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План-конспект языкового краеведческого урока по теме "Great Britain"

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 Данная разработка урока предназначена для учащихся 10-х классов, которые изучают тему "Великобритания". Она содержит в себе фрагменты текстов страноведческого характера, вопросы викторины и много интересной дополнительной информации об исторических и культурных памятниках Великобритании.

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«План-конспект языкового краеведческого урока по теме "Great Britain"»





(план-конспект языкового краеведческого урока

для учащихся 10-Б класса)

Учитель английского языка:

Щуровская Юлия Анатольевна




(план – конспект краеведческого языкового урока в 10-м классе)

ОБУЧАЮЩАЯ ЦЕЛЬ: ознакомить учащихся с географическим положением, национальними символами Великобритании, ее столицей Лондоном и его историческими и архитектурными памятниками.

РАЗВИВАЮЩАЯ ЦЕЛЬ: развивать у учащихся навыки фонематического аудирования, креативного мышления, письма, говорения при помощи коммуникативного подхода.

ВОСПИТАТЕЛЬНАЯ ЦЕЛЬ: научить учащихся уважать историю, культуру, обычаи и традиции английского народа.

ОБОРУДОВАНИЕ: географическая карта Соединенного Королевства, ноутбук сі гимном Великобритании ”God, save the Queen!”, флаги, цветы, дополнительный текст „Из истории Лондона”, карта Лондона, иллюстрации и видео из интернета с видами Лондона и Великобритании.


TEACHER: Dear friends! Today we’re having a summary lesson devoted to Great Britain. You have already read many texts in your books, had a lot of additional information about this country, it’s main parts, cities, holidays, nature sights and famous people. But before we start speaking about Great Britain let’s listen to the national anthem of this country which is called”God, Save our Gracious Queen”. Why don’t start with the”key facts”?



(Учащиеся подходят к доске и по очереди работают с картой.)

  1. Where is Great Britain situated?

  2. What islands do the British Isles consist of?

  3. What are the four main parts of Great Britain?

  4. What oceans is the country washed by?

  5. What seas is Great Britain washed by?

  6. What are the main rivers of Great Britain?

  7. What are the main lakes of the country?

  8. What climate is in Great Britain?

  9. What are the main natural resources and industries of the country?

  10. What is the population of Great Britain?

(Командная игра – кто лучше всех ответит на эти вопросы.)

  1. The highest mountain (BEN NEVIS)

  2. The longest river (THE SEVERN)

  3. The largest lake (LOCH LOMOND)

  4. The largest part (ENGLAND)

  5. The smallest part (NORTHERN IRELAND)

  6. The largest city (LONDON)

  7. The capital of England (LONDON)

  8. The capital of Wales (CARDIFF)

  9. The capital of Scotland (EDINBURGH)

  10. The capital of Northern Ireland (BELFAST)



Well, we have revised the material about geographical position of the state, its

climate, economy and population. You know that every part of Great Britain has its

own flag, color and flower. Let’s check how you remember it.

  1. The flag of Great Britain is called… (”Union Jack”). It consists of three crosses:

two red and one white and has three colors (red, white and blue).

2. The flag of England is… (white with red cross). The national color of England

is… (white). The national flower of England is… (the red rose).

3. The flag of Scotland is… (blue with yellow cross). The national color of

Scotland is… (blue). The national flower of Scotland is… (the thistle).

4. The flag of Wales is… (white with red cross) and … (a dragon) on it. The national color of Wales is… (red.) The national flowers of Wales are… (the daffodil and the leek).



London is the capital of Great Britain. It stands on the river Thames. London is one

of the oldest and largest cities in the world. Its population is over 11 million people.

London is the biggest political, industrial, scientific and cultural centre of Great Britain. It is divided into four parts: the City, the West End, the East End and Westminster.

