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Урок в 5 классе "What color is your cat?"

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Form: 5 «b»                                                                                 

               The theme of the lesson: What  color  is  your  cat?

        Aim of the lesson:

1. To  develop pupil’s habits of  speaking, reading and writing.                                        2. The  develop children aesthetics, patriotism, knowledge.                                        3. The  develop conversational English.

          Type: Getting new information, pair work, group  work.

         Visual aids: An interactive board, a book, slides, copy-book.

         Procedure   of   the   lesson.

I.  Motivation:

a. Greeting and everyday talk.       

b. Checking- up the home task.

c. Watch the video.

II. Presentation.

Well, pupils what did you see in the video?


Very well. Today’s our lesson is about color. Let’s begin our lesson. Open your copy-book and write down today’s date. At first write a new words.

New words:

          White- а?                                       Purple- к?лгін

          Brown- ?о?ыр                               Yellow- сары

          Black- ?ара                                    Вlue- к?к

         Green- жасыл                                Оrange- ашы? сары

         Grey- с?р                                       Red- ?ызыл

         Pink- ашы? ?ызыл


  1. Describe yourself.
  2. Work in groups:

а) Make a dialogue

     в) Answer the questions

     с) Talk about your pets

IV. Conclusion of the lesson.

a) Take your home-task. Open your daybooks and write down your  home  task.

Ex. 13. p. 70

в) Commenting  on  marks. Your marks are ….

с) The lesson is over. Good-bye, children.




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«урок в 5 классе "What color is your cat?"»

Form: 5 «b»

The theme of the lesson: What color is your cat?

Aim of the lesson:

1. To develop pupil’s habits of speaking , reading and writing. 2. The develop children aesthetics, patriotism, knowledge. 3. The develop conversational English.

Type: Getting new information, pair work, group work.

Visual aids: An interactive board, a book, slides, copy-book.

Procedure of the lesson.

I. Motivation:

a. Greeting and everyday talk.

b. Checking- up the home task.

c. Watch the video.

II. Presentation.

- Well, pupils what did you see in the video?

- Colors.

Very well. Today’s our lesson is about color. Let’s begin our lesson. Open your copy-book and write down today’s date. At first write a new words.

New words:

White- ақ Purple- күлгін

Brown- қоңыр Yellow- сары

Black- қара Вlue- көк

Green- жасыл Оrange- ашық сары

Grey- сұр Red- қызыл

Pink- ашық қызыл


  1. Describe yourself.

  2. Work in groups:

а) Make a dialogue

в) Answer the questions

с) Talk about your pets

IV . Conclusion of the lesson.

a) Take your home-task. Open your daybooks and write down your home task.

Ex. 13. p. 70

в) Commenting on marks. Your marks are ….

с) The lesson is over. Good-bye, children.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

урок в 5 классе "What color is your cat?"

Автор: Сериккалиева Куралай Тулеуовна

Дата: 15.02.2016

Номер свидетельства: 293602

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