half of a ball: The huge dome of St. Paul’s Cathedral; the dome of the London Planetarium.

Access – the right to have smth. There are many books on the open access in the reading hall.

Ok, good of you. Give one word for the following: page 90, ex. 2.

    1. A roof shaped like the top half of a ball.

    2. A place, room or a container where smth is stored.

    3. Wealth which is stored up.

    4. To give smth or to leave by will.

    5. That which belongs to ancient times.

Practise the following dialogue and finish it. At page 90, ex. 3.

Alice: Well, we are going to the British Museum now.

Dan: That’s a good idea! But how far is it? Is it possible to walk there? Is there a bus?

Alice: Don’t worry. We shall go right to the end of the street, then turn left… be careful the traffic is heavy. Look out! It isn’t safe to cross the street here…

Dan: Alice, I know that before going seightseeing, one should know smth. about the place.

Alice: You see, the British Museum is …

Ok, very good! At home work: page 90, ex. 4. Talk to your partner about a museum in Almaty, Astana or any other place you live in.

So, boys and girls! Our lesson is over. Thanks so much for you actively participating during all my lesson.

P -1: you are the best one who worked hardly today. Your English is very good and I put excellent.

P – 2: you are work good but you have some mistakes today. I put mark good.

Stand up, please! Good bye, boys and girls!

  • Good afternoon, teacher.

  • I am on duty today.

  • All are present.

  • Today the _____

  • Today it is______

Pupils listen to the teacher.

Pupils read one by one

Pupils listen to the teacher

Pupils read the sentences

Pupils listen to teacher

Good bye, teacher!

Schools teacher: ________ __________________

Students name: ________ ___________________

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Visiting museum

Автор: Nurtayeva Erkezhan Talgatkyzy

Дата: 25.03.2016

Номер свидетельства: 309897

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