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Викторина по теме "Великобритания"

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Викторина по теме 'Великобритания"

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«Викторина по теме "Великобритания"»

Quiz Glimpses of Great Britain.

Цель:расширение страноведческого кругозора учащихся,приобщение к мировому культурному наследию,культуре изучаемого языка,обогащение картины мира,расширение общего и филологического кругозора учащихся,содействие развитию взаимопонимания с представителями других куольтур.

Развивающая цель:развитие мышления,внимания,памяти.Способствовать культурному и когнитивному развитию учащихся,развитие леятельностной и мотивационной сфер деятельности,формирвание потребности к самостоятельной познавательной деятельности.

Воспитательная цель:воспитание уважения к представителям других культур,воспитание культуры общения,поведения.

Задачи: развитие навыков чтения,письма,говорения,восприятия и понимания речи на слух.

Оборудование урока: экран,компьютер,раздаточный материал,видеоматериалы.

Литература: учебное пособие How do you doбBritain?


 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmOb5H8kL30 (песня)



Ход занятия

Good morning!Nice to meet you!Who is on duty today?Who is absent?What’s the weather like today?Today we’ii speak about the UK , its history,literature,symbols and other things connected with this country.Probably you’ve already guessed what the topic of our class is.It is “Glimpses of the UK”.We’ll listen to songs,take a quiz on this topic,listen to short stories about some sights of the Kingdom and even brush up grammar.So what is the aim of our class ?The aim is to widen your knowledge on this topic, develop speaking,listening,reading,lexical-grammar skills.You will be divided into 2 teams and after doing each task we’ll calculate your points for it and at the end of the class we’ll see which team wins.So try to do your best and good luck!

Task 1. I’d like to start our competition with the hymn of the UK.You see sheets of paper with the words of the hymn on your desks.Look through the wods.Look at the screen, listen and sing along with the music.

(на экране ролик с гимном.) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uecCYQ-d-oM


Thank you very much!Before we continue could you answer some questions?If you visit a country what is you first idea?What are tourists usually offered on their arrival ?Usually they are offered to go sightseeing.What famous places of interest in f the UK and London do you know?Your task is to look at the screen and guess what you see/What places of interest are you shown?

(на экране картинки с изображениями)

Task 3.You see that The Uk is rich in places of interest. But it is also known for its picturesque nature. What about watching a short video one more tourist attraction in Wales?

Предтекстовый этап.Look at the screen/Here are the words which may be unknown to you.Repeat after me/Mind your pronunciation.

encircle [ɪn'sɜ:kl ], [en-] окружать;

enchanting [en'ʧɑ:ntɪŋ ], [en-] очаровательный, обаятельный,

lush [lʌʃ] I сочный, буйный, пышный (о растительности)

pristine ['prɪstin] древний; первоначальный, изначальный

feast [fi:st ] доставлять удовольствие (кому-л.) , радовать (кого-л.)

exquisite [ɪk'skwɪzɪt] изысканный, изящный, тонкий

Текстовый этап.Просмотр вдео. http://www.answers.com/topic/great-gardens-of-britain-four-seasons-part-1

Послетекстовый этап.Let’s check what you ‘ve understood.

Answer the questions:

1.Where is the Bodnant Garden situated?

2.What doed the garen encircle?

3.What can be found in the garden?

How many parts is this garden divided into?

Continue the sentences:

1.I'm very excited to show …

2It is spread on around … of lush green grounds and pristine ponds.

3This garden is divided into two parts …

4… this lovely garden will feast all your senses.

Текст видео.

Visit the Bodnant Garden in United Kingdom Hi, I'm Naomi and I'm very excited to show you the world’s greatest attractions. Located in Whales is one of Britain’s most magnificent gardens. Encircling the Bodnant house is the enchanting Bodnant Garden. It is spread on around 80 acres of lush green grounds and pristine ponds. A various exquisite plants and flowers from across the world can be found right here. This garden is divided into two parts; the formal garden and the informal garden. A National Trust Property, this lovely garden will feast all your senses. Thank you for watching our travel video series, see you next time.