The City is the oldest part of London, its financial and business centre. There are many banks and offices there. The West End is the most beautiful part of London. The rich people live there. The best shops, theatres. cinemas, museums, fine parks and squares are in the West End. The East End is an industrial part of London. There are

many plants and factories there. Working people live in the East End. In Westminster you can see London’s places of interest. The most famous of them are: Trafalgar Square, the Houses of Parliament, the Tower of London, and the British Museum, Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace and many others. London is the city of contrasts. The best way to know it is to visit it.


  1. What is the capital of Great Britain?

  2. What river does London stand on?

  3. What is the population of London?

  4. What are four parts of London?

  5. What is the City?

  6. Describe the West End and the East End?

  7. What can you see in Westminster?

  8. What are London’s main places of interest?

  9. Would you like to go to London?

Физкультминутка «Гимнастика по Высоцкому».

Teacher. Thank you, my dear boys and girls. And now I suggest you to read some texts about the history and culture of Great Britain and London. You must listen and look at the screen where there are a lot of pictures with the beautiful monuments, landscapes and marvelous views of London sights.


Now we’ll have an excursion around London. We have great tour guides who will

share the information about the historical places of London. So, let’s start.

PHRASES TO USE: Ladies and gentlemen! I’m … I’m happy to meet you here, at… I’m sure you know that it’s one of the most attractive places in London.


The Tower of London is one of the most ancient buildings in London. It was founded by William the Conqueror in 1078. For many centuries it was a fortress, a palace, a royal treasury, a menagerie and a prison. Now it’s a museum of arms and a place where Crown Jewels and other treasures are kept. There are six ravens in the Tower. They have names, live in their own cages and get money every month. There

is a legend that if ravens leave the Tower, the Tower and then British monarchy will



Westminster Abbey was built in about 1050. It’s a fine Gothic building, famous for

its architecture and historical associations. It’s used for the coronations, royal weddings,

funerals and memorial services of great people. There is the Tomb to the Unknown Soldier who represents all those falling during World War I. There is Poet’s Corner with

the tombs and memorials to a lot of prominent British poets and writers. Many great scientists including Darwin and Newton are buried here.


The Houses of Parliament is the seat of the British Government. It was founded

in 1840 and has two towers: the Clock Tower with the bell Big Ben in it and the

Victoria Tower with the British flag on it. Big Ben is the main clock of Britain. It has four faces and a very big loud bell. The manager of the construction was named Sir Benjamin Hall who was very tall. That’s why people called the Clock Tower Big Ben.


Buckingham Palace is the British monarch’s main residence in London. It was built in 1703 and has 600 rooms. When the flag is on the top of the Palace, it means that the Queen is at home. Every day at 11.30 a.m. you can see the Changing of the Guard.

Once a year on the first or second Saturday of June Londoners celebrate the official birthday of the Queen. On this day the parade (Trooping the Colour) is held. Thousands of Londoners and tourists come there to see Queen’s troops in full dress, the Queen and her family.


Trafalgar Square was laid between 1829-1841 to commemorate the famous victory of Admiral Nelson over the French at Trafalgar. The Nelson column is in the middle of the square. The statue of Admiral Nelson faces the sea he loved. The column is surrounded by four bronze lions. The two beautiful fountains were added later. Now Trafalgar Square is the traditional place for mass meetings.


It was built by Sir Christopher Wren between 1675-1710. It is one of the largest

cathedrals in the world. It took Wren thirty-five years to build it. Major ceremonial functions took place here, among them the funerals of Admiral Nelson, the Duke of Wellington and Sir Winston Churchill, as well as the Silver Jubilee Service for Elizabeth II and the wedding of the Prince of Wales. Sir Christopher Wren, who devoted his life to the creation masterpieces, including this cathedral, is also buried


Подведение итогов урока.

Домашнее задание: читать и пересказывать текст „Лондон”, повторить лексику по теме, подготовиться к словарному диктанту.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

План-конспект языкового краеведческого урока по теме "Great Britain"

Автор: Щуровская Юлия Анатольевна

Дата: 14.01.2021

Номер свидетельства: 570127

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