Ответы карточки

  1. I'm very excited to show you the world’s greatest attractions.

  2. It is spread on around 80 acres of lush green grounds and pristine ponds.

  3. This garden is divided into two parts; the formal garden and the informal garden.

  4. A National Trust Property, this lovely garden will feast all your senses.

Task 4. When you come to a country it is unavoidable that you communicate with it citizenz.And of course you make a better impression if you speak correctly/Let’s chech you grammar.


Insert articles where necessary:

 1.    … United Kingdom is situated on … British Isles.

2.    … British Isles are separated from … Europe by … North Sea and … English Channel.

3.    … Northern Ireland borders on … Irish Republic in … south.

4.    In … north … Cheviots separate … England from … Scotland, … Cambrian mountains occupy the greater part of … Wales and … Highlands of … Scotland are … tallest of the British mountains.

5.    … Ben Nevis, … tallest peak of … Highlands, is only 1343 m high.

6.     Have you ever heard of … lake Lock Ness?

7.     Oxford and Cambridge are … oldest universities in … Great Britain.

8.     … English is not the only language people use in … UK.

9.      Some people speak … Gaelic in … Scotland and … Welsh in … Wales.


1.    The United Kingdom is situated on the British Isles.

2.   The British Isles are separated from Europe by the North Sea and the English Channel.

3.    Northern Ireland borders on the Irish Republic in the south.

4.    In the north the Cheviots separate England from Scotland, the Cambrian mountains occupy the greater part of Wales and the Highlands of Scotland are the tallest of the British mountains.

5.    Ben Nevis, the tallest peak of the Highlands, is only 1343 m high.

6.     Have you ever heard of lake Lock Ness?

7.     Oxford and Cambridge are the oldest universities in Great Britain.

8.     English is not the only language people use in the UK.

9.      Some people speak Gaelic in Scotland and Welsh in Wales.

Task 5 .How much do you know about the history of Great Britain?And what do you know about its folklore.I suggest you listening to a folk song Greensleeves and watch the video .On your desks you see the lyrics to the tune/Look them through.What words are unknown.Предтекстовый этап.

Alas, my love, you do me wrong,
To cast me off discourteously.
For I have loved you well and long,
Delighting in your company.
Greensleeves was all my joy
Greensleeves was my delight,
Greensleeves was my heart of gold,
And who but my lady greensleeves.
Your vows you’ve broken, like my heart,
Oh, why did you so enrapture me?
Now I remain in a world apart
But my heart remains in captivity.
I have been ready at your hand,
To grant whatever you would crave,
I have both wagered life and land,
Your love and good-will for to have.
If you intend thus to disdain,
It does the more enrapture me,
And even so, I still remain
A lover in captivity.
My men were clothed all in green,
And they did ever wait on thee;
All this was gallant to be seen,
And yet thou wouldst not love me.
Thou couldst desire no earthly thing,
but still thou hadst it readily.
Thy music still to play and sing;
And yet thou wouldst not love me.
Well, I will pray to God on high,
that thou my constancy mayst see,
And that yet once before I die,
Thou wilt vouchsafe to love me.
Ah, Greensleeves, now farewell, adieu,
To God I pray to prosper thee,
For I am still thy lover true,
Come once again and love me.

Текстовый этап. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmOb5H8kL30

Послетекстовый этап.

The song has its own story.Read the text and say if the statements are true or false.

Greensleeves" is a song written in Tudor England, around 1500-1520.Not much is known about the origin of the song . " The melody written by the anonymous composer of the XVI century on a harmonious model of an ancient Italian folk dance , became a basis for numerous variations. Writing of the text of the ballad is often attributed to the English king Henry VIII who is thought to address these verses to his beloved, Anna Boleyn who became the second wife of Henry. She refused the king in mutual feelings and this refusal is reflected in the lyrics. However there is also an opinion that the song belongs to the period of the reign of queen Elizabeth I as the Italian style of composition in which it is written, came to England after the death of the king. For the first time the text of "Greensleeves" was published in 1566 in London .There is a belief that the name of the song reflects the nickname of the unfaithful beloved to whom the author addresses. It is considered that courtesans wore green sleeves in medieval England. In The Canterbury Tales green colour is mentioned as « the colour of lightmindedness in love» as after «free love» there were spots from grass on clothes of a girl. There is one more belief that the song was not originally done by King Henry VIII but by a soldier that fell in love with the queen who wore mostly green because it was her favorite colour and he wanted her for himself so he sent gifts and composed songs for her.


1.The song was written during the reign of the queen Victoria.

2.The song was written in 16 century.

3.There are 4 versions about the origin of the song.

4.It was written according to the model of a Greek song.

5.Historians proved that Henry VIII wrote the song.

6.Henry VIII devoted it his beloved Anna Bolyen.

7.The style of the composition doesn’t coinside with the reign of Henry VIII.

8.For the first time Greensleeves was published in France.

9.Greensleevs in medieval England had lightminded girls.

10.A soldier could write the song.

Task 6 The Quiz.Lets see who knows more facts about Britain.

1. What is the official name of the country whose language you study?
a) Great Britain b) England c) the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

2. What is the capital of the UK?
a) Cardiff b) Dublin c) London

3. What is the symbol of the United Kingdom?
a) a bald eagle b) Britannia c) a rose

4. What is the fastest way to cross the English Channel?
a) through the Channel Tunnel b) by boat c) by ferry

5. What is the most important airport in Great Britain?
a) Heathrow Airport b) Gatwick Airport c) Stansted Airport

6. English children start going to school at the age of:
a) 7 b) 6 c) 5

7. There are 2 days a week when British pupils don’t go to school. They are:
a) Sunday and Monday b) Friday and Saturday c) Saturday and Sunday

8. Who helps schoolchildren to cross the street near the school?
a) a policeman b) a lollipop man c) a fireman

9. What is the school-leaving age in the United Kingdom?
a) 16 b) 13 c) 18

10. What is the highest mark in British schools?
a) A b) C c) G

11. What is the London residence of Queen Elizabeth II?
a) the Tower of London b) Windsor Castle c) Buckingham Palace

12. Where is Nelson’s Column situated? 
a) in Parliament Square b) in Trafalgar Square c) in Piccadilly Circus

13. Earth Day is celebrated:
a) in winter b) in summer c) in spring

14. RSPCA is a charity that:
a) helps animals b) organizes meetings and parties in schools c) sells books and pictures

15. The environment organization is:
a) Oxfam b) Save the children c) Greenpeace

16. Which of these cities is not in Britain?
a) New York b) London c) Oxford

17. Lewis Carol was:
a) a teacher b) an actor c) a writer

18. The Beatles came from:
a) Liverpool b) Manchester c) Birmingham

19. Which holiday is on the 25th of December?
a) Christmas Day b) Halloween c) Easter

Geographical position 
20. What ocean is the western coast of Great Britain washed by? 
21. What is the smallest part of the UK? 
22. What is its total area? 
23. What separates Great Britain from continent of Europe? 
24. Where are the Grampians situated? 
25. What river flows between Scotland and England? 
26. What is the highest peak of Cumbrian mountains? 
27. What is the climate influenced by? 
28. Where is Greenwich? 
a) in England b) in Scotland c) in Wales d) in Ireland 
29. What lake does the famous Scottish monster live in? 
a) Loch Erne b) Loch Lomond c) Loch Ness d) Loch Dove 
30. What is the longest river in Great Britain? 
a) the Severn b) the Avon c) the Thames d) the Tyne 
31. What is the name of the highest mountain in Wales? 
a) Ben Nevis b) Snowdon c) Scaffel Pike d) Alps 
32. What is the capital of Northern Ireland? 
a) Cardiff b) Dublin c) Belfast d) London 
33. What city in Britain has nickname “The Smoke”? 
a) Edinburgh b) Cardiff c) London d) Aberdeen 
34. Great Britain is divided into… . 
a) 2 parts b) 3 parts c) 4 parts d) 5 parts 
35. What natural resources bring the most profits to the British economy? 
a) coal reserves b) oil reserves c) water reserves d) gold reserves 
36. What is Britain famous for? 
a) its rains b) its winds c) its fogs d) its cold 
37. What are the best English resorts? 
a) Bristol and Southampton b) Brighton and Bath 
c) Leeds and Bradford d) Sunset Beach 
National emblems 
38. How is England often called? 
39. What does the word Jack in the name of the flag mean? 
40. What is the national symbol of Northern Ireland? 
41. Why did the thistle become the national symbol? 
42. What two national symbols has Wales? 
43. What is the first line of national anthem of Great Britain? 
44. What is Scotland famous for?

45. What is the symbol of the United Kingdom? 
a) a bald eagle b) Britannia c) a rose d) a leek 
46. What is the name of the British national flag? 
a) the Union Jack b) the Saint Andrew’s Cross 
c) the Saint David’s Cross d) the Stars and Stripes 
47. What is the official religion in the United Kingdom? 
a) Catholicism b) Orthodoxy c) Protestantism d) Judaism 
48. What is the emblem of Scotland? 
a) a daffodil b) a thistle c) a dragon d) a red rose 
49. What two animals can we see on British royal coat of arms? 
a) the lion and the fox b) the lion and the elephant 
c) the lion and the unicorn d) the lion and the wolf 
50. What is the national anthem of Great Britain? 
a) “God save the King” b) “In God We Trust” 
c) “Cod Save the Queen” d) Peace at any Price 
51. What is the name – the patronymic and the surname of the present English Queen? 
a) Catherine George Windsor b) Mary George Windsor 
c) Ann George Windsor d) Elisabeth George Windsor 
52. What does the word “Albion”, the poetic name of Great Britain mean? 
a) green b) red c) white d) unknown 
53. What kingdom of the United Kingdom has the depiction of a dragon on its flag? 
a) Wales b) England c) Scotland d) Northern Ireland 
The history of Great Britain 
54. Who lived on the territory of Great Britain about 3000 years B.C.? 
55. What tribes came after Iberian? 
56. Who conquered Britain in the 1st century A.D.? 
57. Why couldn’t Celts keep their land free after Romans? 
58. When did the Danes begin to attack Britain? 
59. Who was England invaded by in the 11th century? 
60. What tragedy happened in 1665? 
61. What war is known as the hundred years war? 
62. When was the great fire of London? 
63. What was Chartism?

64. Under what king did the Knights of the Round Table gather together? 
a) Henry IV b) Arthur c) Edward II d) William the Conqueror 
65. What great historical event happened in 1066? 
a) the Danish invention b) a bourgeois revolution c) the battle of Hastings d) the battle of Bosworth 
66. The Romans first invaded Britain in … 
a) the 5th century AD b) the 5th century BC c) the 1st century BC d) the 1st century AD 
67. London is more than … 
a) one thousand years old b) two thousand years old c) three thousand years old d) four thousand years old 
68. The Princess Diana was the wife of … 
a) Prince John b) Prince Robert c) Prince Wilhelm d) Prince Charles 
69. What disaster did the whole England suffer from in the 14th century? 
a) Great Fire of London b) Great Plague in England c) Battle of Trafalgar d) Battle of Waterloo 
70. The legend says that without them the Tower will fall. They are …. 
a) the pigeons b) the cats c) the squirrels d) the ravens 
71. Where are the British kings crowned? 
a) in Parliament Square b) in St. Paul’s Cathedral c) in Westminster Abbey d) in Canterbury Cathedral 
72. What is the most famous place of pagans` sun worship in England? 
a) a temple to the goddess Minerva in Bath 
b) Stonehenge on Salisbury Plain 
c) Dartmoor National park 
d) Windsor Safari Park 
73. A king was the founder of the British Navy. What was his name? 
a) Edward b) George c) Alfred d) Richard 
74. What parts is London divided into? 
75. Where is the remarkable Whispering Gallery situated? 
76. What can we see in the centre of Trafalgar square? 
77. What is Westminster Abbey famous for? 
78. Why is the clock called Big Ben? 
79. Where is the residence of Prime Minister? 
80. What is the heart of the West End? 
81. What is Regent’s Part famous for? 
82. What street is associated with Britain newspapers? 
83. What the poorest district of London?

84. What is London residence of Queen Elizabeth II? 
a) the Tower of London b) Winsdor Castle 
c) Buckingham Palace d) Westminster Abbey 
85. Where is Nelson’s Column situated? 
a) in the Tower of London b) in Trafalgar Square 
c) in Piccadilly Circus d) in Parliament Square 
86. Where is London zoo? 
a) Hyde park b) St Jame`s park c) Central park d) Regent’s park 
87. Piccadilly Circus is the meeting point of …. 
a) 4 streets b) 5 streets c) 6 streets d) 7streets 
88. The changing of the guard happens every day at 
a) 12.30 a.m b) 12 o’clock c) 11.30 a.m d) 10 o’clock 
89. Where are the tombs of many British kings and queens and other famous people? 
a) in the Tower of London b) on the cemetery 
c) on the river bank d) in Westminster Abbey 
90. Covent Garden is now … . 
a) a cinema b) a tourist shopping centre 
c) a fruit and vegetable garden d) a theatre 
91. When was the Westminster Abbey founded? 
a) in the 19th century b) in the 10th century 
c) in the 11th century d) in the 12th century 
92. Where can you see the wax models of famous people? 
a) in Madam Tussaud`s Museum 
b) in the British Museum 
c) in the Westminster Abbey 
d) in the Tower of London 
93. Piccadilly Circus is the heart of London’s … . 
a) East End b) City c) Westminster d) West End 

94. What song do people sing to join their arms at the midnight in New Year? 
95. What is the festival of Welsh culture? 
96. Where does the Lord Chancellor sit? 
97. What ceremony takes places in front of Buckingham Palace every day? 
98. What ceremony takes places on the birthday of the Queen? 
99. Who is the Tower of London quarded by? 
100. What is a typical Englishman associated with? 
101. When do people eat special buns marked with a cross on top? 
102. What does the Boxing Day mean? 
103. When do children go from house to house, knock at the doors and say "Trick or Treat”

104. What is the state system of the United Kingdom? 
a) a constitutional monarchy 
b) a parliamentary republic 
c) a limited monarchy 
d) a federal republic 
105. What chambers does the British Parliament consist of? 
a) the Senate and the House of Representatives 
b) the House of Lords and the House of Commons 
c) the Cabinet of Ministers and the Shadow Cabinet 
d) the House of Lords and the House of Representatives 
106. Who presides in the House of Lords? 
a) the Lord Chancellor b) the Speaker 
c) the Chancellor of the Exchequer d) the Prime-Minister 
107. Who presides in the House of Commons? 
a) the Lord Chancellor b) the Speaker 
c) the Chancellor of the Exchequer d) the Prime-Minister 
108. Where does the British Premier live and work? 
a) at 10 Downing Street b) in the Houses of Parliament 
c) in Buckingham Palace d) in Fleet Street 
109. What is the nickname of the Conservative Party? 
a) the Tories b) the Whigs c) the Whips d) the Libs 
110. For what period are the members of the House of Commons elected? 
a) 2 years b) 3 years c) 4 years d) 5 years 
111. What do the letters MP stand for? 
a) Member of Parliament b) Member of the Party 
c) Member of the Policy d) Member of Political movement 
112. How long does a session of the House of Commons last? 
a) 30-60 days b) 60-90 days c) 120-150 days d) 160-175 days 
113. What is “the Woolsack”? 
a) a large bag of wool covered with white cloth 
b) a small bag of wool covered with black cloth 
c) a large bag of wool covered with red cloth 
d) a small basket of wool covered with blue cloth 
114. What is the school-leaving age in the UK? 
a) 16 b) 13 c) 18 d) 17 
115. Which of the following stages of British education is not obligatory? 
a) nursery school b) primary school c) secondary school d) high school 
116. What is the top secondary school in Great Britain? 
a) Chiswick Community School b) Eton c) Harrow d) Rugby 
117. What is the highest mark in British schools? 
a) A b) B c) G d) F 
118. In which century was the Oxford University established? 
a) 15 b) 10 c) 13 d) 12 
119. What universities have the highest academic reputation in the UK? 
a) London University and Bristol University 
b) Redbrick Universities 
c) Cambridge University and Oxford University 
d) Glasgow University 
120. What is the largest youth organization in the UK? 
a) the Camp Organization 
b) the Boy Scout’s Association 
c) the Sport Association 
d) the Students Association 
121. What do we call the following pattern of tuition: six month in college and six month in industry? 
a) further education 
b) secondary education 
c) full-time tuition 
d) “sandwich” courses 
122. What is the first degree awarded by universities? 
a) a doctor’s degree b) a bachelor’s degree 
c) a master’s degree d) nothing 
123. Pupils attend infants’ classes from the age of … . 
a) 3 to 4 b) 4 to 5 c) 5 to 7 d) 6 to 8 
124. An English write best-known for her novel Jane Eyre 
a) Lewis Carroll b) Agatha Christie c) Charles Dickens d) Charlotte Bronte 
125. Who is the “Architect of London?” 
a) Inigo Jones b) Edward Bailey c) Christopher Wren d) Henry Tate 
126. Who wrote “The Picture of Dorian Gray” 
a) Mark Twain b) Oscar Wilde c) Edgar Poe d) Walter Scott 
127. Who is the creator of the electronic motor? 
a) Thomas Edison b) Isaac Newton c) James Watt d) Michael Faraday 
128. How many voyages around the world did James Cook make? 
a) 3 b) 4 c) 2 d) 5 
129. Who wrote a very big musical work: “War Requiem?” 
a) Arthur Sullivan b) Benjamin Britten 
c) Henry Wood d) Andrew Lloyd Webber 
130. An English painter, who lived and created in 1775-1851 
a) S.M.W Turner b)William Hogarth 
c) Thomas Gainsborough d) John Constable 
131. What is the name of the poet who was called “The Father of English Poetry”? 
a) Jonathan Swift b) Geoffrey Chaucer c) Walter Scott d) Charles Dickens 
132. Who wrote “Oliver Twist”? 
a) Charles Dickens b) Robert Burns 
c) William Shakespeare d) Robert Stevenson 
133. Who was the British Prime Minister in 1979-1996? 
a) Margaret Thatcher b) James Callaghan 
c) Stanley Baldwin d) John Major 
134. What is the most important festival of Welsh poetry and music? 
a) the Edinburgh Festival b) the Rock festival in Liverpool 
c) Eisteddfod d) Eurovision 
135. What is the Scottish national costume for men? 
a) the tuxedo b)the black uniform c) the kilt d) the bearskin 
136. What is the most popular drink in Britain? 
a) apple juice b) tea c) milk d) coffee 
137. What is the name for New Year’s Eve in Scotland? 
a) Cocney b) Hogmanay c) Christmas d) the evening before New Year 
138. What do children usually say at Halloween? 
a) “trick or treat” b) “sing or dance” c) “give or take” d) “cry or laugh” 
139. Which holiday is usually celebrated on the 5th of November in the UK? 
a) Easter b) Guy Fawkes Day c) Halloween d) New Year 
140. What is a “bank holiday”? 
a) the holiday on the bank of the river b) week-end 
c) public holiday d) summer holiday 
141. What is the traditional Christmas song called in Britain? 
a) “Anthem” b) “Auld Lang Syne” c) “Imagine” d) “Jingle Bells” 
142. When is Halloween celebrated in the UK? 
a) on 31st October b) on 31st November 
c) on 31st September d) on 31st January 
143.Scottish surnames begin with….. 
a) O` b) Mac or Mc c) de d) La 
144.Whose birthplace is Stratford-upon-Avon?

145.What is the symbol of Northern Ireland, a shamrock or a thistle?

146.What is the official residence of the British Queen?

147.What is the nickname of Margaret Thatcher, the previous

Prime-Minister of the UK?

148.What river does London stand on?

149.What is the capital of Wales?

150.What is the central square of London?

151.What holiday is celebrated on the 31st of October?

152.What is the capital of Northern Ireland?

153.What are the two oldest universities of the UK?

154.In what lake of Scotland does the mysterious monster live?

155.What is the poorest part of London, East End or West End?

156.What city is the birthplace of the group the Beatles?

157.What holiday do the British celebrate on the 5th of November?

158.What traditional song is usually performed on a British birthday party?

159.In what park is so called Speakers' Corner situated?

160.What vegetable is traditional on Halloween?

161.What is the symbol of Wales?

162.Name the degrees of comparison of the adjective "great

163.Form the adverb of the adjective "slow".

164.Translate the phrase "слева от стола".

165.What is the auxiliary verb in the Past Simple?

166.What great historical event happened in 1066

167.Name the third form of the verb "teach".

168.Where are the British kings crowned?

169.Name the plural of the word "mouse".

170.Where does The Changing of the Guard take place?

171.Form the adjective from the noun "fog".

172.What is the English equivalent of the verb "должен"?

173.Name the definite article.

174.Translate the phrase "слушать радио".

175.Name the synonym of the word "small".

176.Is the word "money" countable or uncountable?

177.Name three forms of the verb "sweep".

178.Name the fifth letter of the English alphabet.

178.; Name the degrees of comparison of the adjective "wonderful".

179.: Name the third form of the verb "find".

180.Name the plural of the noun "sheep".

181.Form the adjective from the noun "rain".

182.Name the second form of the verb "speak".

183.Name the eighth letter of the English alphabet.

184.In what British museum can people see the wax copies of famous people?

185.Name an English poet and writer who wrote beautiful poems called sonnets.

186.What was the name of the leader of the group the "Beatles"?

187.Who is the head of state in Scotland?

188.When did Queen Elizabeth II ascend the throne? (=became Queen of the United Kingdom)

189.Name a famous national Scottish musical instrument.

189.What’s the name of the London underground

190.What do the letters MP stand for?

191.How many wives Henry VIII had?

192.In England the English live, in Scotland - ……?

193.How many children Shakespeare had?

194.Shakespeare’s wife name was….

195.This famous admiral won the battle of Trafalgar

196.It’s been a fortress, a palace and a zoo. Now it’s a museum

197.What is a double - decker?

Task 7. And the last but one task for you.It is aimed at enriching your knowledge in history, literature and geography of Great Britain. Choose a piece of paper with a number and you’ll get a question.

  1. History

What was the original name of the British capital?



The men who guard the Tower are called…

(the Warders or Beefeaters)

Who built the tower of London?

(William the Conqueror)


The queen whose reign was the longest in the British History.

(Queen Victoria)


What is the surname of the present English Queen?


  1. Geography


What city does the 0 meridian pass through?



How many islands does UK include?

around one thousand islands


Prehistoric monument located in the English county of Wiltshire erected around 2200 BC



Links the UK with France beneath the English Channel

Channel Tunnel ("Chunnel")


What ocean separates Great Britain from the continent?

The Atlantic Ocean


How do the British people call the southern part of Great Britain?

The Lowlands

III. Literarure


Who is the author of the literary treasure "Alice in Wonderland"?

L. Carroll


Where is the Poets'Corner situated?

In Westminster Abbey


Who wrote the story about Winnie-the Pooh and his friends? Alan Milne

Alan Milne


What British writer wrote the novels "Oliver Twist" and "David Copperfield"?

Charles Dickens


What is the name of the old lady the main character of Agatha Christie's detective novels?

Miss Marple


Who is the most popular hero of English ballads?

Robin Hood


Name the famous Shakespeare's play where the main character is a Danish prince.



Who was the national poet of Scotland?

Robert Burns

Итоги.Заключение.Подведение этогов.Рефлексия.Our class is coming to its end/Lets draw the conclusion.What new information have you got today?How do you evaluate your work?

I’d like to finish our class with the video about Scotland and the song Auld Lang Seine.Listen. Watch and enjoy. Auld Lang Syne http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=STqDowSbSTQ

Thank you for your work! Dismissed.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 11 класс

Викторина по теме "Великобритания"

Автор: Павлова Ольга Константиновна

Дата: 10.12.2018

Номер свидетельства: 490089

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